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Need ideas from speech/debate families....

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I have been asked to lead our junior speech in our local speech/debate club. It is the first year our club has offered it so I'm treading on new ground. I'm trying to find good websites that might offer some key ideas...I'm not even sure of all the forms of speech (Humorist, Duo, Interpretive etc.) I know we'll be focusing on about 3 of them, but would like to share examples of all of them with the younger group (ages 8-12)...


We are working with tongue twisters tomorrow and sharing excerpts from our favorite books...plus team building games...but I'm hoping someone here might have some extra tips..




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Hi Tara,


Do you have the CFC beginning public speaking curriculum? If so, both the old and new versions have excellent examples of all types of speeches. In our club, we also have our older, competitive students come in and give their speeches for the youngers. Maybe I'll have dd put her expos speech on YouTube so that you could watch it! She did an expos on Lucy and really enjoyed it; went to Nationals with it.


Let me know if you'd like to see it.



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Thank you so much, I would love to share her speech with the class...with us just starting out, I didn't want to use up the time (speech class for older kids also happens at this time) to pull them out of their class, but hope in the next few months I can ask them to come and present to our class in preparation for tournaments...I just found the curricula by Teresa something? It looks good to me, but they also had student books, and didn't know if I wanted the families to spend the money or if I could just use the teacher's manual...


I'm trying to find other clubs who have used it to see what their impression of it is. Thanks so much!



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I've only used the older edition of Teresa Moon's Beginning Public Speaking (the one with spaghettio's or vegie soup on the front). It's been updated and our club is using it this year, but I don't teach that class.


With the older curriculum, I did not find a student book necessary for each student. I used it to help form my lessons, but I also pulled from other resources. I really liked the speeches on the DVDs. And while the DVDs had excellent examples of different types of speeches, I found the curriculum did not adequately teach *how* to write a speech. Since these are younger students, most still need writing instruction. I spent some classes teaching about speech openings and hooks, the development of the body of the speech through example, stories, ect. and the conclusion. We talked about active verbs and exciting adjectives vs. passive voice and overused descriptions (big, nice, cool).


Have fun! I really enjoyed teaching it several years ago!




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