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Tourette Syndrome-I need advice from moms with special needs kids

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I'm wondering if anyone is dealing with Tourettes at home? My husband and I are realizing that our 8yo daughter may have it. My 10 yo has had it for a few years now, my husband since he was 8.


I went to a major website on TS to see what they had to say about TS and education, the person said they "very rarely advocate for long term home instruction". So..here I am, glad to have a this place to at least try to find some good advice on home schooling kids with special needs.


Basically I'm wondering how you teach when the tics are bad, do you keep the pressure low, or do you have full and rigorous days anyways? I'm always adjusting our days, by reading both girls, and seeing how they're doing moment to moment. I'm worried that I'm starting to go to easy on them because I feel so bad about what they're going through.


How hard do you push your child if they have these type of problems?


Today I could barely read out loud because my 8 yo is have such loud and constant tics. I'm so so sad today. I know we'll adjust to my little one having tics, just like we have with my 10yo. But it physically hurts me to see her this way, and even though we've talked about it, I can see she is confused and exhausted.


Lastly, I was hoping for some advice on natural supplements, remedies, and techniques to help with her symptoms. They are mostly sleep issues, falling asleep & sleeping through the night (for the last month or two she wonders into my room or the hall to build a little bed to sleep in). There is muscle pain and twitches, anxiety, and I would love to find a way for her to relax her eyes when they push or twitch.

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My ds (he'll be 17 in two weeks) has Tourette's. When he was younger, I would make adjustments when he tics were at their worst.


Now that he's a teen and has goals for what he wants to accomplish academically, I let him decide how hard he wants to push.


Truthfully, I don't think it's affected our homeschooling at all. And, homeschooling has been so much better than when he was in school. We could manage the stress and he didn't get made fun of at school.


I wanted to add (and this may be somewhat controversial) but our biggest help for his tics has come in the form of chiropractic care. We have found a huge link between his tics and his sacrum being off. When he is adjusted, we see great improvement in his tics.


:grouphug: to you as you find the balance.

Edited by CAMom
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I went to a major website on TS to see what they had to say about TS and education, the person said they "very rarely advocate for long term home instruction".

Was there any information offered to explain this stance?

I don't know a huge lot about Tourettes, but for most special needs children they are far more likely to have an optimal learning environment in a small group (eg their family) with a teacher who knows them extremely well (eg their mom). Heck, for any kid who is not Mr/Miss Average, it's a lucky dip as to whether the teacher and the program in school will be suitable. I'd want pretty strong evidence before I'd consider giving up your home schooling goals.

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I don't have much advice about homeschooling with tourretts, just understanding as I have it myself.

I have read quite a bit and I remember an article that talked about how kids would be trying so hard at school to rein in their tics that they couldn't focus on much else - brain was already busy and learning was diminished. The advice was to tell the child NOT to try to limit tics....just let them come....but.....what child would follow through with that if his/ her tics were embarrassing? These children would then come home and tic like mad. I know that when I am in public, I try hard not to tic and then when I get home I'll have a tic fest. It's just the way it goes. So...my thoughts are that homeschooling would be GREAT for a kid with tourrettes. But, as to how to adjust for when tics are bad...I don't know, for me, I don't think it would have been necessary, but then I don't have much in the way of vocal tics at all.

My DD8 is still within the age of onset (mine started when I was 8) and I am constantly watching her face - the location of my first tics. She looks the most like me and I wonder every day...will she? My older three do not have tourrettes but my DS22 has ADD and anxiety disorders that may be OCD as well as depression. I often think I wish he just got the tourrettes instead of all that.


Good luck and God bless

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Our ds10 has Tourettes ~ but our situation is very different than yours because our son also has other disabilities, two of those being blindness and autism. Those are the ones that I take more into consideration when teaching - his tics are just *there* and I don't find that I need to adjust anything for them...I do, however, have to adjust/adapt/etc for his lack of sight and autistic way of interpreting & interacting with the world around him. Make sense?:)


Whatever site you were reading - they're full of it. Kids with special needs can thrive in a homeschooling situation. :D

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I wanted to add (and this may be somewhat controversial) but our biggest help for his tics has come in the form of chiropractic care. We have found a huge link between his tics and his sacrum being off. When he is adjusted, we see great improvement in his tics.



It's interesting that you should say that because all of this started about 3 months ago with her having daily pain and cracking in her upper neck area. We thought it was delayed pain from a bad fall last spring. She gets daily massages, which seems to help, but she is really out of place.

I only recently realized how controversial chiropractic care is (for both kids and adults). My husband and I see acupuncturists with good results, eventually we will probably give that a try.

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Helena, I have no advice to give you. But I do want to offer a virtual hug to you and your husband :grouphug:



Thank you Bill

we actually needed that :).

It feels a little lonely in the house, I think everyone is separately trying to understand these new changes. The onset is so aggressive this time, there is no getting away from these constant, loud, vocal tics. Everyone is a little sad and crabby today.

Thank goodness for hugs...and Harry Potter books on CD

Edited by helena
how funny, I wrote Happy instead of Harry
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We thought my son might have tics (still think that but it comes and goes so we'll see as he gets older). I looked into habit reversal training and still think I'll try to do that should his tics start to interfere in a major way.


I can't imagine that schooling at home wouldn't be better for most kids with Tourette's. I know it's easier for my special needs child.

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a virtual hug for you and your dd, ds and dh.


I don't know whether you will find this website helpful, overwhelming, or some of each, but you will find a wealth of information here.


I should caution you that you will find CC on this website - I don't wish to cause offence.


The author of the website experienced tics in his childhood and adolescent years, and is entirely free of them now, from everything I have observed.


He has been helped by the resources listed on his website, and might be able to help you find resources in your area if that would be of interest to you.


He is both a personal friend, and a respected professional colleague of mine.

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Lack of B6 and tics, food allergies, behaviors...

The following addresses TS/OCD/ADD. The diagnosis would lie

in the degree of vitamin B6 dependency/deficiency, and how long

the person has been in this state. Carl Hansen, Jr. M.D. of

Minneapolis describes celiac disease in several of his TS patients.

This could be a pathway to vitamin B6 deficiency via malabsorption.

Streptococcal infections have also been associated with TS. This

could be a combination of the hyaluronidase's (an enzyme produced

by the hemolytic strep that depolymerizes the ground substance of

tissue) or streptokinase's actions on the blood brain barrier, the

drain of vitamin B6 from the bacteria's own useage, the body's

requirement of B6 for immunity, and the antibiotic's B6 antagonistic

properties. A pre-exising B6 dependency/deficiency could be uncovered.





I have my Bachelor's degree in Biology, specializing in Medical

Technology, and in graduate school, I took graduate courses in

biochemistry. I work as a medical technologist performing and

verifying clinical laboratory tests in Chemistry, Hematology and

Blood Bank at Mt.Carmel East Medical Center in Columbus, Ohio.

I do not have TS but my son, Jason (13 yrs old) has TS with OCD.

ADD has not been formally diagnosed, although he has problems

with organization, distractibility, and the ability to switch gears.

My son has had allergies since he was a baby. He

is sensitive to red dye #40 with tired splitting headaches which

make him scream until he is exhausted and sleeps. This, of course,

hasn't happened in several years since he has avoided the dye.

He also is allergic to sulfa, molds, dust, grass, trees, and most airborn

allergens. He has been on the vitamins below for 1.5 months and the

teachers have said that he is a different kid. Medications that he had been

on made him progressively worse, and so we made a personal decision

to discontinue meds altogether. He now is motivated in school,

concentrates and finishes his work, and is less disruptive with his tics in class. At home he still has his tics and compulsions, but they are shorter lived

and occur less often. He has had a set back this week due to a new

semester with a new schedule, plus a very moldy, rainy few days. We

gave him a little extra calcium-magnesium and one extra vitamin B3.

He said that this gave him relief from his symptoms (he has never

said this before with anything else).


I solidified my theory on the premise that Jason is probably mildly vitamin B6 dependent. He was either born requiring high amounts of B6, and/or B6 antagonists attacked early in his first year of life. B6 antagonists are hydrazines (plant growth regulators, tartrazine, etc), DOPA found in certain beans, penicillinamine, antioxidants in petroleum, many drugs including penicillin, erythromycin, phenobarbital, tetracycline, corticosteroids, sulfamethoxazole, etc. Amino acids began building up in his system, from decreased transamination, etc.


Serotonin became decreased from tryptophan not being able to be utilized. Allergies developed (which is in association with low B6), I believe allergy produces swings in histamine levels which causes a constant fluctuation in neurotransmitters capable of producing mood swings and rages. The conservation of vitamin B6 (when not abundantly

available) causes it to be used by the prevailing neurotransmitter system at any given time, leaving other neurotransmitter systems less than optimally functional. Histamine receptors have been found to trigger dopamine receptors directly. Histamine is also a neurotransmitter affected by deficient vitamin B6. Its receptor sites are probably increased to compensate. Kinins released into the body's tissues in response to immune complexes can damage the blood brain barrier, thus altering the sensitivity of brain cells to acetylcholine, serotonin, dopamine, histamine, epineprine and norepineprine.


I found that L-dopa doesn't readily form dopamine in B6 deficiency, so probably dopamine is reduced causing an increase in dopamine receptor sites along with an increase the norepinephrine and epinephrine (which are formed from dopamine) receptors sites. These increased receptor sites make the nerves more excitable and

false transmitters or true neurotransmitters can set them off with explosive qualities. These false transmitters can be phenolic substances, such as food additives, drugs, etc.


(The rest of the article will be posted as a follow up.)

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The enzyme, phenol sulfotransferase (PST), detoxifies and eliminates phenolics (drugs, food additives, serotonin, dopamine (to name a few). In the brain, sulfation is used while glucuronidation prevails elsewhere. Cysteine requires B6 to enzymatically release sulfur for sulfation of these phenols by PST. Considering this, the neurotransmitters would would be conserved to a certain extent (their sulfation and elimination would be slowed down). ADD may happen when these false transmitters create background "noise", and if there is a real message to get through

via other neurons, it is masked. When a true message is fired, it may have too strong of a signal, creating a strong impulsion, which can lead to the development of a tic or compulsion if the impulsion is acted upon and repeated creating a sort of conditioned reflex network of nerves. Mental, motor, and vocal tics can develop this way.


According to my_ Biochemistry_ by Lehninger textbook from my graduate student in Biology days, tryptophan is broken down in Vitamin B3 deficiency to make nicotinic acid. Tryptophan is found in meat and is plentiful, if you are a meat eater. Tryptophan is the precursor for serotonin. I also looked up Vitamin B3 and

how it could be connected to the issues of allergy and serotonin defiency in the brain. I found that Vitamin B3 is used to make NAD, NADP, which are coenzymes used in making histamine and serotonin (to name a few), and are essential in

oxidative-reductive cellular metabolism. The B3 is needed due to tryptophan's inability to be broken down to nicotinic acid without adequate B6.


So, if Vitamins B3 and B6 are being used for histamine production, then serotonin production suffers. Tryptophan then must be used in a higher frequency to make nicotinic acid. In Vitamin B6 deficiency, this cannot happen, because the enzyme kynurinase, that catalyzes the cleavage of 3 hydroxykynurine (an intermediate in tryptophan catabolism), contains pyridoxal phosphate (an active coenzyme form of Vitamin B6).


In Vitamin B6 deficiency, large amounts of L-kynurenine are excreted in the urine, because of its high plasma levels. This is described in "Elevated plasma kynurenine in Tourette syndrome", _Molecular & Chemical Neuropathology_21(1): 55-60,1994 Jan. Kynurenine itself is metabolised to other substances, several of which are known to have effects on neurones. (per a research study done at University College

London Medical School Harlow, England by Sheila L. Handley, BPharm, Ph.D. 1994) Large amounts of tryptophan which is broken down to ineffectively try to produce nicotinic acid reduces the amount of serotonin produced. Ineffective tryptophan utilization also uses alot of oxygen with tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase.


Low serotonin levels could cause obsessive compulsive behaviour, depression, and other mood related disorders. B6 is also required for the decarboxylase step of

serotonin, histamine, and catecholamine pathways in the brain. In low B6, conservation takes place, so that B6 is used for fewer enzymes. When allergy strikes, the production of histamine causes a further imbalance of neurotransmitters, causing serotonin and/or catecholamine production to be further depleted.


Sherry A Rogers, M.D., a specialist in environmental medicine, reports that all of the TS cases she has seen have a least one nutrient deficiency, and usually several. And she notes that all of these patients have hidden mold, dust, chemical and food

sensitivities. ("Tourette Syndrome", _Health Counselor_, Vol.7, No.4)


Acetylcholine is produced by acetyl CoA and choline. The choline is supplied through lecithin in Jason's supplements. In vitamin B6 deficiency, acetyl CoA would be made by fatty acid oxidation. So acetycholine could be functional with an adequate supply of fatty acids (evening primrose oil or flax oil might be useful).


Acetylcholine could be in shorter supply in the parasympathetic system (relaxation) due to overuse in the sympathetic system where norepinephrine usually rules. The parasympathetic nervous system would need to have more acetylcholine in TS and associated disorders, it seems. Relaxation through the parasympathetic nervous system (which uses acetylcholine), where the heart rate is slowed, the blood pressure is

lowered, the food is digested well, etc. is difficult in TS.


Acetylcholine is probably overactive in the sympathetic autonomic nervous system, trying to stimulate the low supply of catecholamines, which would be decreased due to B6 deficiency/dependency. The receptors sites for catecholamines would be hyperexcitable and increased in number. The net usage of catecholamines could

be normal to decreased due to increased stimulation by acetylcholine, depending on the availability of B6 in the body, and the conservation by low sulfation by PST.


Conditions of emotional stress are known to produce more ticcing in TS. In short term stress, norepineprine, dopamine, and epineprine should be able to be produced by the conservation tactics of the body, but in long term stress, these would be exhausted, especially when another B6 dependent system is triggered. Likewise, the same would happen when histamine and serotonin are produced in short term and long term allergy. But as you might expect, the short term conditions would be explosive events with all of those increased receptor sites!


Acetylcholine is also involved in the contraction of voluntary muscle cells and many other motor nerves, which are in heavy use in TS. Many people with TS are helped by

exercise, where cardiac output and increased body temperature over a period of time inhibit the sympathetic nervous system. It may also help to clear toxic waste, such as kynurenine.


Adequate water intake would be required to catabolize acetylcholine by cholinesterase. In my opinion acetylcholine is needed in B6 deficiency/dependency to run the nervous system. Fatty acids are essential to its success in this situation. Fatty acids require NADPH2, and NADH2 for their synthesis, and thus Vitamin B3. Water is also an utmost requirement in keeping acetylcholine from becoming a continuous firecracker. Jason has a water bottle close by most times and

drinks tons of water. Water has always calmed him down. It may also dilute the kynurenine, excess amino acids and promote their excretion.


If you look at the material written on the Canadian Mennonite families

that have been studied with Tourette's disorder, you will see a high frequency of autoimmune and rare conditions. These findings are consistent with what one can expect with other Tourette's patients. For example, there is a high frequency of allergic conditions.


My informal survey of TS and allergy results from the online TS support

group are:


With a total of 25 respondents with TS:


96% have allergies (24 out of 25)

56% have mold allergies



72% have obsessive complulsive traits (18 out of 25)

67% of those with obsessive compulsive traits

have mold allergies


3 respondents thought they may have mold allergies, but

weren't sure


52% have pollen allergies (ragweed, grass, tree, etc)

56% of those with obsessive compulsive traits have pollen



48 % have animal allergies (cats, dogs, horse)

39% of those with obsessive compulsive traits have animal



40% have dust allergy

39% of those with obsessive compulsive traits have dust



20% have penicillin allergy

28 % of those with obsessive compulsive traits have

penicillin allergy


20 % have miscellaneous allergies

11% of those with obsessive compulsive traits have

miscellaneous allergies


16 % have food allergies

22 % of those with obsessive complulsive traits have

food allergies


8% have sulfa allergy

11% of those with obsessive compulsive traits have

sulfa allergy


All of our frequent posters responded.


The types of allergies are typically respiratory and airborne. Molds and pollens are the top allergens. 79% of the people with mold allergies also had pollen allergies, which are seasonal.



Bonnie Grimaldi, BSMT (ASCP)

11283 Meadowcroft St.

Pickerington, Ohio 43147

(614) 837-7545


(All text in both posts was written by the author above.)

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Lack of B6 and tics, food allergies, behaviors...



Thank you Lisa

Actually while all of this started a few months ago, her allergies have gone out of control. She was put on Nasonex, and has greatly improved. Now that we're starting to see the big picture, I'm ready to start working the more natural path. Tonight I'm planning to go to our health food store and start figuring out what vitamins or suppliments to try. I figure we will start with one thing at a time, and slowly see what works or not.


I'm wondering what to do about the allergy thing. Maybe I need to take her in to get the tests done. I'd like to eliminate what I can from our house and diet, any little improvement I can make is progress.


She did have 3 different blood tests come back looking good. That was 2 weeks ago. Do you think I should request those results?

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Thank you Bill

we actually needed that :).

It feels a little lonely in the house, I think everyone is separately trying to understand these new changes. The onset is so aggressive this time, there is no getting away from these constant, loud, vocal tics. Everyone is a little sad and crabby today.

Thank goodness for hugs...and Happy Potter books on CD


I've got a tear in my eye...


One more hug :grouphug:



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I'm wondering if anyone is dealing with Tourettes at home? My husband and I are realizing that our 8yo daughter may have it. My 10 yo has had it for a few years now, my husband since he was 8.


I went to a major website on TS to see what they had to say about TS and education, the person said they "very rarely advocate for long term home instruction". So..here I am, glad to have a this place to at least try to find some good advice on home schooling kids with special needs.


Basically I'm wondering how you teach when the tics are bad, do you keep the pressure low, or do you have full and rigorous days anyways? I'm always adjusting our days, by reading both girls, and seeing how they're doing moment to moment. I'm worried that I'm starting to go to easy on them because I feel so bad about what they're going through.


How hard do you push your child if they have these type of problems?


Today I could barely read out loud because my 8 yo is have such loud and constant tics. I'm so so sad today. I know we'll adjust to my little one having tics, just like we have with my 10yo. But it physically hurts me to see her this way, and even though we've talked about it, I can see she is confused and exhausted.


Lastly, I was hoping for some advice on natural supplements, remedies, and techniques to help with her symptoms. They are mostly sleep issues, falling asleep & sleeping through the night (for the last month or two she wonders into my room or the hall to build a little bed to sleep in). There is muscle pain and twitches, anxiety, and I would love to find a way for her to relax her eyes when they push or twitch.


I am beginning to believe my ds7 has Tourette's. He has had a throat clearing "tic" for about 3 years. We did some medical testing and that's basically what they came up with for a diagnosis. Suddenly this year, end of summer/early fall, he has started with several more. There is now a high pitched squeal he does as well as an eye blink and some neck stretching. Would you mind sharing your son's symptoms? I had been hoping all along it would be just a tic that went away, but it doesn't appear that will be the case. It's very hard to watch/deal with. I just get so sad for him. We have self insurance w/a high deductible so I've been debating on whether to take him to a ped neurologist; not even sure what they can do. I had done some research not too long ago where many people recommended magnesium, so we have started a low dose of that for him. It may take a while to get levels up so we haven't seen any kind of improvement yet. I'm not sure why these new symptoms came on so quick and all at once when he had the throat clearing thing for so long. I'll be watching this thread with interest.

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can I suggest you do a google search for neurofeedback and tourettes, or biofeedback and tourettes? I didn't read Lisa's info. because I don't have anyone with Tourettes, but I have done a ton of research on neurofeedback and I remember it saying it can cure Tourettes. Neurofeedback is all about getting the brain to "fire" and work properly.

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Ds has/had Tourette's. He started to show tics at about the age of 6. They seemed to peak at 9/10. We found that some things seemed to cause them to be worse; antihistimines and video games were at the top of the list. Being in situations where he had to control them made them extremely intense until they all had a chance to release. It was like they stored up waiting for a chance to get free. Sometime before he turned 11, the tics started really slowing down. After he turned 12, they pretty much disappeared. (The majority of Tourette's symptoms are outgrown by most people at around this age.) A stressful event this summer triggered them back. They have now pretty much subsided again. Every once in a while he will have a really annoying habit pop up. About the time I'm at my wits end, I'll think tic. Then, I relax and quit bothering him about it. Usually, that makes it go away. You think I would learn!:tongue_smilie:

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I am beginning to believe my ds7 has Tourette's. He has had a throat clearing "tic" for about 3 years. We did some medical testing and that's basically what they came up with for a diagnosis. Suddenly this year, end of summer/early fall, he has started with several more. There is now a high pitched squeal he does as well as an eye blink and some neck stretching. Would you mind sharing your son's symptoms


My husband started around 8, he had severe head thrashing back and fourth, loud vocal tics, it was really bad. His mom whom I've known for 21 years has always told me (long before I had children with her son) how awful and isolating it was. The teachers, principals, psychologists all said he was manipulating her, and would insinuate that she was to blame some how. They really knew nothing about TS then. My husband has told me that our girls tics are nothing compared to how bad his were. He would tell me things like he had overwhelming desires to do things like pull up the hand brake in the car while his mom was driving on the freeway. At around 16 he lost most of his tics. As an adult it's not noticeable to most people. Although from researching TS and its long list of symptoms, I've come to understand so much about him as an adult. Things that I couldn't stand living with like piles of papers and random excessive order make sense now. I don't hold it against him, I know now that he doesn't like being that way, and that he is actually always trying to improve.


My 10 yo started around 8. Her eyes roll or push outward. She rolls her shoulders and head, her mouth and face will stretch out, she hoots like an owl, she breaths hard out of her nose, all sorts of tics. The tics are what we consider very mild right now. I'm worried her tics will take a turn for the worse because she is so distraught about her sisters sudden onset.


My 8 yo has just started vocal tics for the first time 2 days ago. It came on fast and it never lets up. In fact she just came into my bed, her throat hurts and she says she just wants it to stop, she's so tired. We have seen little signs with her eyes for a while now, I thought it could be from nintendo, or reading to long. For the past few months her allergies have been out of control, to the point where she seems like she's having a panic attack or asthma. In that time her neck has been causing a lot of pain on a daily basis. We took her to the Dr 2 times in 2 weeks. The second time we got a bunch of blood work done. Everything came back fine, and she was put on Nasonex for the allergies. I just read that antihistamines can trigger tics :confused:


From what I understand to be diagnosed with TS the tics should last a year and should be both vocal and physical. It seems like there's not a lot they can do for the girls. The drugs look pretty serious. I'm not sure where to go from here. I'll call our Ped. on Monday to let them know that vocal and physical tics have started. I doubt they'll even want her to come in.


At this point I'm going to start looking into dietary, exercise, meditation, herbal type stuff. Tonight I bought some magnesium 'Natural Calm', a bottle of Barlean's total omega oil, and a few other goodies. So we'll see how that goes.


She's asleep......:)

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My husband started around 8, he had severe head thrashing back and fourth, loud vocal tics, it was really bad. His mom whom I've known for 21 years has always told me (long before I had children with her son) how awful and isolating it was. The teachers, principals, psychologists all said he was manipulating her, and would insinuate that she was to blame some how. They really knew nothing about TS then. My husband has told me that our girls tics are nothing compared to how bad his were. He would tell me things like he had overwhelming desires to do things like pull up the hand brake in the car while his mom was driving on the freeway. At around 16 he lost most of his tics. As an adult it's not noticeable to most people. Although from researching TS and its long list of symptoms, I've come to understand so much about him as an adult. Things that I couldn't stand living with like piles of papers and random excessive order make sense now. I don't hold it against him, I know now that he doesn't like being that way, and that he is actually always trying to improve.


My 10 yo started around 8. Her eyes roll or push outward. She rolls her shoulders and head, her mouth and face will stretch out, she hoots like an owl, she breaths hard out of her nose, all sorts of tics. The tics are what we consider very mild right now. I'm worried her tics will take a turn for the worse because she is so distraught about her sisters sudden onset.


My 8 yo has just started vocal tics for the first time 2 days ago. It came on fast and it never lets up. In fact she just came into my bed, her throat hurts and she says she just wants it to stop, she's so tired. We have seen little signs with her eyes for a while now, I thought it could be from nintendo, or reading to long. For the past few months her allergies have been out of control, to the point where she seems like she's having a panic attack or asthma. In that time her neck has been causing a lot of pain on a daily basis. We took her to the Dr 2 times in 2 weeks. The second time we got a bunch of blood work done. Everything came back fine, and she was put on Nasonex for the allergies. I just read that antihistamines can trigger tics :confused:


From what I understand to be diagnosed with TS the tics should last a year and should be both vocal and physical. It seems like there's not a lot they can do for the girls. The drugs look pretty serious. I'm not sure where to go from here. I'll call our Ped. on Monday to let them know that vocal and physical tics have started. I doubt they'll even want her to come in.


At this point I'm going to start looking into dietary, exercise, meditation, herbal type stuff. Tonight I bought some magnesium 'Natural Calm', a bottle of Barlean's total omega oil, and a few other goodies. So we'll see how that goes.


She's asleep......:)



We have been using the Natural Calm as well...although I've heard you may get quicker results by bathing in Epsom salts. They are magnesium and apparently it's absorbed well through the skin. I also just found out a friend of my has a son that was diagnosed with TS. She said when his allergies are bad, his TS symptoms are much worse, which appears to explain why my ds is worse in spring/fall when his allergies are bad and has almost no problems in the summer. Had not heard about the antihistimine issue :(

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We have been using the Natural Calm as well...although I've heard you may get quicker results by bathing in Epsom salts. They are magnesium and apparently it's absorbed well through the skin. I also just found out a friend of my has a son that was diagnosed with TS. She said when his allergies are bad, his TS symptoms are much worse, which appears to explain why my ds is worse in spring/fall when his allergies are bad and has almost no problems in the summer. Had not heard about the antihistimine issue :(


Honestly I don't know if that's true. I'm realizing that a lot of people are out there giving their opinions as fact. There is so much information to go through. In fact I was just wondering if the medicine she's on, Nasonex is even an antihistamine. I bought a bag of epsom salt last night, I'll start that this evening. Do you know how often they should do that?

My husband just had an appointment with his acupuncturist and they talked about it for a while. I guess in China there has been success treating and "curing" it. But they use medicines that aren't allowed here, like scorpion. He showed my husband some acupressure for now.

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