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For those using Singapore Math, in your opinion...


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Is it enough just to do the standards ed or US ed by itself and nothing else. Or do you need to use the Intensive practice or Challenging Word Problem books as well? I am doing standards ed with ds (6) and US ed. 4a with dd (10). Also, would my dd be considered behind because she is in 4a and not in 5a and 5 b this year? Thanks guys, Jeana

Edited by Jeana
wrote the wrong word. : )
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This was all my boys used and they always scored very well on the American Math contest and are coping with Life of Fred math at high school level very well.

My boys started Singapore when they were 7 and 9 - and they were always 'behind' as the book numbering went (eg they'd be in 5th grade and on book 4A. But - as I said, they top scored in American Math contest in our homeschool group - so they were not behind in math at all.

There is no need to do pre-algebra after Singapore - so that means you have longer to finish up to 6B.

My youngest has done various supplements (LOF, CHallenge Problems and Miquon) because she goes so fast through Singapore - and is ahead as the 'numbers' go.


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would my dd be considered behind because she is in 4a and not in 5a and 5 b this year? Thanks guys, Jeana




In Singapore, where this curriculum was developed and used, kids begin first grade in January, when they're already 7. They used the Primary Math 1A and 1B that year. So... if a Singaporean child turned 10 at any time after January of 2009, then, she'd be in 3rd grade this year and using 3A and 3B. Their school year ends about now, so she would just be finishing up 3B.


If the child was 10 before January of this year, she'd be finishing up 4B this month.


Here in the US, people use Singapore's Primary Math in all SORTS of ways, so all bets are off. :D (The only measuring stick would be what YOUR dd was ready for.)


Hope that helps.


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