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I'm stocking up for cold/flu season-help me with my list please

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I'm stocking up for the typical colds or flu that we get. We get the typical flu shots every year so usually it's not that bad. I'm not paranoid about the h1n1 flu. But I have to be vigilant because ds9 is considered medically fragile. Ds9 has already gotten the pneumonia shot and he will get the h1n1 shot. Dh works overnights so I can't run to the store with sick kids(one in a wheelchair) during the night. Tell me what else I need.


We have:

boxes of tissues(I buy them whenever they are on sale. Dd uses boxes of them just by herself.)

Several boxes of cough drops

Liquid tylenol(for ds9 who isn't fed by mouth)

Liquid Delsum(only cough med that ds9 is allowed because of his meds)

Robitussin DM(for other kids)

Pedialyte (for ds9 to keep him hydrated)

Lysol(a few cans)

Vicks vapor rub

popsicles for sore throats(not pedialyte ones because the kids hate them)


Haven't gotten yet:

chapstick for each person

hand sanitizer(small bottles for rooms)

Airborne(to take when around those who are sick)

New filters for room humidifier

chicken ramen soup(I get a big box of them)

chicken bouillon cubes for making just broth(ran out of these)

buckets for the v word(I scored several of these from the hospital when ds9 was there for minor surgery in the spring. Dh keeps using them for paint and stuff--grrrrr.)

saltine crackers

ginger ale


I, of course, hope that we won't need all of these supplies. I have my elderly father, medically fragile ds9 and ds12 who has antibody deficiencies to think about so being prepared is the best.


Thanks for reading

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I'd be more inclined to spend the money on keeping the immunity up. I'd get an excellent quality probiotic, zink, vitamin C, and since your son is fragile, liquid nano particle silver builds up the immunity and helps take the junk out. I'd also keep him on a healthy diet and eat as much raw garlic in salads and such as possible.

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Consider buying a sinus rinsing tool such as a neti pot or NeilMed sinus rinsing bottle, plus NeilMed sinus rinse packets. Get a bottle of pure tea tree oil from the your local crunchy whole foods store (I'm not being disparaging! It's a term of endearment!) in the essential oils section. I dissolve the NeilMed packet in warm water in the neti pot or rinsing bottle and then add 1 or 2 drops of tea tree oil. This preparation cured my persistent sinus infection when three courses of antibiotics didn't!


Editing: You buy NeilMed rinse packets at Walgreens -- 100 individual packets for approximately $12.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

This is my flu preparation kit so far: tylenol for grown ups and kids, dimetapp cold formula for sniffles and snot, thermometer, cans of condensed chicken noodle soup, boullion cubes, applesauce, paper plates (to avoid doing dishes), bleach, packets of rehydrating mix (8tsp sugar and 1 tsp of salt to add to 1 liter of water)


I'll also be getting more vicks rub (I'm almost out), cough drops or hard candies, and saltines.


These are all things we can use up, even if we don't get the flu.


As far as remedies, my father swears by hot lemonade with honey, and I've got a friend who makes onion tea when she is sick. Boil a large onion in enough liquid to cover then drink the liquid. I'm guessing they both would have lots of vitamin c.

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Rather than using packaged soups/broths/bullion for a sick person, it would be best to make an actual bone broth with a chicken carcass. What I typically do is prepare a chicken to roast (seasonings, olive oil, onion, garlic), stick it in a cast iron dutch oven and set it in the oven at 350 for a few hours. Then I take the best bits of meat off (leave the squidgies) and simmer the carcass with a tablespoon or so of apple cider vinegar. I can usually get enough stock this way that I fill up canning jars and stick them in the freezer (that way I don't have to do it all the time or while taking care of a sick kiddo).


Other than that, I think your list looks pretty thorough. I would agree with a previous poster that investing in immune boosting now would be good idea. This has been half of my preparations for this Fall. After last winter being so ugly (pneumonia, pleurisy, and constant colds) I have been really good about making sure everyone gets their vitamin D, C and multi-vitamins. I ran out of D for myself and I am the only one who's been sick the past week with what I believe is the flu :ack2:

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I have most of what you already list - plus several cans of peaches and pears. the only time hubby and I eat canned fruit is when we are sick - and cool fruit sure goes down good when I have the flu!!!


I also stock Campbells salt, er, chicken noodle soup. Again, only a sick person food.


I work under the assumption that hubby and I can both get sick at the same time (has happened) and none of our teens drive yet so.....


Oh, and lots of TP.


PS - kids do not know I have some Italian ice (lemon ice) hidden in the downstairs freezer in addition to cheapo Popsicles. Ill adults need coddling!

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Thank you all for the great ideas. I'm looking at buying some probiotics and other items to help with immunity. I have to run those by ds's doc because he takes about 7 meds daily. I might have to make some chicken broth from real chicken and freeze it-yum. Cold canned fruit and applesauce-great idea. Paper plates-genius. I already have a neti pot but I guess I have to put the packets on my list now. It helps to write this stuff out. I appreciate the help:)

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For my littles:











I have only had to use the Horehound (cough) and the Ear blend but they have worked great (and quickly).



For adults I keep: Vitamin C, Garlic, Grapefruit Seed Extract, and Licorice Root.


For sore throats we use this throat spray (which has been great) and gargling salt water several times a day. I have not ordered the throat spray online yet as we found it at a store for our first purchase.





But usually we just hit any bug with 500mg vitamin C every 2 hours (adults) and it is gone within a day or two. The littles take the vitamin C but not as high of a dose.

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In addition to supplies to treat symptoms, I would suggest


A couple frozen meals or frozen left over pods for quick meals for the rest of the family.

Other ingredients for easy meals or snacks. If you get sick, will someone else be able to take over meal preps. What can they make? Hungry man beef stew is a comfort food for me when I'm sick.

Laundry detergent, and bleach so you can do increased laundry

Extra bathroom cleaning supplies. I hate being sick in a dirty toilet.


I also have a stash of nature dvds that we can watch when we need to occupy a long day when no one feels well. Maybe a couple new books or tapes.

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Read on for my list of evidence based treatments/preventions re: H1N1. Share with anyone interested. Fwiw, I just had the flu and used Tamiflu - what Gdsend.




Virtually all flulike illnesses currently presenting are H1N1. It's possible that 50% of cases are presenting without a fever and very likely many more. This makes meaningless, the recommendations to "stay home from school or work until fever free for 24 hours" as many with the flu will never have had a fever. Children are unknowingly being sent to school with H1N1; adults with H1N1 will continue to go to work not realizing that they are spreading the flu.


Contagion is a factor from 24h prior to onset of symptoms and for 7-10 days after *onset of symptoms*.


It's wonderful that most people are reporting being sick for 1.5-2 days. Yay! For those at risk for respiratory complications though (including our pregnant friends and family members) it doesn't matter that 'most' are sick for 1-2 days. For them, this is not a typical flu so please stay home if you have any symptoms. Please keep your child home if they have any symptoms. If one is sick, keep them all home.


What can you do to prevent or treat the flu?



•Anti-Virals if you think you have the flu [CDC recommendation not mine] Keep in mind that there is a 50-90% false negtive rate on the rapid flu tests. Yes, you read that right. Just b/c you have a negative rapid flu test absolutely positively does not mean you are home free.


Effective treatment:


•Anti-Viral Medication started within 24h (less helpful but still helpful if started later....though drug resistant cases are emerging)


•High Dose Vitamin D3 therapy aka Stoss Therapy. (reduces cytokines) Stoss Therapy is 1,000 IU D per one lb body weight per day
then back to normal dosing: 1,000 IU per 25 lbs body weight. Stoss therapy is not appropriate for those with kidney disease. Take sufficient calcium and magnesium while taking vitamin D.

Likely Helpful adjuncts effective treatment - will reduce and/or moderate cytokines or act as ACE inhibitors:


Adults only;
never children or adolescents
(reduces cytokines).


•Green tea (ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines). Consider drinking


daily and/or gargling with it.


•High dose vitamin C therapy to bowel tolerance. Use cheap ascorbic acid unless you personally need buffered - avoid time released for this usage.



Effective Prevention:


•Optimal blood levels of D3 (reduces cytokines)



•50-80 ng/mL is optimal; some say 50-70 ng/mL, some say 55-80 ng/mL - it depends on who's writing and when they wrote it. Anything less than 50 ng/mL=substrate deficiency which is a Very Bad Thing. Our 50-80 ng/mL translates to 150-200 nmoL in any other place in the world
Moderate levels are correlated, by some data, with increased cytokine activity (20-40 ng/mL). We don't want moderate levels or even 'normal' levels. We want optimal levels in the middle of the 'reference range'.




•Remember that because of problems with Quest's test, any D result from them should be divided by 1.3 to get an accurate number.




•Optimal vitamin D levels are your very best defense against influenza, some researchers posit that it may be as or more effective than a vaccine.



•Green tea (ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines).


Drink it or gargle.


•Probiotics. Take daily.

May be helpful adjuncts to effective treatment and/or prevention in addition to above measures:


•Black tea (ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines)


•Quercetin (possible ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines)


•Pomegranate (ACE inhibitor)


•Proanthocyandin containig foods, supplements (ACE inhibitors): grapeseed extract, pinebark extract (pycnogenol)


•Turmeric (reduces cytokines). 1/4 tsp powder can be placed on tongue and swallowed with water


•Black pepper (reduces cytokines)


•Raw crushed garlic (reduces cytokines). For easy dosing, mix with tsp raw honey.


•Coconut oil (reduces cytokines)


•Echinacea (increases some cytokine activity but overwhelmingly reduces cytokine activity)

Assess carefully:


•Elderberry aka Sambucol (known to increase cytokines). I am avoiding.


•Astragalus (reduces activity of some cytokines, increases activity of other cytokines). I am avoiding.


•Olive oil (may increase cytokines). I will continue to use as needed but will use coconut oil for cooking/baking.


•Fish oil (may increase cytokines). I will continue to take significant amounts.


•Chocolate (ACE inhibitor but increases cytokines). I will use moderately;p

Cannel on preventing and treating H1N1:



Randomized, placebo controlled trial shows D3 prevents and treats colds and flu:


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Thank you all for the great ideas. I'm looking at buying some probiotics and other items to help with immunity.


I get all of my herbs/vites/supplements from iherb. It's the least expensive available (even if you ship it overnight) and if you order by 4pm EST you can have it to you ASA 10 am the next morning.


I'd get Now kids probiotic or Udo's Children's probiotic

zinc lozenges (zand has some tasty ones....avoid elderberry)

talk to your child's doc about getting his D levels tested - ideally they'll be at 55-75 ng/mL if you test with LabCorp or ZRT......Quests test has some problems and runs low - their results need to be divided by 1.3 to be accurate which means you want (iirc) 85-105 on Quest.


Consider grassrootshealth.org to join a population based vitamin D study.


Super Nutrition Perfect Kids is an absolutely wonderful multi if your child can swallow vitamins.


I am a high risk person wrt any respiratory illness but esp H1N1. I'd been exposed and live in the area in the US with the highest current rates of H1N1. I took a neighbor to the hopsital last week (female - 30's). My daughter's teacher is in the hospital (female 30's also). I have a friend who should be hospitalized but is refusing to go......she can barely breathe even with 20 mg prednisone 3x per day.


When I started having symptoms on Tuesday am, I went in and got Tamiflu. Wonderful call. It's been amazing. Only the tiniest shadow of flu symptoms has hung around....I quarantined T, W, Th and by Friday I was back in the saddle. Well, I was up and about doing normal activities the whole time - I just stayed away from ppl.


Wishing you all the best,


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OK, I guess I'm the only crazy whose first thought is hydrogen peroxide. It only works with respiratory flu, not digestive flu. I've found it most helpful when I'm coming down with the fever/aching muscles/can hardly make myself get up to find the hydrogen peroxide variety of flu.


As soon as you feel pretty sure you're coming down with it, put a half capful in your ear for 3-4 minutes, then do the other ear. Repeat this every 2 hours and by night time you should feel fine. The next day try to do it every 3-4 hours even if you are feeling fine, just in case.


Won't work for every strain of flu (only ones that incubate and enter through your ears) but I have saved myself from many many days in bed when I've caught it early on.

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I've just been through the flu.


I took:

MMS (http://www.themiraclemineralsupplement.com/ )

nascent iodine

echinacea- high dose of tincture


Weleda cough syrup

fermented codliver oil


I got sick on Monday, thinking, its not so bad- mainly a sore throat.


Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday, I could barely do anything- extreme malaise and aches, hurt to breathe deeply, fever on and off, and lots of mucous, and a cough.

I rested a lot- spent all day Thursday in bed, and a fair bit of the other two days as well.


Friday- I woke up feeling much, much better and was able to pretty much have a normal day, although I took it easy.


Saturday and Sunday- mild residue, feeling pretty good but slight cough and runny nose. Should be good by tomorrow.


Another thing I did at night time was Vicks vapour rub on the soles of my feet at night time. I read it online somewhere and it amazingly, really works to stop night time coughing. Each night of three nights I went to bed, started coughing uncontrollably. I got up, took some Weleda (herbal)cough medicine, and put Vicks on the soles of my feet, and loose socks on. All 3 times, I slept through the night, no coughing.

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Rather than using packaged soups/broths/bullion for a sick person, it would be best to make an actual bone broth with a chicken carcass. What I typically do is prepare a chicken to roast (seasonings, olive oil, onion, garlic), stick it in a cast iron dutch oven and set it in the oven at 350 for a few hours. Then I take the best bits of meat off (leave the squidgies) and simmer the carcass with a tablespoon or so of apple cider vinegar. I can usually get enough stock this way that I fill up canning jars and stick them in the freezer (that way I don't have to do it all the time or while taking care of a sick kiddo).



Canned soup just does not have the same effect. We have roast chicken almost every week and I always boil up the carcass with a few carrots and an onion (and celery if I have a few limp stalks lying around). Strain and freeze. When I need soup, I dump the frozen stock in a pot, add some diced carrots, celery, onions and boil for 10 minutes. Add diced potatoes and boil for another 20 minutes. Fresh, hot, super healthy soup in 30 minutes. If it's for DH, I'll add red chile flakes and ginger, and skip the potatoes.


I also recommend zinc lozenges, vitamin D3, and Enzymedica's Virastop enzymes. Virastop is miraculous!



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If my kids take a multivitamin are they getting enough of the vitamins listed here to build up their immunity?


Check out the Vitamin D content. Vit D (esp in the form of D3) is probably 400IU or less. A book called The Vitamin D Cure recommends something like 20-25 IU per 1# body weight, for people (incl kids) who do not receive much sun exposure. I would careully read up on D before supplementing in these amounts. It does tend to reduce a body's need for Ca supplements. Also, Vit A can easily be ingested to excess depending on the source of D.


I am not one to go ga-ga over the latest nutrient/vitamin fad. This book did it for me though.

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