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Book A Week in 2009 *Week 43 Book 44 *

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Today is the start of Week 43 in the quest to read 52 books in 52 weeks and starting book # 44. Guess what? The count down - We have 9 weeks left.



Only 9 weeks left to 2009. Where has the year gone? I'll be cutting back a bit (cutting back, not stopping - I can't stop reading) on my reading during November, because I'll be busy writing. National Novel Writing Month starts on November 1st. Fly by the seat of your pants, write 50,000 words in 30 days. It's an amazing challenge. Join me and be my writing buddy. I'm mytwoblessings on the challenge sight. We also have a social group started by Elegantlion. Be sure to check it out.


So, what are you reading this week?

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I'm on book 40-something. I'm reading The Speed of Dark by Elizabeth Moon for book club. I'm not far into it, but it's intriguing. It takes place in the future when Autism in curable/treatable before or shortly after birth. There is sort of this lost generation of people who were born before treatment became available. Now there is a new, experimental treatment available, and the protagonist and some of his friends need to decide if they will go through with it or not. Will they give up more than they gain, or gain more than they give up? It's very interesting so far, and it's helping me see some of my son's issues (not autistic, but sensory processing disorder) from his perspective.

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Here's my latest:


#50 - Wuthering Heights, by Emily Bronte (commented on this on the WH thread)

#51 - Might As Well Laugh About It Now, by Marie Osmond (light, funny, upbeat - maybe TOO upbeat . . .)


Currently reading #52 - At the Scent of Water, by Linda Nichols.

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I'm reading Catapult: Harry and I Build a Siege Weapon by Jim Paul. It is by a journalist who got a grant to build a catapult so he could hurl rocks off the Marin Headlands north of San Francisco, except the National Parks Service doesn't allow weapons on their property, so it had to be a performance art project!


It is wondeful, whimsical and fascinating, and true!

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Today is the start of Week 43 in the quest to read 52 books in 52 weeks and starting book # 44. Guess what? The count down - We have 9 weeks left.



Only 9 weeks left to 2009. Where has the year gone? I'll be cutting back a bit (cutting back, not stopping - I can't stop reading) on my reading during November, because I'll be busy writing. National Novel Writing Month starts on November 1st. Fly by the seat of your pants, write 50,000 words in 30 days. It's an amazing challenge. Join me and be my writing buddy. I'm mytwoblessings on the challenge sight. We also have a social group started by Elegantlion. Be sure to check it out.


So, what are you reading this week?

Oh, I might try that. I have no idea if I'll manage 50,000 words, but it's worth a shot.

Hmm, I wonder if I can fit that in between taking care of 2 kids under 3, 2 dogs, my college class, and taking care of my husband :001_huh:

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I'm reading Catapult: Harry and I Build a Siege Weapon by Jim Paul. It is by a journalist who got a grant to build a catapult so he could hurl rocks off the Marin Headlands north of San Francisco, except the National Parks Service doesn't allow weapons on their property, so it had to be a performance art project!


That does sound like a neat book.


As for my reading....


I'm still working on Marco Polo: From Venice to Xanadu. It has taken me awhile because I haven't had as much time to read lately; plus, it's not really a book you can zoom through.


It is fascinating & is as much a biography of Kublai Khan & a history of Asia during that time period as it is a biography of Marco Polo.


Next up: The Shadow of the Wind

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Oh, I might try that. I have no idea if I'll manage 50,000 words, but it's worth a shot.

Hmm, I wonder if I can fit that in between taking care of 2 kids under 3, 2 dogs, my college class, and taking care of my husband :001_huh:


I manage to do it between my class, homeschooling, working two days at week at our business, keeping up with the house and hubby. Just have to get up a couple hours earlier than everyone. Jump in and get your feet wet - see how it goes.

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Hi Robin,


I sent a PM about being a writing buddy.





I added you as writing buddy on nano site. There are two or three folks from here on my buddy list you can add as well. Check out social group here nanowrimo that elegantlion started and join in the fun discussions and cheering every body on. If you haven't already. I haven't checked lately.

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I haven't posted in ages, cuz I knew I wasn't going to make 52 books. Regardless, this challenge has helped me read more books this year than I have in the past, mostly kid's books but that's okay.


This week I read Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and The Dead Fathers Club (NPR review - modern Hamlet). I guess I'm in a Halloween mood. :)


edit: I'm now reading Dracula. The Halloween theme continues.

Edited by PollyOR
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Running list:

The Bell at Sealey Head

Alphabet of Thorn

Od Magic

In the Forests of Serre

Coffe, Tea, and Me

The Tower at Stony Wood

Music of the Dolphin

My Blue Castle

The Eye of the Heron

Fools Run

Learning to Bow

Mansfield Park

What Shamu Taught Me About Love and Marriage

A Wind in Cairo

Silver Pigs

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

The Chosen

Dealing with Dragons

Don't Shoot the Dog

The Chosen


Going Solo

Gaudy Night

Wild Magic

Sheiks and Adders

(and all our Berenstein Bear books)

a Dolciani algebra book

Busman's Honeymoon

The Fairy Reel

The Mysterious Comission

Double Contact

Honeybath's Haven

The second and third in the Wild Magic series (can't remember their titles)

The Accusers

Scandal Takes a Holiday


and one other Lindsey Davis whose name I can't

Lady Susan


Sense and Sensibility

Money from Holme

Traders World


And now:

The Householder - an old favourite


the ChucK language manual - which I enjoyed very much but would have enjoyed more if I hadn't been forced to gobble it down in a hurry


The first half of Waiting for Godot, which I am actually appreciating this time around


Gilgamesh - Historically, this is cool. As literature, I liked it - nice poetic bits and a story that applies even today. I thought the people's solution to the problem of a running amok, too powerful, teenage king was clever and realistic. Looked at just from my own personal point of view, I did not like this book. Many animal lives lost. Poor Enkidu is tricked into getting kicked out of his herd. Then he has to go and destroy the guy that guarded the cedars, causing a further rift with his animal family. Many tree lives lost. And inexplicably, the people somehow thought that it would appease the gods who were upset about the killing of the trees to kill the best one of them all. It was tragic. I didn't like Gilgamesh at all. He is too stupidly male. I thought his mother had the right idea. Guess I am female LOL. It was interesting to contrast this story with The Householder, which is another growing-up story.


And bits of our latest cool discovery - Le Petit Larousse Illustre 2008 (which I won't be listing in the running list LOL). This turned out to be well worth buying, but the fact that it is illustre makes looking anything up a slow proces..



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I finally caught my list up, but I postdated it on my blog and it won't show until Tuesday morning. Whew! I'm at book #40 and catching up. I can't access my library records to see if there is more that I'm missing.


I have LOVED this and can't believe the end is only 12 books away.


We're doing it next year, right? ;)

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