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CLE Language Arts 2


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We use CLE LA 1 and 2. I like it a lot. It is very thorough. And cheap...and thorough...and cheap... :D


The 1st grade lightunits are a lot shorter than the 2nd grade ones. The 2nd grade lessons seem to go on and on sometimes. We have to get up and take a break every once in a while. There also is a lot of writing - which I think is awesome.


We did public school last year and I've noticed that the CLE LA covers more material than the kids were learning in school.

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I can't answer about 1 and 2, but we are just getting into 4 and we really love it. We had previously used R&S and it was just so. much. repetition. We were both bored! We had gotten to where we were doing almost all of it orally, but then I'd feel bad that she needed a bit more writing, but doing all the R&S exercises would have burned her out. This seems to be a great fit for mixing up interesting topics and activities. DD transitioned out of ps in January and I think she likes the more "workbooky" feel of CLE. We now use CLE Math too, and it's been a great fit.


Cheap is good too!!!!:D

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Have you used it, do you like it? What is your overall feeling of it compared to other programs out there, such as Abeka, R&S, EG...etc.

Was it easy to use for you and your child?

Would you recommend it?

Thanks! :001_smile:


We JUST started CLE LA 2 yesterday so obviously I don't have a lot to go by, but I bought it to replace Easy Grammar 2. EG had no teaching tips, and it was a hassle to jump in and teach my ds a new concept just from a one-sentence instruction on his worksheet. I like that CLE actually explains new concepts.


YMMV, but I like that it is not just grammar. It overlaps with our spelling (AAS) and phonics (ETC) but that's ok because it helps my ds to get the reinforcement, plus he feels smart when he already knows something :tongue_smilie:. My DS is really not an aural learner and I know he understood prefixes and suffixes much better from looking at the train illustration in CLE. In fact I may end up using ETC as a secondary resource to just reinforce concepts we're working on in AAS and CLE, and not as new teaching.

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Yeah, it's ahead. Like I said, my kids did ps last year and I bought the 1st grade readers - well, 1st grader couldn't even begin to read it. I think a couple more weeks and he'll be at that point (and I've been grilling him since July).


So, yes, I know for sure that the 1st grade reader is very ahead of ps.

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My daughter is halfway through CLE 2 and it has worked very well for her. She is the Perfect Paula type though, so she loves workbooks and likes to work independently. We don't use the penmanship portion of CLE because we'd already been using A Reason for Handwriting and she wanted to continue with that. I don't think the spelling is very strong and I've thought about dictating lists from SWR for her again, but she is a natural speller and gets 100% on her test each week, so I am just going to let her continue with CLE's spelling. I will continue to reinforce the phonograms she learned when she used SWR.


My son has been using CLE LA 3, but he is only on the second lightunit so the jury is still out on whether the material will stick for him. I have been surprised that he seems to enjoy it and so far he has been doing well. The only things he has really had trouble with are a few things that were introduced in CLE LA 2 (which he never did). I do not use the penmanship or the spelling for him, just the grammar. Once he is done with his cursive program in a few weeks, I will have him start doing CLE's penmanship for reinforcement. Language arts is a real area of weakness for him, so that is why I am unsure if this program will do the trick or not. I really agonized about whether he should use R&S or not, but decided to give CLE a try because it seemed like it would be a lot less painful. So far, I am happy with my choice.



Edited by LisaTheresa
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