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My dd doesn't like art...WWYD?


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My dd, 4th grade, doesn't like to draw. She just lacks confidence, and says she can't do it. When she does something it's always very good. We did drawing with Children last year, and she didn't always complain, but I can't say she loved it. She's 4 weeks into Artistic Pursuits, gardes 4-6, book 1, and I don't think she's completed a project yet. What she starts is nice. I try giving her suggestions for completing her drawings, and I draw some with her. I tell her that no one's expecting a masterpiece, and that it's all about trying and practicing.


Anyway, this is one of those extra subjects, and I don't want to make her miserable with it. But, I do think it's good to have some exposure to art. What do you suggest?

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I'd stop praising so much. If you want her to do art, she does art. I'd set a lesson from Artistic pursuits and leave her to complete it. If she wants you close by, I'd sit down to do the same project, but put a screen up and tell her you want privacy and you might show her when you've finished if you like it enough. (This will allow her to do the same, which might be what she needs.) When she's finished the lesson, or the alloted time, I'd look at it and make a few small comments such as "nice use of colour" or "you did that bit better than last time" and leave it at that. Give her the space to warm up to her own thoughts. If you step in, whether actually doing it for her or by commenting too much, you're not leaving room for her to own her own piece. If she doesn't feel she owns it, she can't learn to feel pride or interest. If you are going to do the lesson yourself, you could try comments about how you want to try what she did last time. She can't cop out by copying you if you're copying her :)



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And appreciate there are those of us that are TERRIBLE at art and know it..:lol:

My mother made me suffer through drawing lessons for years b/c it was important and nobody was "bad". She was an excellant artist and just figured if it was taught to me I would at least get some of it.

I'm horrible and it was torture. Art appreciation is much more my thing. My son seems to have my inability to draw, but loves the fluidity of paint, so we study masters and then try to recreate their styles.

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And appreciate there are those of us that are TERRIBLE at art and know it..:lol:

My mother made me suffer through drawing lessons for years b/c it was important and nobody was "bad". She was an excellant artist and just figured if it was taught to me I would at least get some of it.

I'm horrible and it was torture. Art appreciation is much more my thing. My son seems to have my inability to draw, but loves the fluidity of paint, so we study masters and then try to recreate their styles.



I couldn't wait to give up art class when I hit middle school and it was an elective instead of being required. Ironically, I am actually a pretty creative person, it just manifested itself differently through a drama major and in costume design/sewing. So take heart...even if your DD doesn't like drawing or "art" that doesn't condemn her to a life devoid of the arts :).

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I teach the basics like math and language arts, history and science but the other subjects I do as interest based and do not push. My goal for homeschooling is to give my child a great basic academic education and the rest I want to help them pursue what things they are really passionate about.

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