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Jewish faith question-Would someone be able to explain to me as simply as possible

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I had a long conversation today with an old high school friend, who is Jewish, attends a conservative temple, and is from the line of Aaron (for what that's worth in this discussion).


Anyway, he told me a few things about their beliefs as they relate to others:


1) The term "messianic Jew" is not offensive to him, or any other Jew he knows, at all. His exact words were, "not offensive, but a bit silly."


2) Islam is considered an "acceptable, monothiestic" religion; Christianity is not, because they consider Jesus to be an idol, since they don't consider Him to be God.


3) The messiah, as they believe it to be, will be a human man, not God or God incarnate.


4) A Jew who converts to Christianity is still a Jew, but a misguided one. They would consider that person to be a "wrong" Jew.


There was more to the conversation, we got off on some other tangents, but I thought what he had to say was interesting, and thought I'd share.


I'm not going to debate these points, since they're from the horses mouth, so to speak and I'm simply repeating what an actual practicing Jew told me. He was not in the least offended by my questions and was very open in answering me and sharing about his religion.


OH, and, he did not consider the term "Messianic Jew" to in any way negate Judaism at all. He said he's never heard of a Jew who felt that way.

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I had a long conversation today with an old high school friend, who is Jewish, attends a conservative temple, and is from the line of Aaron (for what that's worth in this discussion).


Anyway, he told me a few things about their beliefs as they relate to others:


1) The term "messianic Jew" is not offensive to him, or any other Jew he knows, at all. His exact words were, "not offensive, but a bit silly."


2) Islam is considered an "acceptable, monothiestic" religion; Christianity is not, because they consider Jesus to be an idol, since they don't consider Him to be God.


3) The messiah, as they believe it to be, will be a human man, not God or God incarnate.


4) A Jew who converts to Christianity is still a Jew, but a misguided one. They would consider that person to be a "wrong" Jew.


There was more to the conversation, we got off on some other tangents, but I thought what he had to say was interesting, and thought I'd share.


I'm not going to debate these points, since they're from the horses mouth, so to speak and I'm simply repeating what an actual practicing Jew told me. He was not in the least offended by my questions and was very open in answering me and sharing about his religion.


OH, and, he did not consider the term "Messianic Jew" to in any way negate Judaism at all. He said he's never heard of a Jew who felt that way.


Generally, :iagree: from non-"believing" Jews and Messianic Jews that I know as well!

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