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Thoughts on Simply Spelling?

Sue G in PA

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Jessica at TA...I know you use it or have used it. What do you think so far? Anyone else have any thoughts on this book? In planning curriculum for ds8 who can already read very well, but not spell very well, I am looking at SS, The Phonics Road (progressing quickly), SWO (which he probably will not like b/c of the workbook). These are the programs I already have on hand and cannot spend money on more. So, can anyone tell me what they think of SS? Is it a good way to learn to spell? Do your dc actually learn to spell with this program? Or, is a rules based program like Phonics Road better? Thanks for any reviews!

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Sue, I am no expert, as I am new to hs. I use Spelling Wisdom, but I looked at both when trying to decide. I think dictation is a must, whatever program you use. It forces the writer to slow down and think about what he/she is doing. It is also a great time for us to discuss the author and the meaning behind the passage. I also require dictionary use for unknown words.


I am not familiar with Phonics Road, but I know people seem to love it. I would use both and work on one SS dictation passage a week, unless there is a lot of dictation in Phonics Road.


Good luck deciding!



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Thanks Lisa...and btw...NONE of us are experts by any means, veterans or not. :) Thanks for your feedback. I was going to get WWE for ds8 or use SWO for spelling (but he hates workbooks) until I could purchase PR level 2. Then I found SS on the shelf and thought, hmmm...dictation, copywork, some rules...I could use this! Anyone else?

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