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Spelling Programs


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R&S is a textbook, all writing is done on notebook paper. R&S does much more to teach the whys of spelling, IMO. On day one they work on sounds and letters and using the words, day two is spelling patterns, day three is using the words (vocab) and a pretest, day four is dictionary skills, day five is the test. There's a "subject words" section that's even more practice with bonus words to assign where you please, or just give to the "more able" students.


Spelling Workout is a workbook. It mentions the spelling rule in a box, but I don't recall ds ever actually working with that rule specifically. Lots of sort by this sound or definition "puzzle" type activities. I did like the proofreading exercise, but ditched the writing assignments entirely.


SWO did not work out for us. *shrug* It could have been entirely my ds's personality. We only used the fourth grade book, the puzzle type activities drove my ds bonkers and he didn't retain much from them. The further we went into the book the steadily ds's final test scores dropped and I found myself supplementing it to get the words stuck in his noggin. He really disliked that book, to put it mildly. (This kid uses R&S now, and is doing well.)

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R&S is a textbook, all writing is done on notebook paper.


We use R&S spelling and we have workbooks. The hardcover text isn't used for spelling until 6th grade. Perhaps some older editions are hardcovers? We have levels 2-6 right now and levels 2-5 are all workbooks.


I used SWO with my dd for one year and it didn't work well for us. R&S has been a much better fit.

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Thank you for your replies. We used SWO and I didn't feel the rules were really taught just mentioned and then moved on to the activities. I want something that studies the rule and also the meaning of the words. Looks like R & S may work for us. We already use the English program which is very thorough and I thought the spelling program may be as well. Thanks again and have a blessed day!

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