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I'm new here today! Love this forum. Question for you all.


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I love this forum so far! I have been homeschooling for a about 3 1/2 years now off and on. I have been all over the map; from unschooling to structured teaching. Now we have found a good middle ground and LOVE it!


My question:

I have a 12 year old son (who was a premie). He is very intelligent, but struggles with spelling A LOT. I was thinking about getting Spelling Power for him (and to use with my other boys) but I was reading on here about the All About Spelling and the Megawords (i think that's what they're called) and now I don't know what to get.

I think if he understood how/why words are spelled the way they are, he would do better. What are your recommendations??

Thanks in advance :)

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Welcome to the WTM forum!


I love All About Spelling. It really is more about how spelling words than lists of words. My oldest was spelling at a 7th grade level when we started, and she flew through the first level, but in the 2nd level there has been new syllable work she didn't know. In level 3 there is even more new material. Now the words have all been very easy to spell for her because she does spell so well, but the why and the processes for thinking about how to spell is often new, so she focuses on the why/processes and goes through the lists very quickly.



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Welcome! Let me add to your confusion :).


My 12 year old is experiencing a spelling miracle, all due to Apples and Pears. (Link Here for samples). You can also search this board if you want to hear more about it. We love it because it does not look "young" so he does not even realize he is using a lower level book, it is absolutely "open and go" for me, it only take about 15 minutes a day, is a very easy format, and it *works*. I have rarely been so positive about a program, but this one is fabulous!

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Spelling Power just didn't work for us because it only has words. No instruction, just a huge book of words :) to spell.


Anyway, I am using Spelling Wisdom for now which is copywork because we don't have the money to shell out for a new spelling program. Spelling Wisdom doesn't have spelling instruction either. So it can't be too terrible to not have a program. Supposedly children can learn by imitation. I'm not sure I agree with that idea just yet but I'm trying it because it was usable with multiple children in our family and the sayings were worthwhile. AND we needed a source for copywork. They do 3 lessons per week as copywork M- TH and use the same quotes as a test on Fri.


All that to say, we aren't using Spelling Power :)


If I had the money, I'd buy AAS, even if it is a bit of review.


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I am using AAS with my 13yo son who also struggles with spelling. It is perfect for him. We started in level 1 last spring and are now starting level 3.


I would not use Spelling Power with a struggling speller. I use it with my natural speller so that he only has to practice the words he doesn't know, but using it with my 13yo would be a total disaster.

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Hi! I am using AAS with my 13 yo. I love it...it is very well organized, so easy to use...we have flown through Level 1 and are in Level 2 now. It's going great. We have recently added Megawords. I don't have as much experience with that one...at least I have gone through one level of AAS. But, I don't have the advantage of having used several of the levels of AAS yet, but we're working on it. :D

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Welcome! You are going to love it here!


I have a 13 year old who also struggles with spelling. We are using Spelling Through Morphographs and Megawords. I am new to hs, so I can't tell you if it's making a difference yet! :lol:


Looking forward to getting to know you.

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I think if he understood how/why words are spelled the way they are, he would do better. What are your recommendations??

Thanks in advance :)


I think that's why AAS has been so effective for my kids (10 & 12). I blogged about how it's helped us. My oldest (son) says it's the most effective thing we've used & not to stop. I love that it's incremental & presents everything in learnable chunks.


Hope you find what will work for you! Merry :-)

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Just to confuse you more, we are trying espindle.org based on recommendations from this forum, and we all really like it. No rules, just practice, but it works.


We are still on the free 10 day trial period, but as of now, I plan on signing up.



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I've used both, and I highly recommend All About Spelling. Spelling Power did nothing to help my kids' spelling. It doesn't teach when to use which phonogram, and it doesn't teach all the spelling rules. AAS is expensive when you buy all the levels, but it's worth it, IMO.

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Do you have to do the magnets and stickers. Not sure my 12 yo will like it. He may think it's too childish :) Can I just buy the Teacher's manual and student kit? And do start with level 1?


Thanks again!


My two cents. You don't need to use the tiles. When I used it for my 10 year old, we just used a white board and different colored markers with the same effect. ;)

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Do you have to do the magnets and stickers. Not sure my 12 yo will like it. He may think it's too childish :) Can I just buy the Teacher's manual and student kit? And do start with level 1?


Thanks again!


We don't use any stickers-do you mean on the progress charts? You can skip those entirely. My oldest still wants her completed chart through. ;) (We don't mark it as we go.)


I do recommend the tiles if anyone in the family is a visual learner. It really helps you to "see" concepts. You don't have to use them for spelling at all. My younger two use them for spelling, and my older two do not. Nor do you need the magnets or white board. That is more easy storage so you don't have to get them ready (alphabetize them) to use them.


Usually when you buy a level it comes with a student kit, so unless you have an extra student just order level 1 and you are good to go!



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