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Self-pity party alert---Struggling--Christian Content--needing Christian advice--

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For about 2 yrs our lives have been flipped around, turned around and we all seem to be "floundering" around lost.


Most of it has to do with health of our two youngest children. Special school needs for our oldest, and a SEVERE lack of sleep for me. I have been only getting 3 hrs of sleep or less for weeks now.


My attitude s*cks, and I am at a point where if one more person asks me to do something for them, it wouldn't be good. I know horrible, and very un-christ like.


I hav ehad Christians treat me like dog cr*p and it has hurt deeper then words could ever explain. I am suffering from ppd, but am unable to get treatment--another issue of Christians treatment--


In no way am I grouping Christians in a bad group here, but I find it terribly frustrating that we treat each otehr in this way during times of need. I am a Christian and am proud of it. However, the way many treat each other is just horrible. When this happens and you forgive them, but still have an open weeping sore, how do you let it go? How do you not let their stabs at you get you down?


Can anyone tell my heart is raw, aching and sore?


My ds is challenging me with school, our dd is challenging me with behavior, My toddlers are manking messes, my 21 mo is a crank case, and the baby isn't sleeping--the reason for my 3hrs a day of sleep. My dh is in the hay field, shop, or too busy to help me out. There probably won't be a homeschool support group here or near me for awhile. (our leader just lost her baby yesterday--completely understand.) That is stressing me out too. This is the second baby I have watched die in 18 mos. 7 mos and 4 days ago I watch my baby girl fight for her life. There are emotions there too.


Add into all this, I am missing my dad horribly--he died on my 20th birthday and the 13 anny of this event is less then a month away on Sept. 16. His birthday was Aug. 13.


nothing I try to do goes right. I am so tired, I can't think straight and just want to go to bed and sleep all this off. Not happening with 6 children under 10 at home.


My baby needs Physical therapy, and has an appt Friday, I can't find a sitter for our other children, dh has to work, and I am stressing out. She needs this if she will ever be able to walk with out pain or a permanent limp.


My hormones are really messed up--cycles every 14 days--flow for 6-8 and it is heavy. I am fairly sure I am anemic, but if I can't find a sitter to take baby girl to PT, I don't have one for me to go to the dr.


Dr, appts, and pt are an hour to hour and a half away, so it ends up being a full day out.


Can you tell I am overwhelmed?


I am trying to do school with 4 children. But none of them can do their work if they are all in the same room with each other. If I separate them, then I have to try and be in those four rooms so they will do their work. GRRRR.


Ok, so now is the reality of all this. None of it really matters. I know that, I can say it, but I cna't be ok with it. Make sense? lol


what matters is I have my kids. My friend just lost her baby, and I am so upset, I am heart broke, and just want to scream. I need to talk it out. How many people in their lives watch two close friends go through this 18 mos apart? How do I accept that this is God's plan? I plan to be there for my friend, she needs me, but I am so confused myself. I hate this.


I need to spend some deep hard core time with Jesus, but honestly I am a bit upset with him right now. I am praying, and getting in the word, but in the back of my mind and I a little upset. Why does he take a baby that was so wanted? Both babies that I have watched die were from homeschool families.


Ok, I think I am rambling some here, but I realllllllly needed to unload a little or maybe I should say alot. ;)

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I don't have any real wisdom to share. Just wanted to let you know that you are not alone and to encourage you to be honest in your prayer time. There have been many times when my prayer time included lots and lots of yelling. Why try to cover up what I am really feeling with lots of "thee"s and "thou"s and "thank you"s when God can read my heart and knows that I am really thinking "why"s and "this s*cks" and "how could you?"


I wish I lived closer to help watch the kiddos for you. I don't get why the church turns its back or tries to put on a happy face when there are suffering people (well, I do know why, but it doesn't solve anything). The church needs to get over feeling uncomfortable around real suffering and doubt and just be and be willing to say "I don't know" or "I don't understand either. Let me cry and yell with you" a whole lot more. (ETA: Obviously, I am speaking from my own experience and opinion. If you, reader, have experienced only a truly compassionate church, I am very happy for you... and very jealous. :) )

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I just looked on your profile to see where you live to see if I was close to you. It sounds like you need someone IRL to help you out right now. I am too far away. We all have times that we need other people.


I'm sorry that people have let you down. Remember - the nature of God never changes. He is GOOD. Sometimes, as his kids, we forget to act like Daddy and don't always treat each other like he would have us to.


I hope you can find a friend that can babysit for you, take the kids for a while so you can sleep, etc. You have a lot going on and it sounds like you need some serious down time/prayer time.


I will be praying for you. Sending you :grouphug:.

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You need rest. Even Jesus took time for rest. There's nothing godly about wearing yourself down to the nub. Do you go to church? I'd call your pastor and let him know you NEED HELP NOW! You need to go to the doctor, you need some sleep, you need a break. Just some rest and nutritious food can work wonders, but you do need to see the doctor about the hormone issues.


Also, your dh needs to do something to help you out. Whether its taking the kids for a few hours, or arranging child care, SOMETHING. They're his kids, too, and they'll really need him if you collapse from exhaustion or something.


I am praying for you, that you're ministered to and helped at this time. :grouphug:

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You are right that sometimes Christians tend to eat their own if things are going badly. And it's sooooo horribly wrong. I'm sorry that happened to you.


And you're also right that sometimes terrible, senseless things happen. Please feel free to vent to God. He can take it ; ). Sometimes we will never know this side of eternity why certain things happened. I too have watched a dear Christian family lose a baby to cancer, slowly and painfully.


And you are so incredibly overwhelmed! I wish you lived nearby so I could help you. You need SLEEP. You need HELP. Please pray and see if the Lord reveals any names to you of people who could help IRL.


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You need to cry out to your church family for help. You must sleep. Seriously. It can cause serious problems to have so little sleep. Seek out sommunity support. Can you get hospica care to help with your baby? Someone at your church could come and hold her while you rest. Are you near a college? See if there is a college student studying special education who could help you out.


I am just so so sorry.


Take a break. Forget school for a little bit. Just love your children, love yourself, love God.

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I wish I were closer to help you.



Please feel free to vent to God. He can take it ; ).



She is so right. His shoulders are broad, and he can take it.


I also think you need to sleep, badly, and if it meant walking into your ER with exhaustion to get some, then by all means, do it. You have needs, they are not fake and sometimes you have to demand what you need. Sleep is not optional. Really, it's not. You can't be expected to carry everyone and not sleep.


No treatment at ALL? No Dr? Not even your OBGYN? But if the Dr has prescribed meds for your PPD, then TAKE THEM. Screw what everyone says, and take the meds. I had HORRIBLE PPD with #7, and they were the difference between sane and not for me until my body healed.


I'll be praying for you, that someone shows up for you and becomes your Jesus in Skin.


Your church should be flipping ashamed of themselves. That is my sore spot, though too. I've never had a good experience with churches. Ever. In all my 30 years.

Edited by justamouse
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You need rest. Even Jesus took time for rest. There's nothing godly about wearing yourself down to the nub. Do you go to church? I'd call your pastor and let him know you NEED HELP NOW! You need to go to the doctor, you need some sleep, you need a break. Just some rest and nutritious food can work wonders, but you do need to see the doctor about the hormone issues.


Also, your dh needs to do something to help you out. Whether its taking the kids for a few hours, or arranging child care, SOMETHING. They're his kids, too, and they'll really need him if you collapse from exhaustion or something.


I am praying for you, that you're ministered to and helped at this time. :grouphug:


Forgive me, but I"m going to be blunt. If your husband is too busy to help with his kids and for his wife, he needs an attitude adjustment. He needs to leave the hay field, realize that you're at the end of your rope, and take care of the kids while you take care of YOU. You need to see a doctor, and sooner rather than later.


I'm so sorry--- I wish I lived closer; I'd be on your doorstep with a casserole, my dd to help me babysit, and a box of Dove chocolates (for medicinal purposes only!;)) Instead, I'm sending you hugs and lots of peace!



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Betty, you aren't in the Austin area are you? If so I'd be on your doorstep in a heartbeat. Is there not one person you can call to help with the kids? I know that a few hours does not make up for weeks of stress and sleep deprivation, but you need to find some help. Would your husband support you getting a babysitter, even twice a week, to help with the kids so you can catch up?


I am so sorry. I wish you had an outreach ministry you could call, but I know where you are coming from. My group reached out to an abused mom as she left her husband and we have been providing her with food, childcare, money, even a car. But when you are "just" a stressed out and tired mom, it seems there is no one to call. I am sorry for that.



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Guest Horseymom

Here is some help...


Let it go, let it all go...forget their 'schooling' for 4 weeks...you have a baby!! Take time to ENJOY your kids!! Take a quilt outside and a carton of colored pencils and paper, just draw and chat....let the baby get some fresh air...READ READ READ when you get the chance, the reading will do you all some good! Some good enjoyable reads for all ages would be "Five Little Peppers and How they Grew" "Heidi" "The Penderwicks"....just sitting down and spending some non-demanding time (reading was some of my most peaceful times!)..we all have times like those and as a Christian we MUST pray!! Things have hit us like a ton of bricks these past two years, but even with all that has hit us, we think WOW if we can handle this then we have been s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d!! We're hoping it's not in preparation for something bigger, but we're open to it.


the NUMBER one thing you have to do the next four weeks is GET YOUR SLEEP!! If you only get 3 hours at night, then ask dh if he can manage some of his work at home to give you 2 hours to get a nap...take the kids on a walk..the exercise will give you endorphins you need! Take your vitamins and stick to whole foods..you can eat pbj and fruit, then salad for dinner and still live well! :) Know that you are not alone, and that God is using this to grow you...many times my husband has wanted to scream at God...we let him, we just also ask him to name the blessings that are being blinded by all the crap thrown lately...that makes you soo thankful!!


Let the kids know that when life gets tough, it's okay, stop take note of what you have and embrace it...then as it gets more manageable add a couple of things at a time..you'll get there..time is your friend!



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:grouphug: Oh Betty, there's just so much pain in your words. I really wish that I had some words to fix it all or that I lived closer. I'd be right there beside you to help in any way. The best I can do from here is keep you in my prayers. Life just gets really rough and overwhelming sometimes.


I remember when I was going through a really dark and low time in my life 5 years ago and I felt so angry. Like a previous poster said, you can vent away. God is so much bigger than we are and he can take it. He knows already the pain you are feeling so let it out. Find some space and just weep for those little ones. It can help.


One of the things I always seem to try and do is to hide the pain and just go on as if it isn't there, but it backfires and I end up taking it out on my family instead of working through it. God isn't waiting on for you on the other side of the storm. He's in the midst of it ready to carry you through.


Feel free to PM if you'd like...:grouphug:

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You need to take your post as a list of issues. Put them in an order of priority/urgency... I know they are all big issues... but which MUST get attention now needs to be at the top of the list, etc.


Shut down school as a formal event for a few weeks. Lie on the bed & read aloud. Talk about the stories. Follow the other advice of go outside & draw, etc. Just keep it simple for a few weeks. Even if you aren't sleeping, you are resting.


CALL and ASK for help. People don't know what is going on behind closed doors. They just admire "how well you are handling it". NO CLUE. CALL THE CHURCH & your christian friends & tell them the TRUTH!!!!! NOW!!!! They will help. But they may never realize you are in such need. I am always ready to help.... but I need to KNOW what is needed & have never had the spiritual gift of recognizing needs.


Sit DH down & lay it all out to him. He may feel it isn't so bad... but you are the one having to bear the burden & he must help... even if the thinks HE would handle it differently. Most men just dont' notice & many havent' been taught what to do to help in any child/domestic matters.


If Baby can't sleep & it is not medical, I recomment a book called BABY WISE. I saved my sanity b/c it taught me about routines & schedules being so important for babies & children.


Be sure to eat well when you do eat & the idea of Iron supplements and vitamins are good. I just started IRON about 10 days ago in my pregnancy and I can't believe how my brain has reacted.... I thougth I was losing my mind, was exhausted, and ill as a hornet! The iron began to have effect in only 3 days. I am so much better!!!


Try to find a few minutes each day to read scripture. I am weak in this area & let my "to do" list eat up my day. If you can't read it.... get an AUDIO BIBLE... even if you have to buy it. You can listen while you laundry, rest, or bathe! You can even listen to it with the kids as a part of school.


I wish I could offer more ideas. I know you need more. Do you live in East Alabama?

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Betty: You will be in my thoughts and prayers, and like so many others have said, if I were close enough, I would be there to help in an instant!


You've received good advice here -- especially the poster who answered just ahead of me -- she basically broke everything down into a list -- please take the advice you've received here.....speak to your dh and tell him what is going on with you. Truly, men don't see when we are floundering OR they see it and they don't know what to do so they go on their way and hope we figure it out ourselves. Try to get some help from either your church or even your OB's office (my sister's practice would send an NP to a patient's house if the patient called and said that she truly needed help of any kind. Give you and the kids a little break from school -- the older kids can spend time reading quietly or reading aloud to the younger kids -- you need to cut yourself some slack and be kind to YOU! Finally, (and I say this from experience), you cannot keep bottled up in you the sadness and mix of emotions that you are experiencing -- let it out and place it at the feet of the Lord. I was hit with news this past winter that was like a ton of bricks in the face -- I finally took to venting when I was in the shower to get out the pain, sorrow, anger, tears. And, it's okay to ask 'why.'

Thoughts and prayers are with you --:grouphug:

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I Won My Battle With Postpartum Depression


Understanding Postpartum Depression


These articles helped me to explain to others what I was going through, to know it was normal, and to give myself a break! The husband in the first article helped a ton more than mine.


Dirtroad gave you some good advice.


I also have great remedies for depression and iron deficiency that worked for me if you are interested.


I think we are all wanting to know where you are so we can help!

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I know you wanted Christian advice and I'm not one, but I am a farmwife and I do want to let you know that what you're feeling isn't right. Please contact someone at your church, or if you have a Rural Helpline in your state, please call them. Please reach out now before it gets harder.


As for your dh... well, farmers can lose sight of what's going on at home pretty easily when there is seeding, haying or harvest to be done. I don't fault him for it, but you really need to let him know what's going on with you. I would like to hope that he cares enough about you to give you the support you need to be able to get some help.

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I hav ehad Christians treat me like dog cr*p and it has hurt deeper then words could ever explain. I am suffering from ppd, but am unable to get treatment--another issue of Christians treatment-


What do you mean specifically here? Here are some more resources that might help you on this page: http://kellymom.com/ppd/index.html specifically there are natural remedies and coping strategies that you can apply on your own. :grouphug:
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You need to take care of yourself. Severe sleep deprivation, possible anemia, and ppd are not things to be taken lightly. You have a triple-whammy & can't keep going if things don't change (& change very soon). All three are serious issues & can affect your health, your sanity, your family, etc.... YOU must be the high priority right now.


If you can't find/get help, is there a possibility of giving up the hsing dream for a year, putting all your older kids in school this year & lightening your load that way? I know it's far from ideal, but in extreme circumstances, all options should be considered.


Wishing you peace, sleep, and happier days down the road....

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I am so moved by your post, I'm not even sure where to begin. You are not alone in your feelings. Many of us have felt the stresses of mothering to be overwhelming. Seek help now. If you are not supported by your church community, find another church. Our church has a support team called "Stephen Ministers" for people in difficult times. Perhaps there is one near you. We also have a pastoral care team to help families in need of meals, visits, or other support. If there isn't a church, there is surely someone who can help. Call your OB/GYN for suggestions. They should have resources for you. Perhaps two local teens can help with childcare so you can get some rest and get to appointments. I agree with the other posts suggesting you put off school for a while. Your children are young and some time away from rigorous work will do them no harm. Read, draw, enjoy one another. There is no need to add more stress to your day. Finally, as far as your dh goes, share with him openly and honestly your feelings. When I had depression, my dh tried, but neither of us knew what I was feeling was depression. He felt it was him that was doing something wrong and was near giving up. I got counseling help and were I to go there again, I would take medication without a doubt. Explain it is not his fault, but you need help and you need SLEEP. Even a perfect day alone isn't enjoyable after only 3 hours of sleep, never mind a stressful day with 6 children!

Oh, and don't forget to pray. Give it all to God. Things got much better and remain better for me when I remember it isn't all in MY hands. And His shoulder never grows weary.

Blessings to you. May you find the comfort and support you need.

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I have had Christians treat me like dog cr*p and it has hurt deeper then words could ever explain.


In no way am I grouping Christians in a bad group here, but I find it terribly frustrating that we treat each otehr in this way during times of need. I am a Christian and am proud of it. However, the way many treat each other is just horrible. When this happens and you forgive them, but still have an open weeping sore, how do you let it go? How do you not let their stabs at you get you down?


I was wondering how common this is? I had no idea and would love PMs. My best friend is dealing with this right now. I am telling her to find a different group to belong to, drive further... etc.


Also, I have shared scriptures with her that were written to the first century Christian congregations in the Bible. Did you know that Paul and Barnabus were hot with anger and didn't speak for a year? That a congregation was counciled because they were suing each other? That another was counciled because they wouldn't forgive someone who had repented? Do we doubt that those congregations in the first century were God's own?

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What a horrible time you are having. The most important thing is to take care of yourself so you will be able to be a mom (I don't mean a wonderful mom right now, just a mom). If your kids have to do a very simplified form of school for awhile or no school you need to make sure you are moving towards getting better yourself.


On one issue - why do you need a babysitter to take the one child to PT? Maybe the setup is different where she goes, but at the clinic I work at the parents sit in the waiting room with toddlers and babies crawling all over the place. You may have a reason, I just wanted to check that out.

Bless your heart - life is beyond incredibly hard for you right now.

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I do understand. I understand Christians treating each other like cr*p; a climate that discourages treatment for emotional or mental distress . . . I also know that sometimes when our brains are all fuzzy from sleep deprivation we read things wrong -- I know I did. I was *sure* that my church frowned on medical treatment for depression until my pastor told me to think of medication for depression like medication for pneumonia (and then his wife followed up to make sure I went to all my appointments).


But yeah, there's a whole line of "Christian" thinking (NANC is the worst of the worst for promoting this) that says there's nothing that can't be fixed with the Bible! I'd like to fix those people upside the head with my hardcover Reformation study Bible, see how that fixes them . . . Just know that if you're being told not to get treatment, that is NOT the One Official View of Christianity; there are plenty of us who see it differently.


Our church ladies have reached out and helped ladies from other churches many times. Someone once asked if that wouldn't make the other church feel "bad" -- yeah, I hope so! They should feel bad! And maybe they'll do better next time. Sometimes we don't see what' right in front of our noses ('cause, sad to say, there are ladies in our church that probably needed the same care and attention and didn't get it -- because they didn't ask, for one thing, and because we tend to overlook the familiar, for another).


Anyway, you do what you have to do to take care of yourself. Now. Sleep when the baby sleeps. Surely the 10 yo can maintain order with the other littles for a short while -- that's why God created Disney videos.

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Originally Posted by farmmom4him viewpost.gif

I have had Christians treat me like dog cr*p and it has hurt deeper then words could ever explain.


In no way am I grouping Christians in a bad group here, but I find it terribly frustrating that we treat each otehr in this way during times of need. I am a Christian and am proud of it. However, the way many treat each other is just horrible. When this happens and you forgive them, but still have an open weeping sore, how do you let it go? How do you not let their stabs at you get you down?


I was wondering how common this is? I had no idea and would love PMs. My best friend is dealing with this right now. I am telling her to find a different group to belong to, drive further... etc.




I think it's remarkably common. Christian behavior is the major sticking point that caused me to become a Christian relatively late in life. I just couldn't reconcile the awful behavior of His followers with His message.


My own solution has been to nurture the relationships I have with mature Christians carefully, and be very guarded with the bad actors. The bad actors are brethren too, but they are potentially very dangerous. Without the aid of more stable Christians, trying to come to the rescue of the troubled ones is hazardous. I suggest cool courtesy and a bit of distance. Think of them as drowning swimmers. If they pull you down with them, then neither of you survive. Don't let them close enough for their attacks to hurt. When you're stronger and have better support, you can reach out from a position of safety.


I don't care if you only have one mature Christian acquaintance - nurture that relationship. Stick together and build on it. Eventually, more will come into fellowship with you.




You have really been doing an awesome job of homeschool organization. I think it's A OK for you to rest on your home schooling laurels for 2 weeks or so, and take care of you. Is there anyone who can come and visit for 2 weeks, and just give you a break? I'm thinking maiden aunt or grandmother or old school chum - even Mama! A few trips to the doctor to get you appropriate treatment for depression, probable anemia and hormonal imbalance are in order.


Remember that you are very important to God, your children, your family, your community and the Body of Christ. You are important enough that if your wellness requires a break from service, then a break from service is imperative!





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There's a thought that keeps sticking in my head, so I thought I'd throw it out there:


A teen from another large family might be just the right type of help for you. S/he would be relatively free of adult responsibilities, yet have the skill set to solve your problems for a week or two.


Maybe it was just random misfires from worn out synapses, or maybe it was from the Spirit. Who knows. I'm just throwing it out there - brainstorming if you will.;)

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The love pouring from you is unbelievable. I appreciate all your ideas, suggestions and prayer. My friend's 16 yr old dd will be here for 10 days in Sept. I found a sitter for Friday, and one for Monday. Dh agrees it is time to get my "cycle' issues checked out. As for the depression he is the one against treatment. I do take, DHA, b complex, and an herbal thyroid supplement. St. Johns wort does not work for me, it did with my last bout, but htis time made me a mad mommy. :glare: I am going to have my associate pastor talk with dh about depression, as I think that would help.


I finally got sleep last night. Prayers for that were answered. There are no storms or fronts expected tonight, so I pray she will settle in tonight too.


I am in Ks, and actually my dh's cousin is on this board. :D She contacted me too. We did not even realize it until last week, nor did we realize that we both homeschooled. :tongue_smilie: Small world. lol


As for the Christian relationships. I have two extremely close friends that I trust fully, and a few that I am fairly sure I can trust. In fact I just got off the phone with one, begging her to let me have her dd for 10 days and I got her. lol


Thank you for your thoughts, prayers,a nd ideas.




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If nothing else, you're sleep deprived.


Sleep deprivation is used as torture--did you know that? People who want to be in the special ops (like Navy Seals) have to go through training on how to deal with sleep deprivation (in case they're captured.)


It can cause feelings of paranoia and...wait, I'll just find a list online, here it is:



  • aching muscles
  • blurred vision
  • depression
  • color blindness
  • drowsiness
  • loss of concentration
  • weak immune system
  • dizziness
  • dark circles of the eyes
  • fainting
  • confusion
  • hallucinations
  • symptoms of drunkenness
  • tremors
  • headaches
  • hernia
  • hyperactivity
  • impatience
  • irritability
  • memory loss
  • nausea
  • psychosis
  • slow reaction times
  • slurred speech
  • weight loss or gain
  • constant yawning

So, everything in your life is going to fall to pieces (or feel like it's falling to pieces) when you're sleep deprived.


Add to that the anemia...and the regular wear and tear of daily life with 6 kids. Egads.


Like the others said: your first priority is to find a way to get some sleep. Can you find a couple of homeschooled teenage girls to come to your house together and watch the kids while you're in your bedroom getting some sleep in the day?

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Betty, I'm so glad to see you got some sleep and you'll have help soon. What a difference a day can make. One thing I've taken that has helped me with mood swings is 5-HTP. I have had spells where I took it at night for months at a time. It really helped me.


Keep us posted.




:iagree: I have just been hearing about it and how it can really even out things. I was going to look it up. Please know that I have been and will continue to pray for you. Could it also be that baby Kristen hit a little too close to home.(aren't you the one who told us about her?) I know that when I have a wee one and hear of something happening to another close in age I bring it 'home' and am often very depressed.


When I find myself in these situations [sleep deprived and really feeling like I cannot go on] I remind myself that a month/6 months/year from now I will be on the other side. Doesn't always work, but sometimes it does. :D


Keep the faith, God will see you through.

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At this link is a brochure that has made a difference for many grieving families. When someone you love dies



The love pouring from you is unbelievable. I appreciate all your ideas, suggestions and prayer. My friend's 16 yr old dd will be here for 10 days in Sept. I found a sitter for Friday, and one for Monday. Dh agrees it is time to get my "cycle' issues checked out. As for the depression he is the one against treatment. I do take, DHA, b complex, and an herbal thyroid supplement. St. Johns wort does not work for me, it did with my last bout, but htis time made me a mad mommy. :glare: I am going to have my associate pastor talk with dh about depression, as I think that would help.


I finally got sleep last night. Prayers for that were answered. There are no storms or fronts expected tonight, so I pray she will settle in tonight too.


I am in Ks, and actually my dh's cousin is on this board. :D She contacted me too. We did not even realize it until last week, nor did we realize that we both homeschooled. :tongue_smilie: Small world. lol


As for the Christian relationships. I have two extremely close friends that I trust fully, and a few that I am fairly sure I can trust. In fact I just got off the phone with one, begging her to let me have her dd for 10 days and I got her. lol


Thank you for your thoughts, prayers,a nd ideas.




I am so glad! Get some sleep. As for DH, I went to the doctor and after being on the abtidepressant for a month I was a much better wife, so DH saw the wisdom in pursuing treatment. I have tried many natural remedies too. The ones that are currently working for me: This Fish OIL (it really is different than others!) 6 per day and 1 T. of raw cacao powder per day (most cocoa is fermented and roasted). Babies need Omega III's. Your brain needs Omega III's. The baby takes yours and the result can be PPD. (new study I just heard about)
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Just read through all the posts carrying your burden in my heart and so glad to see you are already getting answers to some of your most basic needs. You received some very good counsel from the ladies on this board. We are praying for you and more importantly, the Lord knows your needs and is providing already.

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