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Genevieve Foster books?


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I would guess middle school.


Yes, and that's the grade level I'd suggest even keeping in mind that most homeschooled kids read above their age peers' grade levels. My good reader could not handle them in fifth grade when he was reading on a seventh grade level. We'll try again this year; he's reading on a ninth grade level.

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DS (12) is reading the book on Columbus and is whipping through it. He says it's an easy read but full of new information. He will begin John Smith in a couple of weeks.


I am using the GF books as supplements to All American History. If DS keeps reading them as fast as he is I will need to find more supplemental materials. :)

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What age/grade level are the Genevieve Foster books written for?


(We are doing MFW:RtR right now, and the readings in Augustus Caesar's World seem a little long and over the head of my 9 yr old.)


BFB lists this one as 4th to 8th grades:



It starts out slowly but really you need to get a ways into it until it feels more like a "good story" and not just "random facts."


Of course every family is different, but we got a good glimpse of a world leader's story after we finally got into it.


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