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Degrees for certified teachers?

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My dh is going to teach English at the Middle School level when he is done with school.


I know it will vary around the country, but does anyone know if he has to have a BA in English or can he have a Liberal Arts degree with a concentration in English and Lit? Are Liberal Arts degrees useful for anything specific?



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In my state you have to have an education type degree to teach in public schools--so english ed. or math ed. etc. You can also do an undergrad in a specific content area and then do a master's in education I believe.


Are you in Idaho? Take a look at the dept of education site in whatever state he wants to teach in to check for certification options. They dept will be able to answer questions too as could any university with a teacher education program. http://www.sde.idaho.gov/site/teacher_certification/

Edited by sbgrace
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