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Is this dandruff, and if so I need natural remedies

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My oldest son has a very flaky scalp. But it's only on the top and not on the sides. If it's isolated to the top, is it truly dandruff or could it be shampoo buildup? (I'm not certain that he rinses his head well.)


If he does have dandruff, what can I do about it besides using a dandruff shampoo? Any successful remedies that you folks have actually tried would be appreciated.

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Dd was squirting the shampoo directly on her head instead of into her hands. This caused a crust that flaked. I used a comb to loosen the residue, and had her wash her hair with a buildup remover for a few days. It all went away.



For a scalp condition, I would have him rub coconut oil into his scalp before bed, if he showers in the morning, and again about 1 hour before shampooing. It will make the hair oily looking so make sure he has a ball cap if you need to run errands while it on his scalp.

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Dd was squirting the shampoo directly on her head instead of into her hands. This caused a crust that flaked. I used a comb to loosen the residue, and had her wash her hair with a buildup remover for a few days. It all went away.



Same thing with my DS. He wasn't rinsing the shampoo well, and it developed into a crust that looked like terrible dandruff just on the very top of his head.

Michelle T

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It's horribly crusted on the top of their head. Ds9 says it hurts when I try to comb it off. Ds8 tolerates it more. When it comes off...hair comes off with it. IT startled me at first. Our old stylist said psoriasis, but I don't think it is. I don't think it's shampoo build up either. They only shampoo 2x per week if that :eek: While giving ds8 a hair cut this evening, I noticed his was horrible! I combed out what I could but it's still rather crusty. YUCK! I'd love to know what it is, too. BUT, I'm going to try the coconut oil remedy.

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Sounds like dandruff. This might help: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/seborrheic-dermatitis/DS00984/DSECTION=7 When my daughter had a bad outbreak of cradle cap mineral oil/baby oil did help to remove the scaling little by little.


Some think that this condition is related to candida (yeast overgrowth in the intestine). A google search on candida and dandruff brings up some natural remedies, one of which being tea tree oil as others have mentioned. Do make sure too that they are rinsing all the soap/shampoo off themselves - if you don't have dandruff you will if you don't rinse well.


Hubby struggles with keeping this under control so I know what a pain it is; good luck, hope you find something that works for your family.




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You've all given me great suggestions. Thanks!


Yes, his is confined to the top of his head. He only washes his hair about 2x/week, though. I'd like to hope it's from poor rinsing. And I do notice it the most when I give him a haircut. I give all my boys buzz cuts, so it's most noticeable when after he's been mowed down on top. He pays closer attention to it than I do. He keeps rubbing his hand across the top of his head, watching the "snowflakes" fall. Eeewwww!


I'm going to look into some of the options you've given me. I'll report back when I find a solution!

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I suffered with itchy dandruff as a kid. If the natural methods suggested don't work, using nizoral or t-gel shampoo for even a short time will probably clear it up.


Hmm....so dandruff can "clear up" and go away completely with treatment? I was thinking it was a permanent condition, but it sounds like you're saying that's not necessarily so?

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