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If $$ was no option, (question re private school)

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There is an university model school nearby that has excellent math and science classes that my boys can take. And they meet only three days a week so they're still at home more than not and I have a choice in how much time I want them to be at a formal school. Latin, English and history classes are so so but there are superior online classes for these. So we are set and the kids are happy. They have both a taste of some formal classes with their friends and the flexibility of homeschooling with family.

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There are no private schools within a reasonable distance from my house, so that takes care of that. I did have my daughter in a private school for a few years (she's almost 30 now, so that's how long ago that was), and we all liked it, and she did well. Got head lice, but I don't think that was their fault. ;-)


If one was available, and money was no object, I might send my son if the school could offer him something special that he really wanted to do that we can't do at home. But he's been able to do some really neet things and we're having a pretty good time, so I really doubt we'd make that move.

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would you send your child to private school? A conversation I had with a neighbor this week has prompted this question in my mind. They are considering transferring their current 9th grader from the area public school to a very exclusive private school (think college tuition expensive) due to deteriorating conditions in the ps. This has caused me to ask myself - if $ were no option, would I utilize that school instead of our homeschool?


Personally, because I believe my kids are right where the Lord wants them to be (home), I'd say, "No". But, as the product of a ps education myself, I have no frame of reference for private school. I think I'm curious to know if any of you can speak to your experiences with the private school experience (either personally or having sent children to one). Is there reason to think that private school is the end all to good education? I say this sort of tongue in cheek and hope that you can understand what I'm trying to ask..... :-P


TIA for any insight on this,



You know my kids go/have gone to these sorts of schools. (Financial aid.)


But I don't think private schools are the end all to a good education. I've known some really horrid private schools, and know *of* even more. And I'd rather homeschool high school with all my limitations than involve one of my kids in an academically or morally bankrupt school, no matter how glitzy its website, how pricey its tuition, how righteous they claim to be because of affiliation or separation, nor of how many HYP admissions they boast.

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I feel like I want to clarify a little bit here. There is only one school that I would send my children to if money were no option. It is a small classical Christian school that expects a high level of parental involvement. The families at the school all tend to be very close knit because of this. The schoolday is over at lunchtime, so families are together all afternoon.


This school is special.


If someone offered me scholarships to any other private school in my community it would not be hard to say no.


So, it is not that I want to dump my kids into an institutionalized setting, it is that this school is that special.

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I feel like I want to clarify a little bit here. There is only one school that I would send my children to if money were no option. It is a small classical Christian school that expects a high level of parental involvement. The families at the school all tend to be very close knit because of this. The schoolday is over at lunchtime, so families are together all afternoon.


This school is special.


If someone offered me scholarships to any other private school in my community it would not be hard to say no.


So, it is not that I want to dump my kids into an institutionalized setting, it is that this school is that special.


Yep. All the free money in the world wouldn't be enough to convince me to enroll my kids in most private schools.


Color me picky.

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I'd have to think long and hard about it, including interviewing the teachers and the administrators, inspecting textbooks, and sitting in classes to see what really goes on. I'm much pickier than I was when I allowed my older dd to attend a private school when she was 5yo (I took her out of school during Easter vacation of first grade).

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