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Is this plan okay?


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Hi, I'm new. I am feeling frazzled because I need to put my plan together quite soon as our intent to home school notice is due in less than two weeks.


We did Christian Light (think ACE-like) last year. I loved it; DS hated it. He loves to read living books so I'm trying to piece something together for him that will be suitable for both of us.


My son will be starting third grade.


I plan to do our regular schedule 3-4 days a week. This will consist of:


-Math U See (DH vetoed Saxon)


-Writing (a la Robinson style meaning he can do dictation, copywork, etc.)


-a solid language arts curriculum that would include: grammar, spelling, and penmanship (any suggestions? I was thinking Rod and Staff or Christian Light which would be fine to do for only one subject)


-memory work


-reading (This is our CM streak. I plan to pull books from Ambleside, Robinson, Sonlight, etc.) Books would cover literature, science, history and more.



Then the 5th day I want to do classical conversations at home which would include art, music, a science experiment and memory work (Veritas history timeline, following CC's curriculum here), etc. I am not able to join a CC class at this time so this is the best I can do right now.



What do you think? :) What should I add, delete, tweak?


I really appreciate recommendations for the language arts curriculum. TIA

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I really like Shurley english for grammar and penmanship. It is intended for a five-day school week, but we never do it five days a week and it seems to still go fine. We do three or four lessons in it a week. We use All About Spelling in addition to Shurley. My son is also in third and we started schooling last week. Your schedule looks very similiar to ours except we do science twice a week (at least one experiment), music five times a week, and we rarely ever do art. We also do latin four times a week.

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Sounds like you're on track! You might consider using FLL and WWE to make it easy to implement your writing, dictation, and copywork plans (since that just happens to be their approach!). Since you've already done CLE so much and been burnt, it might be nice to move away. If you did FLL and WWE, really then all you're look at is a dab of something for spelling. How about doing the Calvert spelling cd's? They're fun, right at his level, and would be something totally different. My dd has enjoyed them a lot. They'll work on his spelling and improve his typing to boot.


I think your 4 days, 1 day plan sounds fine! You might like to do some fun math practice on those Fridays and throw in a hands-on to go with your history reading. Love that you're doing your history as read alouds, perfectly fine. Just spiff it up with some boyish projects on Friday. :)


Sounds great!

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What does WWE stand for? And is FLL First Language Lessons? Do you know how much work those are on the part of the teacher? I ask because I'm having trouble juggling the three kids so I'm looking for low work on my side to balance all their needs.


Thanks for the suggestions! It's such a great feeling to finally see a picture of where I'm going with our schooling after so much agonizing. lol

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