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Maxwells and Textbooks


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Does anyone know what type of Textbooks the Maxwell family uses. Has anyone found a textbook that they like? I love what we are currently using but it would be nice to know that there is a fall back if we have family health problems again.


Thank you!



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I just read the mom's corner today and was wondering what they use as well. If it is Abeka then I KNOW it won't work for our family. We do use text books for English (R&S), vocabular/spelling and math (MUS), but I just CAN'T use Abeka or any other text book for History or Reading. Science we do both with, sometimes a text book and sometimes not.


I've had to learn to take what I can from the Maxwell's, but not to try to copy them as we think very different then they do on so many things. They are great people, but I'm not going to feel guilty for not doing it JUST the way they do it.

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I'm waiting for Managers of their Schools to come right now...I hope it's soon!


If they use Abeka, that is one of the textbook programs that I have found easy to use and implement. Clear directions, colorful, easy for kids to do, yet thorough. We don't use it for every subject (we do history and science a la WTM) but I really enjoy using it for Math and such.

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but I'm not going to feel guilty for not doing it JUST the way they do it.


Here's a snippet from their last corner, the theme of which was also stressed in their MOTS book:


"In these articles, I encouraged those who were satisfied with their method of homeschooling to skip reading the rest of the Mom's Corner. Truly, if you are content with how you homeschool and it is successful for you, we don't want to dissuade you from what you are doing ... It is not our desire to put down other homeschooling methods, but to see families successful."

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Here's a snippet from their last corner, the theme of which was also stressed in their MOTS book:


"In these articles, I encouraged those who were satisfied with their method of homeschooling to skip reading the rest of the Mom's Corner. Truly, if you are content with how you homeschool and it is successful for you, we don't want to dissuade you from what you are doing ... It is not our desire to put down other homeschooling methods, but to see families successful."

Ya, I read that this morning, I was just adding it for those that may not get the mom's corner and may feel guilty. Also, there are lots that get down on themselves when they can't get the schedule to work right either and there is no need to. People need to make it for THEIR family and not try to copy hers. She even said that at one of the conventions, but sometimes people just forget that they aren't Terrie.

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Ya, I read that this morning, I was just adding it for those that may not get the mom's corner and may feel guilty. Also, there are lots that get down on themselves when they can't get the schedule to work right either and there is no need to. People need to make it for THEIR family and not try to copy hers. She even said that at one of the conventions, but sometimes people just forget that they aren't Terrie.


:iagree: It's an ongoing process, but I am finally starting to feel free to take what works for our family and let the other go, without guilt. Thanks for the reminder.

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