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what to do . . . what to do . . . ?

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My girl gets a movie on Saturday and/or Sunday. It's a family movie but we usually get something that everyone will like but is mostly geard for her.


Last week she got her wee self grounded from movie night for a month.


So, all along I have planned for her to see a six-part PBS documentary at the end of this history unit. She should finish the unit today or tomorrow.


I just can't decide about having her see the documentary. On one hand, grounded is grounded and that's the end of it. However, it is pertinate to the topic at hand and it's a documentary. She likes them okay but isn't nuts about them. She'll sit through it and like it well enough but not be crazy about it and doesn't ask for them . . . in fact, given her druthers, she just wouldn't pick one.


I want her to see it but I dont' want this punnishment to lose meaning. I don't know about the rest of you but in our case, sometimes "logical consequences" aren't all that logical and punishments can sometimes seem strangely abstract. This just happens to be a case in which the punishment logically fits the crime. She lied about finishing her homework so she could watch a movie. So, no movies for a month.


So, what do you think? The documentary series or no?

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Is the documentary on TV and so it is limited in its opportunity? If so can you video tape it or DVR it? Is the documentary available online or at the library (ours has a lot of the PBS and History Channel documentaries).


If you can only watch it now...watch it now, make sure she understands that it is for school and that the grounding is still in effect for the other videos.


If you can watch it whenever, I would play it during the day to further emphasis the point that it is school based viewing or delay the viewing until the grounding is over. I also would keep it school based and not turn it into a comfy cozy movie atmosphere. No snacks, no treats. And depending on her age, I would have her take notes or answer some questions while she watches it to keep it 'school like'.

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