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Fishy body odor--what might cause this?

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Hi folks,


There is a young adult in my life who has been struggling with a rank, musky, fishy body odor problem. This young woman has clean habits and does shower just about every day. I would describe her as fastidious about grooming and personal appearance.


As she has described it to me the smell seems to come specifically when she breaks into a sweat. She recently described an incident to me wherein she had gone through 2/3 of the day just fine, then got all sweaty, and in her words, "There was The Smell, just breaking out everywhere . . .. "


She has struggled with some public humiliation with this, and I feel badly watching this happen to her.


Her grandmother and several relatives are diabetic. I wonder if she should get screened? I think her mother might also have been diabetic but am not sure because her mother passed away a number of years ago. I did not know her well.


Also her diet is truly appallingly awful. She subsists on a lot of packaged products from Aldi (I shop at Aldi too but our family eats more of a whole-foods-scratch-cooking kind of diet) and TONS of McDonald's. She is unlikely to change her diet.


Another area of concern for me with this person is a possible drinking or drug problem. She struggled with alcohol dependency in the past but successfully graduated from a program. However, I have been concerned about her increasingly moody behavior for a while, as have others who care about her. I don't know if this is true or not, but someone told me once that diabetics should avoid alcohol because of the sugar content??? So I have wondered if there might be a tie there--if she were drinking and diabetic . . . ?????


Any ideas on what could produce this fish-flavored smell?


She is also uninsured so hasn't had medical care in years.



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I used to work with runaway teens in an emergency shelter. A "fishy smell" on a female usually turned out to be an STD...one left untreated for some time. If the girls were more physically active (ie, playing in the gym) and began to sweat, this odor would intensify. There might be other issues at play, like her diet or diabetes or the like. However, if your friend is sexually active, please suggest that she get this possibility checked out ASAP to prevent problems with infertility in the future.

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Trichomoniasis is an STD with a fishy odor. I have had it twice... once for each sexual relationship in my life, one of which we were both monogamous virgins. :001_huh:


It is often mistaken for a yeast infection. It is treated with an antiparisitic medication. It is diagnosed easily if looked for... the same way one would diagnose a UTI.

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Bacterial vaginosis causes a fishy odor.


A characteristic "fishy" odor on wet mount. This test, called the whiff test, is performed by adding a small amount of potassium hydroxide to a microscopic slide containing the vaginal discharge. A characteristic fishy odor is considered a positive whiff test and is suggestive of bacterial vaginosis.


She needs to see a doctor.

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I know that bacterial vaginal infections can have a musty, fishy smell...but that would not explain the smell during sweating. She would smell it more when she went to the bathroom.

Exactly. If she's smelling it in her underarms and from other places that would most likely rule out a vaginal infection.


I remember a few years ago seeing a story on tv about mystery conditions (not Mystery Diagnosis). This girl they had on there had the same issue. She would even walk into a room and other people could smell it. If I recall correctly it ended up being due to foods she was eating. Almost like an allergic reaction, her body reacted to certain things by releasing this fish smell. I wish I remembered more about the condition to help more.

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If she were my daughter I'd want testing for this metabolic condition:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trimethylaminuria It sounds very much like you're describing and it does cause considerable issues for people. She can do diet changes that might help the issue and there are support groups online. It would be nice, if nothing else, to have a name and know you're not the only one I'd think.

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Hi folks,


There is a young adult in my life who has been struggling with a rank, musky, fishy body odor problem. This young woman has clean habits and does shower just about every day. I would describe her as fastidious about grooming and personal appearance.


As she has described it to me the smell seems to come specifically when she breaks into a sweat. She recently described an incident to me wherein she had gone through 2/3 of the day just fine, then got all sweaty, and in her words, "There was The Smell, just breaking out everywhere . . .. "


She has struggled with some public humiliation with this, and I feel badly watching this happen to her.


Her grandmother and several relatives are diabetic. I wonder if she should get screened? I think her mother might also have been diabetic but am not sure because her mother passed away a number of years ago. I did not know her well.


Also her diet is truly appallingly awful. She subsists on a lot of packaged products from Aldi (I shop at Aldi too but our family eats more of a whole-foods-scratch-cooking kind of diet) and TONS of McDonald's. She is unlikely to change her diet.


Another area of concern for me with this person is a possible drinking or drug problem. She struggled with alcohol dependency in the past but successfully graduated from a program. However, I have been concerned about her increasingly moody behavior for a while, as have others who care about her. I don't know if this is true or not, but someone told me once that diabetics should avoid alcohol because of the sugar content??? So I have wondered if there might be a tie there--if she were drinking and diabetic . . . ?????


Any ideas on what could produce this fish-flavored smell?


She is also uninsured so hasn't had medical care in years.




Even without insurance, there are usually low-cost medical clinics in most communities. She really should see a physician. In case it is STD related, most states have public health clinics that treat STD's either free or inexpensively. She could start there. They might also run other tests for her if she gives them the possibility of the enzyme deficiency.

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Thanks so much for your feedback. I am going to push her to get some testing. There is a clinic near us that will take her for $15 per visit--dh and I may choose to help with testing costs.


Thanks again.

That would be very kind.

Make sure she brings along information about Trimethylaminuria. It sounds very likely and it's relatively rare so not something every medical professional would think. For that reason people go along undiagnosed for quite a while often. I'd hate her to be one of them.

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