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English From the Roots Up

plain jane

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Thank-you for that link! I'd been wanting a another way to review some of the word roots. We did about half the book last year and when we start up this fall I need to start with a review of the words we did last year. On Monday I introduced two roots and they wrote them in a list in their notebook. Then I pinned the card on a bulletin board on the wall. We (tried to) do a quick review daily with a quiz on Friday.

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Just do it! It's a very easy book to use. In our house Monday, Wednesday and Friday are review days. I hold up the card, then ds says the root and its meaning. Lather, rinse, repeat until the stack is done. On Tuesday and Thursday he makes a new word card, we walk through the derivatives together, he colors the card, reviews the whole pile, and puts them back in their box. That's it.


Ds wants to up it to three words a week. EFTRU ranks pretty high among his favorite lessons.


I did give EFTRU its own line on his lesson map, so it has to be checked off daily. Keeps it from being forgotten. ;)

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I actually write the word and derivatives on the white board. The girls make their own cards. We're not doing too well on reviewing yet. I also got Rummy Roots card game that helps review. My girls actually like it. It takes very little time and can be fairly independently. We also do Lively Latin. Roots is just for vocab.

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