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Anyone prefer Singapore U.S. to Standards edition?


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Hi everyone,


I for some reason misunderstood the description of the Standards edition of Singapore Math and thought it was primarily for those who live in California. I didn't realize that it also has more problems and a different layout, etc. I have all these U.S. Edition books and I was wondering if there is any reason to switch to the Standards edition. Do any of you prefer the U.S. editions, and if so, why? Or should I try to sell these and get the Standards versions? We're starting 1B soon so I will have to stick with the U.S. edition for this next volume, but wondering what to do about the 2-series. Thanks for any feedback you have!

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I'm with Wendy. If I had a K'er or preschooler as my oldest today, I could well choose Standards.


However, my older two were already in 5a when Standards came out, and I'd already bought 5b. I owned 10 out of 12 textbooks. I had figured out how to teach them - Singapore's like an old comfy glove now. I do not want to figure anything new out for my younger, LOL! And all my kids are doing just great with it, so I don't feel a need to add whatever "extras" are in Standards just because they're there.


So my youngest (in 3a then, now in 4a) will be finishing up with the US edition. If it ain't broke...


ETA: Although I see your kid's just in 1st. That's probably not too late to change. I haven't actually used Standards, though, so I'm not the best one to ask if it's worth it....

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I started DS 1 on the US edition. When I got a look at the Standards, I liked it a lot better, so we switched in 2A. And I recently sold all my 1A-B US books, so I can start DD on Standards from the beginning.


Is there some way you can see the Standards to decide whether the switch is right for you? I think the farther up you get the more difficult it is to switch because the topics are reorganized within the levels. We do still use the IP and CWP books that go with the US ed. They are really easy to rearrange and do the relevant topics. HTH

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