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Mad Props to Canada!

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Canada's National Post reports that Canada will boycott Ahmadinejad's U. N. speech today.



"President Ahmadinejad's repeated denial of the Holocaust and his anti-Israel comments run counter to the values of the UN General Assembly, and they're shameful," said one Canadian official.

Edited by Jean too
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Canada Post reports that Canada will boycott Ahmadinejad's U. N. speech today.



"President Ahmadinejad's repeated denial of the Holocaust and his anti-Israel comments run counter to the values of the UN General Assembly, and they're shameful," said one Canadian official.



Yes, I'd say they definitely deserve applause for that choice.

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yes, it's little, but it's there ;)

This is one of those times where I'm glad to be Canadian!

:iagree: Harper is a twit, but its nice to see he gets something right...rarely and occasionally. Real backbone would have been following Chretien's lead, and saying no to sending troops to Afghanistan.



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:iagree: Harper is a twit, but its nice to see he gets something right...rarely and occasionally. Real backbone would have been following Chretien's lead, and saying no to sending troops to Afghanistan.




Harper....I don't even know what to say about that man anymore. I had some bright hopes in terms of his stand on ethics and accountability when he was initially elected and they lasted for as long as it took for him to appoint a senator.


You know what I now wish? We'd seen what Preston Manning would have been like as PM. Sure, I disagreed with a lot of what he stood for but he is a man of character. I also want Ed Broadbent and Joe Clark back though. Talk about living in the past. :)


Anyhow, grudging congrats to Harper for managing to do something right. :)

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Harper....I don't even know what to say about that man anymore. I had some bright hopes in terms of his stand on ethics and accountability when he was initially elected and they lasted for as long as it took for him to appoint a senator.


You know what I now wish? We'd seen what Preston Manning would have been like as PM. Sure, I disagreed with a lot of what he stood for but he is a man of character. I also want Ed Broadbent and Joe Clark back though. Talk about living in the past. :)


Anyhow, grudging congrats to Harper for managing to do something right. :)



I think it's strategic -- in case an election is called, he can use it as a talking point. Gods know he has little good to talk about as is. :001_rolleyes:

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Harper....I don't even know what to say about that man anymore. I had some bright hopes in terms of his stand on ethics and accountability when he was initially elected and they lasted for as long as it took for him to appoint a senator.


You know what I now wish? We'd seen what Preston Manning would have been like as PM. Sure, I disagreed with a lot of what he stood for but he is a man of character. I also want Ed Broadbent and Joe Clark back though. Talk about living in the past. :)


Anyhow, grudging congrats to Harper for managing to do something right. :)

OK, Preston Manning? He came across as a wimp. Harper is a 'Droid, but I dunno if Sponge Manning is a better choice. Joe Clark...I'm too young to remember anything other than the political cartoons with him wearing 'idiot mitts' as my mother called them...the mittens on a string. And yes, she called them that when *I* was wearing them.

I think it's strategic -- in case an election is called, he can use it as a talking point. Gods know he has little good to talk about as is. :001_rolleyes:

Bingo. How that man gets re-elected, I'll never know. But in the last election, we had what I call The Droid, The 'Stache, and The-Twit-That-Can't-Even Speak-Freaking-English to chose from. I preferred the Stache, personally.

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OK, Preston Manning? He came across as a wimp. Harper is a 'Droid, but I dunno if Sponge Manning is a better choice. Joe Clark...I'm too young to remember anything other than the political cartoons with him wearing 'idiot mitts' as my mother called them...the mittens on a string. And yes, she called them that when *I* was wearing them.


Bingo. How that man gets re-elected, I'll never know. But in the last election, we had what I call The Droid, The 'Stache, and The-Twit-That-Can't-Even Speak-Freaking-English to chose from. I preferred the Stache, personally.



Yeah, me too, but the The Stache has no chance of pulling even a minority government, let alone a majority. Harper keeps getting elected because he's a known quantity, a safe bet.


I have to say, if it comes down to Harper or Iggy, I'd root for Harper. Iggy positively reeks american to me. No way would I want that poseur in there.

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Yeah, me too, but the The Stache has no chance of pulling even a minority government, let alone a majority. Harper keeps getting elected because he's a known quantity, a safe bet.


I have to say, if it comes down to Harper or Iggy, I'd root for Harper. Iggy positively reeks american to me. No way would I want that poseur in there.

I agree about Iggy, but here's the thing: Droid with a majority is going to mean serious deep sh*t for our country. I believe that whole heartedly. I'll keep voting for the Stache, simply because any other option makes my stomach churn.


I think a minority government is the best possible outcome...as long as these idiots settle down and quit threatening to send us back to the polls. I was surprised when Harper gained seats, since he's the jerk that sent us into elections early.


I swear to you, Harper scares me. He does. Iggy doesn't 'scare' me in the same way...but I could so totally picture him on his knees, puckering up to American powers that be and ruining what Canadians are most proud of by trying to turn us into Second America. ick.


Actually, I think that's what I'll call him from now on. Icky.

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OK, Preston Manning? He came across as a wimp. Harper is a 'Droid, but I dunno if Sponge Manning is a better choice. Joe Clark...I'm too young to remember anything other than the political cartoons with him wearing 'idiot mitts' as my mother called them...the mittens on a string. And yes, she called them that when *I* was wearing them.


If you ever get the chance to listen to an interview with either, do it. They're both very intelligent, thoughtful and principled men.


Yes, I know Joe wasn't exactly a firebrand of a leader but I'm craving principled intellectuals, not firebrands. :D

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If you ever get the chance to listen to an interview with either, do it. They're both very intelligent, thoughtful and principled men.


Yes, I know Joe wasn't exactly a firebrand of a leader but I'm craving principled intellectuals, not firebrands. :D

I agree with you about principled intellectuals.




Harper is a flat out liar. He berated the Liberals for taxing income trusts after public consultation, yet no sooner was he enthroned than he put in a seriously punishing taxation upon them, without consultation of anyone. He sent our troops to Afghanistan to FIGHT, whereas we'd been Peace Keeping for how many years? He was so busy kissing Bush butt that he sold our soldiers down the river. Not to mention he's done NOTHING for the soft wood lumber tax.


I don't trust him. He's as principled as Al Capone imho.

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I have to say, if it comes down to Harper or Iggy, I'd root for Harper. Iggy positively reeks american to me. No way would I want that poseur in there.


Pfft. Harper is worse then Iggy. If Iggy's too American at least he comes by it honestly. Harper is a desperate pretender and it shows. He's an American style polarized-conservative.


Iggy may have some American air about him but that's a vague accusation when Harper is out there every day acting like Cheney jr.


And yes, I AM a bitter former Tory who wishes someone would kick Harper and his little mini-me, Peter MacKay out on their heinies. How did you know? :D


I think I'll be voting Green next election. *sigh*

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I agree with you about principled intellectuals.




Harper is a flat out liar. He berated the Liberals for taxing income trusts after public consultation, yet no sooner was he enthroned than he put in a seriously punishing taxation upon them, without consultation of anyone. He sent our troops to Afghanistan to FIGHT, whereas we'd been Peace Keeping for how many years? He was so busy kissing Bush butt that he sold our soldiers down the river. Not to mention he's done NOTHING for the soft wood lumber tax.


I don't trust him. He's as principled as Al Capone imho.


You won't get any argument from me. Over and over and over again he's shown he doesn't give a rat's patootie about doing what he said or doing the right thing as long as, in the end, he thinks his actions will get him what he wants.


Honestly, I can't express how much he disturbs me.

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Yeah, me too, but the The Stache has no chance of pulling even a minority government, let alone a majority. Harper keeps getting elected because he's a known quantity, a safe bet.


He's a safe bet only as long as he's in a minority.


I think the only two leaders I currently don't dislike are May and Duceppe.


And Layton? Ugh. He'll sleep with the Tories whenever it's convienient to spite the Liberals because he has this fantasy that the NDP can actually become the Opposition or something.


Not that I'm anti-NDP. I voted for them in here (and they won! Yea! Some Tory, eh?) but they haven't got a hope on the national scene.

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He's a safe bet only as long as he's in a minority.


I think the only two leaders I currently don't dislike are May and Duceppe.


And Layton? Ugh. He'll sleep with the Tories whenever it's convienient to spite the Liberals because he has this fantasy that the NDP can actually become the Opposition or something.


Not that I'm anti-NDP. I voted for them in here (and they won! Yea! Some Tory, eh?) but they haven't got a hope on the national scene.



Absolutely... and I should have clarified that he's only safe as long as it's a minority govt. I would love to see the NDP take centre stage, but I don't expect that to happen anytime soon.


You know who I really liked? Chretien. The guy had some real cohones and would call it like it saw it. I wasn't so hot on his administration, but as a leader, he was cool, IMO.

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Wow, is there actually a political thread/discussion about CANADA going on here?????? :svengo: :lol: And no fighting??? :D


Way to go, Canada!

We're Canadian, eh? Maybe its the stance on marijuana that has us all so laid back...then heading out for Timmies, ketchup chips, and Smarties...ya know, all the stuff not south of the border :tongue_smilie:

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We're Canadian, eh? Maybe its the stance on marijuana that has us all so laid back...then heading out for Timmies, ketchup chips, and Smarties...ya know, all the stuff not south of the border :tongue_smilie:



Well, you know how it is... if you're going to talk politics and toke up, you're gonna need all the Timbits you can carry or someone WILL get hurt. :lol:

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Well, you know how it is... if you're going to talk politics and toke up, you're gonna need all the Timbits you can carry or someone WILL get hurt. :lol:

This is what I'm saying! :lol:


Nah, no tokin...but try and explain what a 'rye and coke' is sometime to those not of Canadian residency or descent. *head desk*


Canadian Club is nothing like Jack Daniels. That's all there is to it.


Is it just me, or does it say something about our beloved nation when politics ends up discussing merits of timbits, toke, and booze? :lol:


Its a long, cold winter is all the excuse I can think of :lol:

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Hey, we're all about tolerance and politeness, hoser! :lol:


(sorry Colleen, couldn't resist the hoser comment! :lol:)


I think we should thank the politicians though. They've given Canucks of all stripes something in common...the belief the current leaders are all a bunch of losers. :)


BTW, is this a good time to admit I've forsaken Tim Horton's coffee for McDonalds? I was never a huge Timmy coffee fan but MickyD's has a new blend that is absolutely heavenly. Plus, they don't have the impossible line-ups the local Timmy's has. :D

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I think we should thank the politicians though. They've given Canucks of all stripes something in common...the belief the current leaders are all a bunch of losers. :)


BTW, is this a good time to admit I've forsaken Tim Horton's coffee for McDonalds? I was never a huge Timmy coffee fan but MickyD's has a new blend that is absolutely heavenly. Plus, they don't have the impossible line-ups the local Timmy's has. :D

Them's fighting words. Leave your Canadian citizenship at the border.

Hmmm....don't know if I'd be admitting that to other Canadians......You might stir up a *real* controversy here....I'd hate to see this thread deleted.:lol:

She started it!! McDs over Timmies. Sacrilege!!! That's like preferring American beer! *patooey*

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So I won't mention that I drink Coors Light?



Although...that was my first ever beer experience :cheers2:


If I *have* to drink beer, or get a weird desire for it, I love the Alexander Keith Premium White Ale. Really light tasting, none of the beer after taste at all.


When I *used* to go out dancing, I was a Canadian girl, straight from the bottle :lol:

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BTW, is this a good time to admit I've forsaken Tim Horton's coffee for McDonalds? I was never a huge Timmy coffee fan but MickyD's has a new blend that is absolutely heavenly. Plus, they don't have the impossible line-ups the local Timmy's has. :D


We have a Starbucks here.:D


Haven't had a Tim's since we moved. :001_huh:


Oh wait. When we were back on the island in May, I did. Couldn't be helped, no Starbucks. :tongue_smilie:

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I *knew* Ishould have checked this thread more often. Look at all the fun I missed. Of course now I need to go out and get myself a Mocha from Timmie's :tongue_smilie:. I swear I should buy stocks in Tim's I am there so often. As for beer I am more of a Kokanee fan, though I rarely drink it. The rest I could not comment on, I finally voted for the first time in the last election but really don't keep up with politics (I didn't even know Harper was PM for at least 6 months after he was elected)

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That's okay. Looking back at those first 6 months, I'm not entirely sure Harper knew he'd been elected PM. :D

That's only because he thought he'd gained monarchy status.


And Starbucks? *double patooey!* That crap all tastes burnt to me! Stay Canadian if you want to spend $$$ on coffee, and go Second Cup! :lol:


I actually wrote about an experience with Starbucks...I was alone, and well...lets say it did not go well without Wolf, who has always ordered for me the grand total of two previous occasions that I'd had it. The essay was entitled, "Confessions of a Starchucks Virgin" (I was worried about copyrights :lol:)

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