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Wow I wish WA did this like TX

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We normally have a tax-free week for school-related supplies here in Florida. Computers, even certain clothing items, were included in the tax-free week. (There was an official list.)


Unfortunately for us, this bill conveniently did not make it to the voting table in Legislature this year.....hmmm, our state is having a rough finanical year, so I am assuming they did not want to give up that $$ :(.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

We have tax free weekend in VA this weekend. However, what is really ironic is customers would save more money if they would shop the weekend before. The sales tax is 5%, many sales the weekend before had 30% discounts. The same stores are not discounting their merchandise this weekend. This is probably very good for businesses more than consumers.

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However, what is really ironic is customers would save more money if they would shop the weekend before.

I'm in Texas and view the tax-free weekend as a joke.

If you shop the week before, the sales are much better.

Most stores are dead the week before, as everyone is waiting to go out on tax-free weekend. So you get better service, no long lines and can comparison shop w/o getting jostled around.

You actually couldn't pay me to go to the stores on tax-free weekend!

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Alabama gives a 3 day holiday... some cities only honor 1 day of it though. It is only 4% off the retail & (honestly) not worth the huge crowds that come out for it. Some local businesses do sweeten the pot. If they offer "real discounts" and you get the little tax break.... ah... that is much better. For homeschoolers, the best thing is to wait about 2 weeks after PS kids return & then everything is 50% off... THAT IS A GOOD DEAL!!!!


I have noticed, however, we don't need the stuff they buy. The school list from teachers are MORE for the classroom than your kids supplies. We only need paper, pens/pencils, and occassionally a new ring binder.... we still use last years ring binders.


We don' t need back to school clothes, locker accessories, lunch boxes, book covers, dorm crates/storage, etc. So, it works out okay if we miss out.


I am shocked at all the "stuff" our kids are asked to bring to the public schools.... 2 packs of xerox paper, 2 rolls of paper towels, antibact. hand gel, antibact soaps, paper plates, crayons/col pencils (for group box), and even Clorox wipes. All the "poor mouthing" by the schools has the parents convinced that they must do it.... and all the "irresponsible parents" who won't even buy their kids paper must be supported by doing it for them.... it is sad.


Might be a great time to buy a laptop or microscope though!!!

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We have tax free weekend in VA this weekend. However, what is really ironic is customers would save more money if they would shop the weekend before. The sales tax is 5%, many sales the weekend before had 30% discounts. The same stores are not discounting their merchandise this weekend. This is probably very good for businesses more than consumers.


Exactly. 8% is NOT a huge savings when the next weekend that exact same item will be on sale 25% off or more. Or look for coupons - Gap, Old Navy, Office Max, etc all have way better deals the week after the tax-free weekend. Besides - the crowds are HORRENDOUS. Iwon't be shopping that weekend. I'll gladly spend that extra to not have to battle the crowds.

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Here in Missouri, you don't have to pay the state's tax (4.25%) but in some municipalities you still have to pay their tax (3%-4%). When I was at Walmart last night, there were some signs hanging from the shelves saying diapers were also tax free!?! :confused:

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