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Should I shorten our school day, and how?


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You can see in my signature what we're using for my 2nd gr. and K-er.

K is easy to keep at a small, doable amount of time.

But after reading how so many people finish by noon, I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong, and what I can change.

Here's our basic schedule for my 2nd grader:


We start at 8:00


Bible/Memory work/AO poems/Awana---20min

Math (Rightstart)----30-45 min

(break while I work w/ brother)---20min

Phonics Lesson and workbook and map workbook--25min



(break for both)---20min

Spelling---(30min on Mon. for lesson, then 15 for rest of week)

WWE--(15min, M-Th)

FLL--(15min, T-TH)

Reading (abeka breaks reading into 2 sessions) 15min


Lunch and recess (11:30-1:00)


Then I have about an hour set aside for Geography or Science (M-TH alt. days with Music and Art on Fri.)

and 1 hour for read alouds.

This would take us to 3:00, which I think is way too long but not sure how to finish earlier!

The only area that will not take this long is the Geog/science/art and music time slot.


Can anyone help me? :001_huh:

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Looks fine to me. You're doing his academic stuff (math and LA) in the morning for 3 hours with a little time also devoted to the K5er, then you do fun things (read alouds, history, crafts, etc.) while they play. Seems perfectly normal to me for the age. Why are you planning an hour for that geography? Are you doing activities or something? Is it in lieu of history for you? As long as they're having fun (with the science, with the history/geography), it's fine.

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I've often heard people recommend holding off on spelling until you are done with phonics. Also, do you need 40 minutes worth of breaks? I know kids are different, but I just have mine work straight through so that we can try to be done at lunchtime.


My kids do their reading at night. I give them assigned reading and they enjoy doing it at that time. I don't know what's involved with Abeka reading, though.


You could also keep the RS Math lesson right at 30 minutes and then just continue on the next day if it goes beyond that.


One last thing you could consider is doing your read-alouds at lunch or breakfast time.



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You can see in my signature what we're using for my 2nd gr. and K-er.

K is easy to keep at a small, doable amount of time.

But after reading how so many people finish by noon, I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong, and what I can change.

Here's our basic schedule for my 2nd grader:


We start at 8:00


Bible/Memory work/AO poems/Awana---20min

Math (Rightstart)----30-45 min

(break while I work w/ brother)---20min

Phonics Lesson and workbook and map workbook--25min



(break for both)---20min

Spelling---(30min on Mon. for lesson, then 15 for rest of week)

WWE--(15min, M-Th)

FLL--(15min, T-TH)

Reading (abeka breaks reading into 2 sessions) 15min


Lunch and recess (11:30-1:00)


Then I have about an hour set aside for Geography or Science (M-TH alt. days with Music and Art on Fri.)

and 1 hour for read alouds.

This would take us to 3:00, which I think is way too long but not sure how to finish earlier!

The only area that will not take this long is the Geog/science/art and music time slot.


Can anyone help me? :001_huh:


I make assignments do double duty so that we don't have to do so many different things.


So......copywork is also handwriting (it must be done in her neatest handwriting.) We discuss grammar and mechanics via copywork. (no need for another lesson).


Reading is from CLASS nature readers so science and her reading are combined.


Spelling and phonics are combined lesson.


Geography only takes about 5 mins.


Math takes about 20.


My 2nd grader is finished in about 1 hr and 45 mins. Her read alouds are at bedtime.


I don't schedule any art b/c they spend hrs doing stuff like that on their own.


Also, I don't give my kids breaks during the day other than for lunch.

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Don't shorten the RS math time unless you're replacing the games with automated drill (Flashmater, Quarter Mile Math, something) that he can do without you. RS ASSUMES, ASSUMES, ASSUMES you will play the games and put in a full class period. There's not enough written work there to create fact retention without the games. If you don't play the games or replace it with another form of drill, you WILL regret it. When they sell it to schools and have great success, it's because the teacher does the lesson and then plays games the rest of the hour, something most homeschool moms don't do. :(

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I have never finished by noon - even with the same ages as you have now. Part of that is because my boys need breaks and part is because, like you, I tend to choose teacher intensive programs. It's ok to still be doing some work in the afternoon - it sounds like you are doing a great job. :)

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Your day is very similar to mine, except my 2nd grader doesn't get breaks in the morning. Are there things the 2nd grader can be doing independently after you've gone over it with her, while you're working with the little one?

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Thanks so much everyone!

I was thinking I was just doing way too much bc it sounded like everyone finished earlier than me. I think I will try going with no breaks before lunch for my 2nd grader (we started all the breaks when he was in K and had no attention span).

For geography we're doing the unit study Galloping the Globe (and I also read a chapter from Story of the Ancient World by Miller bc I'm retarded and type A) :lol: But I'm going to go through my stuff and see what can do "double duty" with the curr. we have.

And we use to do readalouds at lunch and that worked great! Don't know why I forgot about that! I'll definitly start that back up.

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Our schedule is also very much like yours. It is working well for us.


We are brand new homeschoolers, and my son just turned five a couple of weeks ago, so we are doing kindergarten. I am averaging about 2 1/2 hours of school per day for him.


We do an hour and a half in the morning, then we have a break and finish in the afternoon. School is finished by 3:15-3:30 at the latest.


We alternate days between Science (M,W) and History (T,TH). We do music on Tuesday's and Art on Thursday's. Friday's are a day of reviewing what we did during the week just to make sure my son has a good understanding of everything. Plus, we bake a dessert together on Friday's for fun! It gets in some math lessons in a fun and yummy way. :001_smile:


Again, I think your schedule looks great. I know that we couldn't work straight through with no breaks. I can tell when my son is getting tired or beginning to zone. That is the perfect time for snack and a few minutes of free play time to refresh him.


I hope you have a great school year ahead! : )))

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My K student starts at 8am and goes until about 11am. My 3rd grader starts at 8 goes until 12:30 or 1pm, then again from 3 until 5pm (hubby takes the afternoon shift). Your day sounds like it is right in the middle and if it is working then go for it.


We always just get through the lessons and if we are done early then we play more. If it is taking longer then I shorten the lesson (ie: picture narration instead of written, etc).

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I combine phonics and spelling (and sometimes a bit of grammar when teaching the spelling and meaning of words like to, too, and two.)


On days you know are going to be busy, you can have your 2nd grader do my online phonics lessons instead of his normal phonics and spelling (Most lessons have a bit of spelling.) Just keep track of where he is and have him work through them. He can do them while you're working with your K'er.

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