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Out of my 6yo dd mouth

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Tonight we were on the way home from town when the following was said....


"Hey mom when we get home can I change my underware cause they are really sweaty. Isn't that disgusting!"


Dh and I tried so hard not to laugh but we both burst into giggles. DD laughed too and said "well they are."


LOL had to share. :)

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That is hilarious!


I love the "mommy is the prettiest girl in the world" story - how precious! (well, other than the "she is your mother" part!) LOL


My 6 year old starts a good majority of his sentences with the word "even" - "Hey, mommy, even I like to play with toys." or We will tell him to go brush his teeth and he will say, "even I will floss them." Those are just the cute little things that I hate to see them grow out of!

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