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100 ez lessons question....


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so we are at 39. not doing it everday. i came across, WOW and Cow. they want them to sound it out,....but o it taught as ooooo. so ww ooo www is not wow???


just like said. ss aaa iii ddd for me doesnt make said.


is it me or did anyone else have this problem???


the firdst one that bothered me was the. ththththeeeee and not the

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They go on to say that it's a "funny" word... meaning it isn't pronounced the way it is sounded out. Then they give the way it's actually said.


I think it just gives them an extra peg to remember the word: This is the way you sound out the word, but it isn't said the way it's said. So they're reading along, sounding out words and they come to the word "said." They might think, "Sss..aa..ii..d, oh wait, this is actually pronounced 'sed' I remember now."


It seems to me that it might help with spelling later on too, if they remember the sounds in the "funny" words now.


I liken it to how I made myself remember how to spell words such as "mosquito" and "bologna." Mosquito is mos-quit-o (saying the word quit in my head instead of how the word is actually pronounced) and bo-log-na (saying the word log in my head). There are benefits to knowing the sounds in the words even if that isn't how the words are said.

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I remember the cow/wow thing. I think at that point I deviated from the book and just told them what it said. And for said . . doesn't the book have them sound it out and then tell them that it says SED? That is where 100EL really helped my dd--she was trying to sound everything out and she learned that she didn't have to, some words just have to be learned.

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so we are at 39. not doing it everday. i came across, WOW and Cow. they want them to sound it out,....but o it taught as ooooo. so ww ooo www is not wow???



On page 17, the "o" sound is pronounced as in the word "ox". So for me, when I sound out wow and cow using the o sound as in "ox" it sounds fine.

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