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what age for scissors???


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okay so dd is ALWAYS crafting. she is 4 and uses WHATEVER scissors she wants. i give her the kids, but she is amazingly detailed and can use sharp. even at 3.


now, ds just turned 2 last week. he wants to cut. but kids scissors are still big....do i just let him figure it out? i mena yeah i help him but i cant do it ALL the time.....


do they sell really small ones that still cut? we have a tiny pair but they dont even cut paper and it drives him crazy

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I gave my dd scissors at 2 (because she wanted what her brother had) and just let her use the regular kid sized ones, but they had a special design on the handle. They are the ones in this picture:




While they were a little large for her small hands, she was still able to cut with them. I found them at Wal-Mart.



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He is old enough. My 2.5 y.o. uses scissors. I realized I needed to let them do more cutting work when I took my then 3 y.o. for a developmental evaluation and cutting paper was on the list. I felt like such a bad mommy that I hadn't even let him play with them up to that point (although to be fair, he had never shown any interest)!

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My oldest got scissors at 4, don't feel bad!


My second got them at 2, he was the youngest in his church sunday school class when he was 2 1/2, but the best one at cut and paste projects! (I was friends with his teacher, she told me she could tell he had a big sister who liked to cut and color.)

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Neighbors grand daughter (7) was trying to untangle her shoe lace which got in a knot. She used scissors and in the process of pulling up on the lace, stabbed herself in the eye. She cut the cornea and has to go in for surgery to replace it.


Precautionary tale because I catch my 10 year old and I do this myself, opening boxes pulling scissors toward body. Big reminder to self and everyone else, always cut away from your body. No matter what. Or make sure kids now to ask for help if something is difficult.

Edited by Mytwoblessings
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we have a tiny pair but they dont even cut paper and it drives him crazy


I had a pair like this when Doodle was younger. They were all plastic, no metal blades on them. I added them to his play-doh tools. Doodle would cut play-doh snakes with them. Perhaps cutting play-doh would be enough to satisfy your boy's cutting desire too.

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I gave my 2.5 yo her first pair of scissors this year. I watch her closely with them and she makes big messes, but nothing my little dust buster can't handle. I think that is the youngest I have ever given them to my kids. She was just a little more mature than my others (she's the 4th).

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My dd8 had access to scissors by 2yrs, and was holding and using them properly well before her peers.


I plan on giving my ds2 scissors just as soon as he is earning his own income and can replace the things he cuts up. I let him use them when he fusses enough, but only when wearing protective gloves (for me, I mean) and sitting right next to him. Vast amounts of time and energy are spent on hiding scissors from him. If we gave him scissors, we'd probably wake up scalped. What's the scissor version of a pyromaniac? That's him.


So the short version is, each child is different. And I know what you mean about safety scissors that won't even cut paper frustrating them.

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Just remember that those little things can still cut. My ds (3) cut my thumb a couple of weeks ago, all the way around. Ouch!


The lesson I learned: It's not enough to be present, holding the paper. You must not avert your eyes while holding the paper. :001_huh:

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