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Hi there,

I need some help from you iPod gurus......


My dd got an iPod a while ago. We loaded hers with some purchases from iTunes, plus her cd's. All was well.


I got an iPod a couple of weeks ago. I plugged mine in to iTunes and got all of her music dumped onto mine. That's fine; I like most of her music. I bought a bunch of music from iTunes, put it on mine.


Now dd is trying to redeem an itunes gift card, and purchased songs, but when it syncs, all of MY music dumps onto hers and we can't seem to get it off! There has to be some way to do this, no?


How do you manage multiple ipod devices on one computer, with one version of iTunes?


Thanks for any advice---


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you should be able to choose which songs are on your playlist. So Dd has a playlist (we'll call that dd) and you have one (we'll call that mom)


When you connect your ipod set it to something such as "sync from playlist mom" or something like that....I forget what. Make sure only your songs are on your playlist. You should have all the songs in itunes library but only yours in your playlist.


Also I'm not sure why but I've had mine not update very well sometimes. Even though I replace all the songs on there with the new songs I'm putting on sometimes it takes a couple tries to get it to remove the old ones.....it will even add the new ones again and again without replacing any, then suddenly it will replace them all and work find. Haven't figured that one out yet.



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My Dh and I share an itunes account, but I have a Classic for my music only and he has a Touch for games and only some music. We keep one account by keeping everything manual (only checked items will sync to the attached pod). This has worked really well. My music stays on mine and his games stay on his only! Just sync manually. :)

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