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Teaching Textbooks Levels Question


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Hi there,

How ill-advised is it to skip Pre-Algebra and go straight from Math 7 to Algebra 1? This is our first year with TT, and I've noticed that there seems to be a lot of repetition and review, which is GREAT for my dd. However, she's finding it pretty easy, and I was wondering about going straight to Algebra 1. Is there enough practice and scaffolding to make this feasible? Anyone done this successfully with their dc?




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I probably would not.


I had thought about having ds skip math 7 because when I was in school only kids in basic math did math 7. But Im not schooling my kid in my 1989 jr high, Im schooling him now in TT. LOL So I went ahead and printed the test for pre algebra and had him look at it and he was discouraged. So we will not be skipping math 7.


All this to say of course you must do what is right for your child but if you are happy with TT and intend to use it I think you are better served to go with their progression UNLESS your child is able to test into the next level easily.

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I probably would not.


I had thought about having ds skip math 7 because when I was in school only kids in basic math did math 7. But Im not schooling my kid in my 1989 jr high, Im schooling him now in TT. LOL So I went ahead and printed the test for pre algebra and had him look at it and he was discouraged. So we will not be skipping math 7.


All this to say of course you must do what is right for your child but if you are happy with TT and intend to use it I think you are better served to go with their progression UNLESS your child is able to test into the next level easily.

:iagree: I made the mistake of skipping 7 and going straight to Pre-Algebra and now after a lot of battling, crying, and "I'm just stupid" from ds we are now doing Math 7!!!


If it easy for your child because of the review have them go through it faster (2-3 lessons per day 4-5 days per week) until it is so difficult you are at normal speed of 1 lesson per day. Your child will have great review and still have time to move into the next level during the year.

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I would go with trying a placement test. If your son does a great job on the placement test then skip a level. If he only gets a few questions right then you know that level 7 is a good spot for him. If he's in the middle.....then go with where both of you want to go. Is he prepared to work hard? Is he prepared to struggle and fail and then struggle some more?


You need to make the call for your own son. I'm just glad that the decision is yours and not mine.:D I'm so indecisive it took me 3 hours to buy dress fabric for my dd's.:lol:



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