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If you follow the CM approach, how do you organize your booklist for each year?


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If you use the CM approach, do you follow Ambleside Online, adapt AO, use Simply Charlotte Mason or another curriculum?


How do you plan your curriculum or booklist each year? Do you follow AO or another curriculum exactly or with minor adaptations or do you have your own approach entirely?


I'm trying to fit too much in and need to figure a way to prioritize and streamline my approach.


Any ideas?

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I follow my own approach based on suggestions by Tanglewoodeducation.com and the CM books I have. I pick out the books that I'm going to read for that year (whether it be lit read alouds, history, music, art) and by subject put them, copy-paste the covers in a Powerpoint or KeyNoter presentation (I have a Mac. I do this because I'm visual.) It looks really pretty too :D I put more books than I need in my literature read-alouds and reading books, but at least 9 read-alouds a year. Books we read are a lot more. For music I use two books per year, for history.. this year we are at 17 books plus our reference, but some are short books we're done with in one or two sessions. For art we also have two books a year. For science we use about one book a week, sometimes less, sometimes more, depending on interest. Sometimes ds reads himself. I use Ambleside Online occasionally, but my main sources for books are TanglewoodEducation.com, Books Children Love, Honey for a Child's Heart and this board :)

Edited by sagira
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I also like Tanglewood. I really wish she could have finished it. Part of my problem is trying to organize the books for my older dd. She is 7th grade now and I have to plan 8th and then high school.:eek:



Does anyone here follow HEO (Ambleside Online's upper levels)?

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If you use the CM approach, do you follow Ambleside Online, adapt AO, use Simply Charlotte Mason or another curriculum?


How do you plan your curriculum or booklist each year? Do you follow AO or another curriculum exactly or with minor adaptations or do you have your own approach entirely?


I'm trying to fit too much in and need to figure a way to prioritize and streamline my approach.


Any ideas?

Middle ds going full CM this year. What he is using is in my signature. Basically, he is using an adapted AO yr7 lite/ Higher Up and Further In yr7.


I used this as a loose guide for setting up ds's schedule.




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we do! this is our first year to use Ambleside Online. We are doing a combo of years 2 and 3 because we had already read several of the books from each year...also, last year we used SOTW vol 1 and loved it, so we are using that (vol 2) instead of Our Island Story. We read quite a bit of OIS this summer, but we don't have time to finish it right now...AO is really stetching my dd's reading ability, and takes quite a bit of time. She still prefers me reading aloud. I make a weekly schedule for us to keep everything straight, and print out whatever chapters from each of the books we are reading that I've found online on Sundays. I get some books at the library, and buy others. It isn't so much once you start. It seemed like too much to keep up with until I tried it. Luckily I only have 1 child.HTH :party:Pie

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I use the booklist from AO but I do not use their schedules. I know that CM advocates reading books slowly but I think reading one book for 3 months is just way too slow. We usually take a month to read a book and that is slow enough for us.


I do not use AO for history as we used SOTW for our first cycle and it was just too overwhelming to mesh the two together.


I use the other book recommendations for natural history and science but, again, we do it at our own speed.


I also use the booklists from the book, Real Learning by Elizabeth Foss.

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Guest Cindie2dds

I use some AO books, but mostly I use the book list from SCM and their Organizer. It's been so amazing to create my own schedule that waits on me and I can put anything in it from ballet to nature walks and all other academics that aren't normally scheduled in an instructor's guide like math and science.


Links are in my siggy. :)

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