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Anyone know what's changing in the revised CLE LA?


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I am interested in CLE materials and heard that a new revised edition of the LA will be released soon. I am especially interested in the 1st grade materials. Anyone know what to expect?






I've heard the the Teacher's Guide will be redone in math & LA not the program itself.

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I belong to the Christian light families yahoo group and I have heard that there are revisions currently underway. I just had a quick look through the archived messages hoping to summarize what changes you can expect but I am having trouble getting my head around it all !


Maybe you could join the group (if you are not already a member) and search the messages for Elmer Glick. He is the CLE rep and he has posted quite often about what is happening. Or you could post a query yourself.


Hope that helps



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They revised the 1st grade LA to go with the revised version of Learn to Read. As far as I know, the revisions only affected the 1st grade LA and LTR - not the other grades. HTH!




Yes, that is my understanding of the current situation too. But according to the CLE yahoo group the reading and LA's light units will be all revised from levels 200 - 800 in the future and they are planning on bringing out a newly revised level, one year at a time (if that makes sense). So the next revision will be done on level 200, followed by a revision on level 300 the following year etc


According to the CLE rep on the Yahoo group (Elmer Glick) the hard back readers for the reading levels 100 and above will not be changed. I think that is what he said ....


I have been trying to follow this as I will have one child ahead of the changes and one child behind the revised changes and I know already that my second child will need new teacher guides when it is her turn to start level 200 (which my first dd is currently using).

Edited by JaneP
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