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Institute for Excellence in Writing


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Yes, I think the writing formula it uses is very good, especially for writers who lack confidence. If they can just follow the formula for a few years then they can let go and write naturally. My now 18 year old struggled terribly with writing. She would stare at the computer screen for hours, type a few paragraphs and then delete the whole thing. I think IEW helped her and while she still had self doubts when she started her first dual credit class, she quickly overcame them and now she churns out papers at college and is making good grades.

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We are using All Things Fun and Fascinating and I have watched the TWSS video course. I have a 9 yo boy and a 12 yo boy using this program.


We are enjoying it. They still groan when I pull it out but Im not sure why because it sure sounds to me like they are hving fun once we get going!



Thus far we have rewritten fables from our key word outlines. Pudewa mentioned allowing kids to change characters and settings if they liked so I let my kids do things like that and the results have been great. My oldest ds tends to write 3 short sentences and sum it all up quickly so the KWO have helped him expand his written work. The younger student requires me to scribe for him to get his best efforts.


Using the checklist has shown me that my boys make excellent word choices naturally but they do need to use the dress up techniques to make more complicated sentences!


We are just really finding this to be a worthwhile part of our school week.


Each week we work on an assignment and at the end of the week type it up and put it in our folder.

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I am new to IEW (TWSS and SWI-A). I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! This is exactly what my reluctant 9 yr old needed. I will move my son to the continuation courses in another 2 weeks, but so far it's working.

IEW has my best homeschool purchase ever!

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We started at 9, using SWI-A and after completing CW Aesop. We do grammar and vocabulary separately, so our use of CW was only for rewriting the stories.


My son liked the SWI-A dvds and we have found that the methodology works very well for us. After completing SWI-A, we have been using the Ancient History based lessons. We like these as well, and will proceed to Medieval when we're done. Finances permitting, we may do SICC-A before we move on to Medieval.


Be sure to download the Student Resource Notebook ebook which is included in many product purchases. It has much useful information and can be used as an IEW reference.


There is also a lot of useful info on the IEWFamilies Yahoo group.


I think you could easily start at 9 or 10 with SWI-A.

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I'm new to homeschool and expat living overseas. I'm planning to get IEW for my oldest (9yrs)? I went to the website but not too sure what to order. Is Teaching writing/student writing intensive combo pack level A sufficient. What else will you consider buying? Please advice.

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