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Structure for Pre-K and K?

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We used AO Horizons in Pre-K and K for ds6; we're switching to a pure TWTM approach this year for 1st.


Our ds3 (almost 4) would be using Horizons Pre-K this upcoming year ... if we hadn't switched. TWTM seems very unstructured at this level. (Please don't "read into" the word unstructured. That may well be the best approach.) On the other hand, Horizons is very structured at this level...daily lessons plans, etc.


Since we've not taught 1st grade, we're not having "wait, shouldn't we be doing X" thoughts. However, we have a point of reference with regard to Pre-K and K. Accordingly, we're experiencing a lack of structure angst.


Anybody with been there, done that experience who cares to comment on this issue?


Thanks in advance,

David & Robin Prewitt

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I like structure. Structure makes my world go 'round. PreK age kids, though, are really good at disrupting structure and I do think (especially looking back now) that too much structure can be a bad thing at that age.


How to balance it? What I've done for myself this year is make a schedule. Ds wants to do phonics, handwriting, and math, and I want him to have lots of books read to him. I have a loose schedule. He knows nothing about it. :D In his mind, it's just he & I having fun with x activity. It's hard for me NOT to stress about the structure and getting "off plan," but luckily for me, my 4th grader will provide an opportunity for that stress. ;) I don't think there is anything at all wrong with having a plan on paper that helps YOU remember what you want to do with your preK'er, but I do think there is a problem with trying to force your child to follow it too closely, KWIM? I struggled with this A LOT with my oldest and I'm hoping it won't be so hard for my younger ones.

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I'm a newbie, and my 3yo DD can't wait to "start school", so I think she'll really like the structure. She's taking swimming lessons every day, or I might not be able to hold off having school until the end of August. I've done 6 weeks worth of lessons plans. I bought the CLP preschool curriculum, but I don't care for teacher's guide. I'm going to use the activity book provided and supplement with activities. I'm using the free version of Homeschool tracker to see where we're spending our time. I've used the website called Universal Preschool to categorize the typical preschool curriculum and have decided to use the following subjects:


colors and shapes

reading readiness

listening and sequencing



position and direction

motor skills


For our own needs, I added:



other religious

Arts and Crafts

Field Trips


We're doing MWF "school". We're going to start at 10 and finish up before lunch, leaving the largest blocks of time for crafts. We're using Leading Little Ones to God to start out our day. I'm also going to be using Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading- but in ABC order. Once we finish it, we'll do it again in the order it was written. On Tu-TH she has swimming lessons, and on Thursday- library time.


Of course, we haven't tried any of this on for size yet. My goal is to have her ready for Explode the Code for next year.

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