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My 12yo dd will be moving from MUS Pre-alg to Algebra next year. I'm wanting to go ahead and make the switch to something more rigorous for the high school years. Would MUS be enough of a foundation to move on? I'm also considering Jacobs, Chalkdust, and TT, though TT is lower on the list, and I don't like the price on Chalkdust. Any ideas? Also, she is doing okay in math, not fantastic but usually makes 85-90s on her tests. I just thought I'd throw that in. She has struggled more this year with math than in years past. Any good suggestions? I've not researched higher-level math texts as much as I wish I had.




After many years w/MUS, my son used Foerester's (sp?) for Alg II/Trig. He was in a small class with a tutor, and he did just fine. There are some proofs in Alg. II, and my son had no idea how to do a formal proof, so he was somewhat behind in that area.


I don't think you'd have any trouble with Alg. I, however. That's probably a good time to switch.


Thank you!! I really appreciate your input there. How did you feel about having used MUS for several years and then making the switch? Do you regret having used MUS or were you satisfied with where your ds was when you moved him into Foerster's? 7th grade Dd has used it from Delta on through Pre-Alg. 4th grade DS is finishing up Delta right now, having done Beta and Gamma before, and I am playing around with whether to move him into Singapore next year. Sometimes I love MUS and sometimes I feel it is not "enough". I hate indecision. Thank you for your help, again.






My ds did fine going from the old Advanced Math MUS (pre-algebra) to Foerster's Algebra 1. The beginning of Foerster's Algebra 1 is a review of pre-algebra type problems such as work with integers and exponents.




I don't have any regrets about using MUS and I don't think it hindered my son in any way.


Like you, when we started HS I thought he should be doing "more rigorous" math. Foeresters is.




We've done MUS from K and are finishing up Pre-Algebra in a few weeks. We have supplemented with Singapore's CWP for a few years now. I have a degree in math and ds is math-oriented (but doesn't LOVE it like I do ;) )


My plan is to use MUS Algebra followed by Foerster's. I figure at 12, we've got the time to take more than a year and doing MUS first will prepare him for the rigor that is to come.


Momof7 did the same with several kids but she used the older version of MUS Algebra+Geometry. She's my hero :hurray:

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