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What's the cutest thing your dc says that you won't correct?

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My oldest said "oshun" instead of "orange". Youngest ds said "woo" instead of you. Now, when he says shoe, I picture an umlaut over it. It sounds like "Shue". It's so cute.


Remember that song "Boogie Shoes"? Oldest ds used to sing, "Cookie Shoes", instead. Impractical, but oh so tasty.

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I honestly don't correct any of it! I just figure they'll get it eventually.


My son says "poodles" for anything in patty form. Like zucchini patties. He tells people he had poodles for dinner. Which is a little alarming.


I once said he couldn't eat bread because it was "old and moldy". Now anything gross is "oldy moldy". I use that one now.

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When my eldest dd was a toddler and she needed a tissue she would say she needed a "deez wop" (nose wipe). We still sometimes say the kids need a "deez wop".


I loved it when each kid said "foots" instead of "feet". I never corrected them. The two older kids figured it out now. I'm still enjoying my 3 yo talk about her "foots".

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Our little guy has started saying, "Birthday!!" when he jumps out of a hiding place. He saw that on a show with a surprise party, so he thinks that is what to say.


Our dd used words so well that we didn't hear many funny things from her, but one day when she was very little she didn't know the correct word to say, so she did the best she could. It was a little to descriptive for me. I think I had asked her if he had a dirty diaper and she said that she only had a "stinky burp."

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My son referred to eyebrows as "streamers." I was so sad when he learned the real (and much more mundane) word for them.


He also used to run out of the bathroom after a bath, stark naked, and say (very sincerely), "Look how clean I am!" He felt so clean that he was sure we could see it.


Aw, I miss my baby.




I think last year, after a bath, Zee let out a contented sigh and said 'Ah, I feel so fresh'. That one stuck. I say it now whenever I was feeling particularly dirty and got to take a shower. You know, he's right; I always feel 'fresh' after a shower. :D

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Her greatest invention - and she did invent the term, because she didn't know the word "ketchup" - is: FRY LOTION.


We all love this term so much that we plan to use it forever. Hey, want some fry lotion with your meal? :D




Sounds like my ds3. He is always making up names for things he doesn't know.

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