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4 Weeks Down- Hits & Misses


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Began on 8/3 and moving right along...no misses yet. Doing something new this year HOD...four days of school a week and one day for exploring.


Lovin it.

What do you do on your exploring day? Sounds fun!


We start next week, so don't have any misses yet! :tongue_smilie: It's very interesting to read all this though! Give me another month and I'll be able to share---hopefully with all HITS! :D

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SWR/Sonlight Readers - He's just not ready.


Zaner Bloser Handwriting - He's just not ready.


Horizon's Math - He's almost done with book 1, but doing it orally.


He wants to do school though. :confused:


I start out by making sand letter cards, and have them trace them, then as a break they also write in a tub of sand with their finger, or make letters out of playdoh. If you have them say the phonogram sounds while making/tracing the letters it also doubles as phonics practice. I also bought a Usborne 1000 First Words search and find sticker book, and every day we put in one sticker, find the place and talk about the letter that the words begins with.




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I'm bummed to see all the misses for HOD! :( We're starting LHFHG this fall and it looks good from what I can tell, although we haven't actually started it yet.


We have been using LHFHG through this summer. We love it! My son woke up on Friday with a fever and feeling horrible. I just assumed we wouldn't do school with him that day. Around mid-morning, he came to me and hugged me and said, "Mom, you know what would make me feel better? If we could just do Little Hearts for His Glory."


Little Hearts has brought back his desire to learn (he had an awful first grade year, started out loving school and by Christmas was done with that)and he is growing spiritually because of the sweet lessons and the one on one time with me. I am so glad we found it when we did.

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I've implemented everything except Hey Andrew! I plan to start that in the next couple of weeks.



Heart of Dakota - love everything about it. My kids are happy. I'm happy.

BJU Math 2 - this is our first year with BJU Math. It's turning out to be a great fit for my little guy.

R&S English 4 - we were really happy with FLL 3 last year. I wasn't sure my son would like changing but he has.



FLL/WWE - these aren't exactly misses because I love them. But, I don't think we need them. I can pull our dictation from the Little Hearts materials just as good as using WWE and my son has learned plenty of grammar through other avenues (he enjoys Grammar Rock, FLL CD, and sitting in on two years of big brother's grammar) - I think I'm going to drop these for now.

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Guest sarathan
We have been using LHFHG through this summer. We love it! My son woke up on Friday with a fever and feeling horrible. I just assumed we wouldn't do school with him that day. Around mid-morning, he came to me and hugged me and said, "Mom, you know what would make me feel better? If we could just do Little Hearts for His Glory."


Little Hearts has brought back his desire to learn (he had an awful first grade year, started out loving school and by Christmas was done with that)and he is growing spiritually because of the sweet lessons and the one on one time with me. I am so glad we found it when we did.


I'm so glad to hear this! :D

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We've been "in school" for 6 weeks.


MFW 1850-Modern Times: I think this is a hit, except that my dd(10) doesn't want to memorize the states & capitals. She says that this is supposed to be history, not geography. :glare: She is enjoying everything else we've been doing with this curriculum.


IEW: I like it, but my dd doesn't. I am hoping that she will like it better when we have the funds to purchase the DVDs. We have the old tapes, but they do not really go with the current students sheets. I can make do, but my dd is not exactly known for her flexibility.


Latina Christiana: This is our first year studying Latin. I do not like the organization of this program, but I think I'm finally getting the hang of it. I may try something different next year.


Singapore Primary Math: Older dd hates it, but I think she would hate almost any math. We're going to stick with it. Younger dd did really well with it until just recently. We're taking a break to focus on memorizing addition facts for a while.


MUS Introduction to Math: While we take our break from Singapore, my younger dd is working here. She's been flying through it, but I feel that it is helping her to understand important concepts like place value.


LOF Fractions: Finally, a math my oldest dd will at least tolerate. Sometimes she even admits that she likes it!!!:D


Key to Geometry: Oldest dd also likes this, but it's getting more difficult. Book 5 is getting pretty involved.


MFW 1st Grade: We're really enjoying this curriculum. I have an older IG, and I hope that their more recent editions are more similar in layout to the IGs for the later years. I really miss the weekly schedule.


Overall, I think we're off to a good start.

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Week 4 ends Friday


Ambleside Lit: DS loves Robinson Crusoe, Shakespeare, and Age of Fables. DD only likes Age of Fable story so far. Much of it though is overall attitude issues so we shall see.


DITHOR: Both kids like.


IEW Poetry: Hit


IEW SWI-A: Majorly big hit with both kids. I've not had one meltdown from son who usually melts down with every assignment. He also hasn't needed that much hand holding so far.


Latin for Children: Kids really like it though DD does not like the video instructer that much, feels he is a know it all but they like the other components and Latin gets brought up a lot.


Elementary Spanish: Hit. Kids love this. They hated Rosetta Stone and retained nothing from Rosetta Stone. They like this and are taking off in Spanish.


Dance Mat Typing: THey enjoy it a lot, like it better than the free typing site we did last year (though they liked it too)


SRW: I can't say they love it but they are learning and don't find it that bad. They don't complain and they point out spelling rules in various words that crop in writing.


Grammarland: Very enjoyable and they don't mind the dictation that we do with it.


Copywork: It just is lol.


Singapore: DS loves it as usual. It's just math for DD. She is enjoying her supplementary Miquon and Key to Fractions though. THey both like our supplementary Cyberchase too.


Logic Liftoff: Haven't started yet.


Ambleside History: They like Ben Franklin book, This Country of Ours is a hit or miss depending on the story of the day.


His World Geography: Enjoyed by all


Science projects: THey love science of all sorts so this goes over well.


The only complaint is that day takes so long.

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Elementary Spanish: Hit. Kids love this. They hated Rosetta Stone and retained nothing from Rosetta Stone. They like this and are taking off in Spanish.




We have DISH network and I recorded an episode the other day - I actually liked it too! Of course they are on Unit 8, lesson 3, so I hate to start them there. I haven't decided if I should just wait until they begin the 1/2 level series again with Unit 1, lesson 1 (assuming they will) or buy it. I guess we aren't in any hurry to start and hopefully since there are only 10 units, they are almost done and will restart soon.


Can you tell me how many lesson are in a unit? Did you buy it from NAU?

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First off, I can relate to the FOOOORRRREEEVVVEEEERRRR comment! LOL My kids are just now starting to get back in the swing. We finish our 4th week tomorrow.




Heart of Dakota - Beyond and Bigger. Bigger took a bit more tweeking with my older son to find our groove, but now it is going really well.

Speedy Spanish - quick and easy

CLE Math and LA (both kids)

Igniting Your Writing I

Typing Instructor for Kids

CLE Music

CLE Artpacs

Explode the Code

Phonics Pathways

DITHR - I LOVE LOVE LOVE DITHR. I have an English degree and just can't say enough about the excellent quality of this reading program.

Pentime Handwriting

Abeka Cursive




WWE - I liked it, but it was redundant to the dictation in Bigger. And my younger son detested it!

New American Cursive - left me wondering "WHAT ARE THEY THIKING?" quite often.


Overall, my curriculum choices have been HITS for us. I really see the importance of correct placement with HOD. My younger son fits PERFECTLY into Beyond. My older son definitely took a step back to do Bigger. The extensions are good and they bring it more up to level for him, but it takes a lot more work and doesn't "flow" like Beyond does for little guy. Next year, we will use CTC and skip Preparing (older ds did CHOW in 4th grade and we are not going to repeat). Then we should be much more "on level" just like younger ds is this year. :)

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We have DISH network and I recorded an episode the other day - I actually liked it too! Of course they are on Unit 8, lesson 3, so I hate to start them there. I haven't decided if I should just wait until they begin the 1/2 level series again with Unit 1, lesson 1 (assuming they will) or buy it. I guess we aren't in any hurry to start and hopefully since there are only 10 units, they are almost done and will restart soon.


Can you tell me how many lesson are in a unit? Did you buy it from NAU?


We are doing it via discovery streaming. We are doing grade 3/4 and each unit has 10 lessons.


Anyone who knows me knows I DO NOT LIKE TO SPEND MONEY if i can find a way around it. I am cheap, cheap, cheap. LOL. However I have to say, getting discovery streaming for the Spanish and IEW SWI-A for writing this year have been worth the money I spent. My writing phobic son has not had meltdown for writing at all. IN fact, he loves writing now and it is one of his favorite subjects (especially days we watch video). Spanish got kicked aside last year and I struggled with accountabilty (me having them do it and they doing it -my kids would sit and do same one for months) but they are doing it this year with no arguments, they can do it at same time (while I cook lunch) and I can look over the worksheet to see that they are at least paying attention. They're retention has been good.

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R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey Earth and Space: We love this one. Can't say enough about how much fun this is.


RightStart Math B: Each lessons gets a bit more intense and DD loves it.


Sew Teach Me. My dd is learning to sew..... she is totally happy.


Progressive Phonics: This is new for us and we are loving it!


A Reason for Handwriting. It works and she likes it.





Hate to add to the list of HOD misses but I am disliking Beyond so much. I think the CLP history books are OK. But, feel that I could have just purchased those and read from them myself. The spelling and the poems are OK. But, when we try to get all of the boxes completed we are taking time that we would normally spend on science and other fun stuff. It just drags and dd is not having much fun. :sad:


I miss MFW.

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We are doing it via discovery streaming. We are doing grade 3/4 and each unit has 10 lessons.


Thanks for the info - we don't have highspeed internet so anything that streams or downloads online is usually a frustrating experience for me! LOL :) I've been recording Elementary Spanish on Dish and they are on unit 9 now, so I am hoping in the next few weeks it will start over again. If it does, I'll order the workbooks.

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Guest cpgormanteacher

Ok- I'm joining in this conversation-

We're about a month in and I have to say Abeka's 7th grade science and grammar are awful! Switched to Easy Grammar plus-much better!!!


The math is just okay, but it has alot of weird topics like "basketball and statistics" huh?! But I can work with it.


Jury's still out on Latin Road to English Grammar- I think it might be okay.

I love Write Shop 2, though my 7th grader complains- I can see it's working.


For 4th grade, top two favorites are SOTW vol 2 for history, and Apologia Astronomy with the notebook. Also really like Latin for Children.

Not sure about WRiting Strands yet.

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Guest sarathan



HOD Little Hearts and Little Hands! I'm doing both this year and it's going great! I am liking this year *so* much more than last year when we did MFW K. :)

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TBA: Sonlight Core 1 we haven't started it yet. Still saving up for a few more pieces to the program. Sarah and David Hebrew ( we've only don 1 lesson so far.


Hits:Real Science Odyssey Life Science, Critical Thinking company's Mathematical Reasoning Level A, Hooked on Handwriting, Hooked on Spanish, G-d Made Music K, Harmony Fine Arts 1, Abeka Health, McRuffy Phonics K


Misses: Singapore Math Primary 1, Writeshop Primary A - This isn't really a miss. I like it and he likes it, but we just don't have much time so I'm ditching it. I'm also ditching FLL. We did about 50 lessons last yr and I like it, but again I feel we have other things to work on in K and so I'm ditching it.

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We're on week 5 and we still haven't gotten to everything yet, but so far:



Right Start Math - awesome, lots of manipulatives, perfect fit for my worksheet-phobic child

Miquon Math - lots of fun, enjoyable for similar reasons to RS

FLL - who knew a 5 year old could enjoy grammar lessons so much? Hubby is thrilled she's learning her address and other useful stuff, and both Ariel and I like the short lessons and the poems she has learned so far

OPGtTR - Kiddo likes that the lessons are relatively short and incorporate games, I love the focused practice in the stories - I can see Ariel really internalizing the concepts, I just wish I didn't have to use so many index cards

Moving Beyond the Page - we actually started this in January and have been taking it slow. We're about halfway through the 2nd concept of 4, but Ariel gets the ideas, can apply them in daily life and enjoys the lessons. I'm tempted to ignore SOTW this year (shhh...) and just do MBTP with our extras, as the 5-7 level is a little light in the writing and math departments.

La Clase Divertida - two thumbs up, again. Love the variety of activities and the vocabulary practice. The only problem is she's doing it with my mom when I'm at work, but keeps asking me how to say all different kinds of things in Spanish, and I am clueless. I'm going to have to do some catching up.

Sonlight Science 1 - yay, science is fun and not textbooky

Irish Dance Classes - I never knew my child could be so geeked out about an activity (though given her personality, I think I should have). Probably the only thing that would have been more enthusiastically begun is horseback riding.

WWE - we're using the workbook and the lesson materials are very well chosen. I just wish the lines were a little smaller.



Connect the Thoughts 1st Step Starter Pre-History - too simplistic for my child, and too rigid for my taste. I'm glad I didn't pay full price.


Too Soon to Say:

Atelier Art - only through one lesson, but I liked the results. I think it may be a keeper

SOTW Ancient Times - haven't gotten to it yet, and I'm now undecided if I will use it with the activity book or just a read-aloud because we have SO much going on this year

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We just finished week three. We're going to be adding Latin (Big Book of Lively Latin) in the next week or so.



The Elements (I LOVE this program! This is the first science program that has ever really worked for us :hurray:)


Teaching Textbooks No more math tears :)


Story of the World 2 (SOTW is always a hit here)


Growing with Grammar I consider this a hit, even though the kids don't like it. They both hate grammar (we've tried a few different programs) and GWG is clear and gets right to the point. They are learning a lot from this program.


Mindbenders & Red Herrings They love doing these


Handwriting Without Tears Cursive



Writing Strands Confusing for me, boring for the kids

Edited by funschooler5
Forgot one :)
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HOD Bigger

R&S English

MUS (for 9 yo)



Writing Tales

Scholastic Success With Maps

Dictation and spelling lists from HOD




MUS (for 8 yo) switching to CLE and continuing MUS Beta (just in case)

AAS-the rules just did not seem to carry over into the writing (I was learning alot though)



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Guest Cindie2dds



Queen's Language Lessons ~ LOVE this, hit for mom and daughter, a plus!

Miquon Orange ~ once we got into a rhythm, we loved it. A little difficult to decipher the TM (lab notes)

Nora Gaydos Beginning Readers ~ love these.

SCM Hours in the Out of Doors ~ great handbook for nature walks/exploration




Singapore Math ~ way too much writing (numbers and words) for my dd (5.5)


Sonlight's LAs ~ again too much writing so young


WinterPromise JOI/IRL ~ *I* didn't like the way the guidebook and LAs flowed, too choppy and broken up; but I can see the appeal of the program. It just didn't fit us, but it looks like it could be fun. Way too many non-productive paper crafts that didn't always go with the theme ~ I'm not as crafty as I thought I was! All in all it was a well-produced and well thought-out program; I was dissappointed it didn't fit us. It was represented well in the catalog, and when most everything arrived, it was exactly as I expected. Most of the book choices were great and we are using them this year, but I won't order a "curriculum" from them or anyone else again. I've learned my expensive lesson. The one common thread, *ME*. I'm going take pieces from here and there next time and put together my own, tailored for us.

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Well, I spent enough time last year "Missing" that I think I've narrowed the field down enough to start "Hitting.":tongue_smilie::lol:


SWR is my always and ever *Love it-Hate it* thing. I'm coming to terms that I just have to plan it in about 2 week chunks and be ready to change the way we schedule and do things often.


Our hits:


MEP for ds6 and C rod free play for dd4


Apologia Zoology I and Astronomy (alternating the two at the whim of a 6yo:D...we do a chapter at a time)


Ambleside Online year 1 (I am SO glad I decided to just go with this and not tweak it into oblivion!!!)






Our misses:


My inability to juggle everything in one day...;)

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