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Could it be an ear infection?

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My 3.5 week old baby has had a runny nose and been congested for almost a week. There's nothing in his chest, it's just his nose, which I suction often.


He JUST got up to eating 3 oz of formula, he was only eating 2. AND last Friday he was fitted with a Pavlik Harness.


Ok... after the stuffiness started he began to get a little cranky more often. I assumed that it had a little to do with the cold but also maybe it was due to the harness and getting used to it.


Every now and then he just screams once and then he's done.


He won't sleep on his back (again I thought it had to do with the harness). I have to hold him or he has to be in the bouncy seat.


The most concerning thing is that he's cut down on chow time. He's only eating 1/2 - 1 oz at a time. About once a day I can get him to eat 2 oz. He's still producing enough wet diapers so I wasn't overly concerned at first.


So today I was thinking about all of these things and wondered if it could be an ear infection. I've never had to deal with an ear infection in such a small baby so I have no idea what to look for.


If he's still not eating ok by Monday I will call the Ped.


Thanks for your input!

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It could be an ear infection -- my son had multiple ear infections as an infant with absolutely NO OTHER SYMPTOMS other than loss of appetite.


I once took him in to the doc's because he just wasn't nursing as usual -- only to find out that he had both ears infected to the point where the doc thought one ear drum might burst!!! :eek:


All the doc could say was that he must have incredibly high pain tolerance...

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If it is an ear infection, expressing a couple of drops of bre*stmilk in each ear and letting it sit for a few minutes before draining and doing the same to the other ear can do wonders to help clear it up. Just do this every few hours for a couple of days. I always do this for my kids and we haven't needed antibiotics for an ear infection.

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If it is an ear infection, expressing a couple of drops of bre*stmilk in each ear and letting it sit for a few minutes before draining and doing the same to the other ear can do wonders to help clear it up. Just do this every few hours for a couple of days. I always do this for my kids and we haven't needed antibiotics for an ear infection.


I've heard that, but I'm not nursing....

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Another vote for possible ear infection. Ethan is my ear-infection boy. (he gets one every time he gets sick no matter what I do) I would say about 50% of the time he doesn't get a fever.


Since he is so little I would bring him in on Monday. Hopefully you won't have to spend time in the waiting room. Our office always brings us straight back if we have a baby under 2 months.


I hope your little one is feeling better soon!

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My kids were bfed so I'm not sure-but could it be the formula? Some babies need a different formula. My one friend had a baby that needed a special formula. I think they switched 3 times before they got it right. I can't remember if the baby's symptoms were digestive issues or respiratory. It probably isn't the formula but I thought I'd mention it.

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My kids were bfed so I'm not sure-but could it be the formula? Some babies need a different formula. My one friend had a baby that needed a special formula. I think they switched 3 times before they got it right. I can't remember if the baby's symptoms were digestive issues or respiratory. It probably isn't the formula but I thought I'd mention it.


I guess that's a possibility, but wouldn't it have been a problem before 3 weeks?

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I guess that's a possibility, but wouldn't it have been a problem before 3 weeks?


No, sometimes it takes a while or a bit of a build-up for the body to determine that something is not a good fit. For example my kids were able to eat the foods that they are allergic to a few times before they developed their allergies to them- or atleast before their allergies manifested themselves. (different allergies for each kid) I wouldn't rule out the formula just because he is starting to be fussy now.

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I guess that's a possibility, but wouldn't it have been a problem before 3 weeks?


Probably. It is more likely that it's an ear infection. If you go to the doc and it's not an ear infection-then maybe look at the formula. I am honestly not that experienced with formula. I just thought I'd mention another(less likely) possibility.

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Another vote for ear infection. Ds had them every time he got a cold, even when he was that little. Turned out he had an immune deficiency (which he has thankfully outgrown). Not saying your little has that, just that it is certainly possible for him to have an ear infection based on what you've described.

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Thank you both for the allergy/formula info. If it's not an ear infection I'll definitely ask about the formula.


Just wanted to say that I hope you figure this out quickly, Audrey. It's no fun when littles are sick, but when they're newborn it's even worse. They're just so fragile and precious at that age and it's hard on us mommies to watch them suffer. :grouphug: I hope you can get some sleep and that baby will be better soon.

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Last night my baby started eating all of a sudden!! I'm so thankful!


So I called the Ped this morning and talked to the nurse - told her everything and she asked me to bring him in.


Dr said he just had a head cold.


Well that alone would be enough to make anyone miserable. ;) I'm glad that you found some answers and that he started eating again. :)

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