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anyone SKIP ETC primers?


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My oldest started book 1 right at age 5. She never did the primers, because I knew she already knew the letter sounds and was ready to move on!


If you think your dd is ready to start putting words together, then go to book 1. Right now my 4 year old is using the primers. He already knows all his letter sounds, but I'm not sure he's ready for sounding out words, and he's having fun doing the primers. We'll wait till he's 5 to start book 1.

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Book 1 has a consonant pretest at the front. If the child can do that, they don't need the pre-primers. I do like the pretest, because it points out whether she knows *all* the consonants, even if she is sounding out words already. Since you already have the books, if she knows certain letters well but not others, you could simply do the letters that she doesn't know as well, maybe doing a single exercise (not the whole section) for letters she does know. If it's only one or two consonants, that's easily handled without a workbook.


In our case, we did them (at a very variable pace) because my then 4yo did not do as well on the consonant pretest as I had expected. We actually went through the entirety of book b in one afternoon because those were consonants she already knew for the most part (and she wanted to do "just one more";)). It took a couple of months each to do the other two.


I agree with not doing the half books unless she really needs them, as it would be overkill. For us, once we hit about book 4 (and I skipped the open/closed syllable lessons in that one as they were more confusing than beneficial for my daughter), ETC became primarily spelling for us as she was reading well. From there on I told her she no longer needed to do the exercise where you circle the word or sentence that goes with the picture, but she chose to do them anyway as she thought they were fun. We finished book 8 and went on to a different spelling program.


Overall, make the program work for you rather than you working for the program. Take from it what you need and leave the rest.

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