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The Cosby Show

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How I do love this show...

Ds has been really loving The Cosby Show lately. I've been listening from the kitchen, laughing. Tonight, he taped (and we watched during dinner) the pilot episode; you know, the one where Denise (the epitomy of cool when I was 12 yrs old) wanted to date the Merchant Marine with the ear ring and Theo wanted to be "regular people"

, and Claire says "don't you talk when I'm talkin' to you". Its very interesting to watch this particular show again now that my kids are the same age (more or less) that I was when I watched these episodes. I remember feeling really burnt by Cliff's comeback after Theo's big speech (I remember thinking 'ha! even hollywood agrees with kids sometimes, so take that, Mom and Dad!:tongue_smilie:')...I laughed really hard this time around. And so did ds :confused:!

What ever happened to those kinds of shows? I don't watch much tv anymore, but I'm pretty sure shows aren't like these anymore.


Anyway, if you haven't watched it lately, enjoy the link :).

Edited by LauraGB
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I grew up watching the Cosby Show. What a great family sitcom! I have enjoyed sharing it over again with my ds. I can remember so many funny episodes! I always loved the ones when the family would do a show for the grandparents anniversary. Or ones with Bud in it. There are just to many great ones!


They definitely don't make tv shows like it anymore. I tried to explain to my ds that it was landmark for the times to have an upper middle class African-American family sitcom like the Cosby Show.


It was such a funny show and everyone in it was such a great character. Well, actually I was never that into Sondra for whatever reason.


Thanks for the post!

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Instead of aiming a show to have broad appeal, they are more narrow. I think it's easier to write for. Just aim this show at preschoolers, that show at tweens, this other show for adults and let everyone watch on their own tv.


A Cosby show episode would have a storyline involving the younger kids while there was another storyline involving the adults. It kept the entire family entertained.

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Love it! I think I've seen every episode a hundred times. Now it cracks me up when my son DVRs it and watches it like he's discovered a new show. :lol:


I'm glad that he thinks that these nice wholesome shows are good tv.


My favorite episode is when the whole family turned the house into the "real world" and Theo had to pretend he was a grown up and pay bills, etc . . . Oh and the very first time the family did a "song" for the grandparents anniversary.


Ah . . . those were the days. We wee living in Germany at the time and that's the ONLY show my parents allowed us to watch besides the Today Show.

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Denise tries to make Theo a copy of a "designer" shirt.


YES!!!! Making me laugh, just thinking about it. Wasn't it a "Gordon Gatrail" brand? Something like that.


Or how about when Dad took Rudy and her friends to a fancy restaurant and they didn't want any of the food? My Mom and Dad (who are 79) STILL call croutons, "crau-tons" because of that episode.

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What ever happened to those kinds of shows? I don't watch much tv anymore, but I'm pretty sure shows aren't like these anymore.




I think it all started going downhill with Roseanne. That show kind of threw off the moral compass or something, particularly in family shows.


I have insomnia a lot these days. Cosby is always on in the middle of the night. I love it!

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How I do love this show...

Ds has been really loving The Cosby Show lately. I've been listening from the kitchen, laughing. Tonight, he taped (and we watched during dinner) the pilot episode; you know, the one where Denise (the epitomy of cool when I was 12 yrs old) wanted to date the Merchant Marine with the ear ring and Theo wanted to be "regular people"

, and Claire says "don't you talk when I'm talkin' to you". Its very interesting to watch this particular show again now that my kids are the same age (more or less) that I was when I watched these episodes. I remember feeling really burnt by Cliff's comeback after Theo's big speech (I remember thinking 'ha! even hollywood agrees with kids sometimes, so take that, Mom and Dad!:tongue_smilie:')...I laughed really hard this time around. And so did ds :confused:!

What ever happened to those kinds of shows? I don't watch much tv anymore, but I'm pretty sure shows aren't like these anymore.


Anyway, if you haven't watched it lately, enjoy the link :).


My kids and I watched these tonight. My kids have seen The Cosby Show only a few times in the past. Tonight nothing was on and I went past Disney and Nickelodeon and found...The Brady Bunch! My 9 and 10 year olds were mesmerized! Ha, then Cosby came on after. It was great.

And I LOVED that my 15 year old son heard the whole thing with Theo and his dad about him wanting to be "regular people" It was great.

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Funny that you posted this thread. We are watching the Cosby Show as we "speak". (the episode where Sondra and Elvin announce that they aren't going to law school/med school and instead are opening a wilderness store.)



That was the Gordon Gartrell shirt that Denise tried to recreate.



(Trivia question: Do you know where they got that name? )



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My husband bought me THE ENTIRE SERIES for xmas. Love love LOVE that show!!.....and now my kids love it. :001_smile:

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My kids and I watched these tonight. My kids have seen The Cosby Show only a few times in the past. Tonight nothing was on and I went past Disney and Nickelodeon and found...The Brady Bunch! My 9 and 10 year olds were mesmerized! Ha, then Cosby came on after. It was great.

And I LOVED that my 15 year old son heard the whole thing with Theo and his dad about him wanting to be "regular people" It was great.


Oh, I loved the early seasons of the Cosby Show, but the kids haven't seen any yet. We did watch the Brady Bunch with them for the first time last night though! We caught the end of the episode where everyone thinks Jan's allergic to Tiger, but it turns out to be his flea powder, and then we followed it up with the one where Cindy's Kitty Karryall doll disappears and she blames Bobby, and it turns out Tiger was stealing things from the house. The kids were mesmerized, and DH and I were rolling. At one point, Mr. Brady's leaving for a golf outing, and on his way out, he says goodbye to Mrs. Brady, who's all perfectly coiffed and dressed. He says, "Have fun at home!" and she replies, "I will! I think I'll start with straightening the girls' rooms." DH almost fell off the couch laughing, and the girls kept shushing us. I might have to see if we can get those from Netflix!

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The Cosby Show is all my daughter wanted for Christmas last year. I got the whole season for her. Previously, we had been getting them from Netflix. I've always loved this show, but I appreciate Cliff and Claire's parenting and marriage so much more now that I am a wife and mom. I sometimes try to channel Cliff to handle parenting situations with humor. :D

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