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Prayer request for my oldest son

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As most of you know 3 of my kids were Dx with H1N1(unconfirmed) on Monday and given Tamiflu. Ds11 tried to take the tamiflu but everytime he tried he threw up. This was the only time he has thrown up this whole week, only when given the tamiflu, so I stopped giving it to him. He was the most severe on Monday with his flu, but seemed to be coming back around. Yesterday he was feeling better, not himself, completely but enough to actually eat again. He was still napping during the day but could get up and play, even asked to go outside for a bit(I vetoed that one). Today he woke up back to the same condition as Monday, high fever, achy body, headache, no appetite, exhaustion. Add to that the cough that got progressively worse as the week went on. Today he told me his chest hurts him when he coughs. It is not hurting him all the time just when he coughs. The rest of the time he lays in bed/on the couch alternating between sleeping and whimpering.


I really don't want him ending up with pneumonia. I bought treats for the kids since they can't go out TorT'ing tomorrow. He told me to give his away, because he didn't want any (this is the kid that shouldn't have sugar but seeks it like a drug).


He is so out of character this week. I haven't even needed to give him his ritalin all week because he is so mellow (when not knocked out completely) from this flu. I could really use some prayers for him to get better soon, and not be developing pneumonia.

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Dear Brandy -


I urge you to contact your medical professional tonight. A child which was getting better but is worse again requires urgent re-evaluation.


I quote from the CDC:



There are emergency warning signs. Anyone who has them should get medical care right away.

What are the emergency warning signs?


In children


  • Fast breathing or trouble breathing
  • Bluish skin color
  • Not drinking enough fluids
  • Not waking up or not interacting
  • Being so irritable that the child does not want to be held
  • Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough
  • Fever with a rash



best wishes,

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Please contact a doctor tonight if you can. It does sound like he needs to be seen and have a chest x-ray.


When my now 10 year old had the flu age 4, he acted a lot like your ds - totally not himself. I think it is pretty normal when they feel THAT bad. I just pray that your ds is not coming down with pneumonia. Please get him to a doc asap to make sure. Hugs and prayers!

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Dear Brandy -


I urge you to contact your medical professional tonight. A child which was getting better but is worse again requires urgent re-evaluation.


I quote from the CDC:



There are emergency warning signs. Anyone who has them should get medical care right away.

What are the emergency warning signs?


In children


  • Fast breathing or trouble breathing

  • Bluish skin color

  • Not drinking enough fluids

  • Not waking up or not interacting

  • Being so irritable that the child does not want to be held

  • Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough

  • Fever with a rash




best wishes,



Brandy, I know that you have your hands full there with it just being you and the kids, but I'd second Hornblower's advice ---- can you take him in somewhere? Many of the scenarios with very bad outcomes that I've read have involved kids who seemed to be coming around & getting better but then suddenly got sick again. He might be fine, but a sudden worsening of symptoms like that, after appearing to be getting better, is definitely worrisome.


And I'm praying for him ~ and for all of you. :grouphug:

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Dear Brandy -


I urge you to contact your medical professional tonight. A child which was getting better but is worse again requires urgent re-evaluation.


I quote from the CDC:



There are emergency warning signs. Anyone who has them should get medical care right away.

What are the emergency warning signs?



In children


  • Fast breathing or trouble breathing

  • Bluish skin color

  • Not drinking enough fluids

  • Not waking up or not interacting

  • Being so irritable that the child does not want to be held

  • Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough

  • Fever with a rash



best wishes,



Hi, Brandy: Prayers coming your way, but please have him seen asap. Please let us know what happens!

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We're dealing with pneumonia/double ear infection and possible bronchitis from the flu for my 3 year old. We had a tough time telling the difference between the two. He started to look worse than he had at the height of the flu and his cough got really bad. In addition, his fever started going back up again, but not as high as it was during the worst of the flu. Ds3 had the flu for a week before he started getting symptoms of the bacterial infection.


Antibioitics and several days rest have made a nice improvement. The doc said it could be a couple of weeks before his cough gets better.


I just wanted to share our experience. If you suspect that he might have worsening or even differing symptoms go ahead and take him in.

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Thank you ladies. I didn't know that was a reason to take him in according to the cdc. I am on hold with health link to see if they think he should go in tonight or if we can wait until tomorrow morning (it is bedtime for the littles so if it can wait I would prefer that). I hate this, my kids very very rarely get sick, so to see him having such a rough time with it really sucks.

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This virus can be really nasty. My friend's son has been up and down for almost 3 weeks. This is his first year in public school, he's doing some sports and stuff, WHEN he can get there! We got the first part of the vaccine, adn go back in about 3 weeks for the 2nd part. I just hope we can stay healthy. With OR without the vaccine.

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Stupid health link. Up until tonight I have had good experiences with them, tonight I got an idiot of a nurse when they finally answered (sat on hold for 30 minutes). I told her he had H1N1 and that we had seen our ped on Monday. That he had been getting better then relapsed today. So she did an assessment, and says "yup, sounds like flu, be sure to check the alberta health webpage." Umm, DUH! I told you it was flu, all I wanted to know is should have him seen tonight or can it wait tomorrow due to the relapse. She says " oh, that, don't worry about that, just make sure he gets immunized once feeling better". OMG I wanted to reach through the phone and smack her upside the head. So tonight he is sleeping in my bed so I can keep a closer eye on him. Tomorrow morning if he is still like this we will head for the clinic to get checked in person. He and the littles are currently asleep. I am about to go talk to my neighbor about watching the 3 other kids if he takes a turn for the worst tonight so that I can take him in, but for now will let all the kids sleep.

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I am so sorry! I had a nurse call me after surgery and tell me my symptoms could not be a pulmonary embolism and guess what... If you keep him home be sure you get him up and give him fluids. Would your wait be shorter tonight?


No likely not. The clinic close to me usually has a 3-4 hour wait time. If we wait until tomorrow I can take him to the clinic my gp works out of and get him in within 20-30 minutes. I don't want to make him wait a long time around other sick people and have him catch something else. If he gets worse tonight I will take him to the ER instead of the walk in clinic.

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Your son's illness is a twin to my 16 yo. She had the exact same thing this week. She got better, the WHAM, she got worse again. She ended up with a double ear infection and bordelrine Pneumonia. It is now day 8 and she is still coughing like crazy, and her ears are still clogged.


I called pedi and they took her in ASAP. And sent her immediately for a chest X-Ray EVEN THOUGH her breath sounds sounded good. BUT he oxygen stats were low(she did not have any bluish tinge at all), and they immediately gave her a nebulizer treatment and off to the Hospital for chest X-ray


Please take him in if he is not better.


Praying for him to feel bett soon.

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Praying for him...also agreeing you should get him a chest x-ray. My dh started out with the flu, cough, fever. The fever laster for a few days to a week but his cough progressively grew worse. Finally after 2 weeks, he went to the dr. who did a chest x-ray and lo and behold...pneumonia. H1n1 seems to morph very quickly into pneumonia in some people. Antibiotics have really helped my dh, although he still has a lingering cough. I'll be praying for your son but go see the dr!

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He is still asleep right now(actually 3 of the kids are). We had a rough night last night though not because of him. The bed was very full because dd2 co-sleeps every night, then I had ds11 in there. But then ds6 was feeling scared to be alone in his room so he climbed in. I only have a queen, it was very squishy. DD2 did not like it one bit and when she wasn't nursing(which she did for 5 hours straight at one point-ouch), she was screaming and kicking that the boys were in her spot and taking her mommy.


His fever seems to be gone again this morning, he is clammy to the touch but not hot, hopefully this is it for the fever. He was coughing in the night but no more than the 2 of the other kids. I don't know if he is still feeling chest pains etc today because he is still sleeping. Once he is up I will be able to better assess how he is and what our next step will be.

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Update: He has been up and about for a couple hours now. His fever has not returned, and over all he is feeling much better. He is still tired and coughing but is eating again, and happy, and no more complaints of chest pains or body aches. Right now all 4 kids are watching a movie so I can do some housework, then they are going to take a nap. I swear this kid loves to send my heart racing with fright every chance he can, even if its because of illness. Here's hoping that yesterday was the flu having one last fight to gain footing before his body stamps it out completely.

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Can you get him in for a chest xray? I would seriously consider it at this point. H1N1 has been doing some rather questionable things to lungs. Please consider taking him back in. :grouphug:


:iagree: My 10yo had the same symptoms after 10 days so I took her in for a chest xray. Lungs, however were clear which was a relief. She is now on the mend, but still sick enough to be confined to the couch with books while everyone else headed to a performance of Phantom of the Opera. She didn't even complain. This is day 15 of the illness :glare:



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Update: He has been up and about for a couple hours now. His fever has not returned, and over all he is feeling much better. He is still tired and coughing but is eating again, and happy, and no more complaints of chest pains or body aches. Right now all 4 kids are watching a movie so I can do some housework, then they are going to take a nap. I swear this kid loves to send my heart racing with fright every chance he can, even if its because of illness. Here's hoping that yesterday was the flu having one last fight to gain footing before his body stamps it out completely.


I just read this post. Glad to hear he's doing better. In the case of my 10yo, she didn't even have the worst symptoms, but they are hanging in there longer. The thing seems to run its course in a very individualized manner.



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Sending more prayers for his quick recovery and your strength. :grouphug:


Don't forget the good old home remedies: steamy baths with the windows and doors closed and a few drops of eucalyptus oil, oregano oil in food and in oil on feet, and ginger turmeric tea, raw garlic and onions (onions are especially good for the lungs), gargling salt water, lemon and honey.

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