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Do you ever?

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Read over a post you wrote previously and cringe? At the time the post made perfect sense and you know what was meant but then later, you re-read it and realize how it would sound from different perspectives? Especially if someone took it the wrong way.


I am guilty of this a lot. I type and click send and then my brain catches up and goes...Doh. That was stupid.


I think you can tell so much from a person when you are actually talking to them. You can get what they mean and how they feel. That it is so hard to do on the internet.


I think we need an audio function. It would clear up so much.


So, until that is available I am going to sit on my hands for one minute before I click send. Maybe that will help keep my foot out of my mouth. :lol:

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Oh yeah. Because, what I want to say sounds so clear in my head....but obviously it doesn't always translate in the written word. If I could just "talk" to people, it usually helps. Usually.


But, sometimes people hear what they want to hear and no amount of recanting on your part will help. And, some people just like to argue or tear your words apart.


I was thrown out of our homeschool group because of a written email and the leaders in charge refused to actually speak to either my dh or myself.....and yes, of course they took what I said the wrong way....but because they refused to speak with us we had no way to clear up the issue.


I don't worry about it so much on here because...this is just 'for fun'. I gather information and stick my opinion in here and there, but I don't try to tear people down. I do, however, feel very sorry for those whom I understand what they are saying and others keep hacking away at them.


While the computer world is fun, it should not EVER be our only means of communicating or forming judgments about others.

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Oh yeah. Mostly I'm horrified by my grammar and spelling mistakes because I sometimes type what's in my head in the heat of the moment and forget to quadruple check before hitting submit, looking only for content. But when my grammar is so off, and I reread the sentences, my intent is so unclear, even to me sometimes!

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Yeah, but unfortunately, I'm worse in person. I say the WRONG thing, or I keep my mouth shut. Which comes across WRONG.


I was at a ladies' retreat recently (the worst poss environment for me, lol), & we were assigned tables to sit at & answer questions about a Bible verse together. It was one of those really easy, inane tasks that's supposed to encourage conversation. Everyone else at the table seemed able to manage that, talking about the list of things the vs said we should do.


I filled out my ws silently, w/ no idea what to say, knowing full well I looked like a snob while I did it but having no idea how to fix it & wanting to just go crawl in a hole.


So when they asked us which one we struggled to obey, & everyone said what I knew we'd all say--have patience w/ others--I finally piped up:


"Come on! Isn't anyone going to admit to despising prophecy?" I mean, it was a room full of Baptists.


That's when I got the familiar wide-eyed, "Oh my gosh you have 3 green heads" look. I'm good at that.


Should have stuck w/ keeping my mouth shut. :001_huh: :lol:

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All the time!!! Especially on my Facebook status! My friends must think I'm an idiot and ruining my child by homeschooling, since I can't put a thought together.


I should re-read this about 5 times, but I'm in hurry this morning and should be getting off the computer, so excuse me if doesn't make sense! lol

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