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Can withstand pressure, but be careful, if treated in a poor manner she will crumble. She will love you with all her heart and forgive easily if not taken advantage of. She is a giver, and while easy to get used to, she also would like to receive every now and then. DO NOT mess with her children or others she loves. She is ferocious when provoked with anything pertaining to her children or those she loves. Sometimes she weeps. That does not mean she is unhappy, but it could mean she is. Must be very close to her in order to discern the differences.

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I think mine would be more of a disclaimer...


WARNING: Watch out for things that may fly out of her mouth! This is a side-effect of honesty. Should not be held responsible for feelings that may get hurt, as the pain that may be inflicted was not intentional.



Edited by hsmom3tn
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Be honest at all costs. Lying will destroy well being.


Has a HUGE heart. Protect it and don't take advantage of it.


LOVES TO LAUGH. Regularly feed this side to her. She will make it worhtwhile to you.


Is forgetful due to head injury. Don't get angry when she disciplines you more than once for the same thing, and don't get frustrated when she asks you the same question twice in five minutes. And then don't get frustrated when she asks again 10 minutes later. Really, she doesn't know what she's doing. ;)


Loves a clean home. Please pick up after yourself and do your chores without being asked. (I know I'm in Fantasy Land on this one.)


I know I'm forgetting some important ones but these are good to start.

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Can we do this for all members of our family?


Me- Requires very little sleep and when asleep only does so lightly thus is available at any time to meet the needs of the other products in the home. Silences loud noises. Melts in heat. Must be prompted to enter the kitchen. Also, any sort of gentle touching or tickling agitates, but appreciates genuine hugs. Capable of super-whistle power in order to confirm the position or attention of the other products in the home.


DH- Be aware that you have chosen a product with selective hearing and/ or selective mutism. To improve hearing and speech quality remove TV remotes and make sure product is in the upright position. Also, be aware that this product is capable of superhuman endurance and will work without food until collapse. To end work mode return TV remote.


Oldest ds 18yo- Product is sensitive to heat and light. For happiest results keep product in cool, dimly lit, teenage boy cave and only remove for short periods of time. When outside the cave, this product is equipped with empathy software and may intuitively seek to do things to better the home environment.


Second ds 15yo- Sensitive speech software. Expect to speak clearly and patiently in order to achieve maximum output. This product can typically be expected to handle Third ds with great tolerance. It also does dishes!


Third ds 6yo- Danger. High Voltage. Do not expose to any measurable amount of sugar as this increases the likelihood of output overload. Be aware that this product is self-learning. Adorable while sleeping.





ETA: Family members were consulted for input.

Edited by Mandy in TN
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LOL! I'm loving this!


Mine would be something like:


WARNING: Do not leave unattended for long periods of time. Do not apply direct pressure for long periods of time, or product may explode. Do not expose to drama, as venting will occur.


For best results, occasionally ship product out with other similar products for at least a period of 4-5 hours.


Finally, please apply both children to the product as often as possible to keep the internal systems running at optimum speed.

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Mine would be:


Do not wake sleeping lions, Lions are known to sleep at different periods throughout the day. Do not sneak up on lions unless you want to possibly be eaten. Lions need to roam at least once a week to fully enjoy their den. Coffee and chocolate accepted at all times.

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Mine is:


1) Treat her like a thoroughbred and she won't become a nag.

2) Earn her trust and you'll have undying loyalty and devotion.

3) Never, ever, underestimate.

4) A sincere "I'm sorry" goes a LONG way.

5) Chocolate, coffee and/or cherry cokes from Sonic are excellent bargaining chips.

6) Her love language is acts of service. Learn this. Learn it well. The rewards will be worth it.

7) Messing with her children will get you wrath unlike anything you've ever seen or experienced. Heed this.

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