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R&S 2nd Grade Reading Q


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I asked this in the R&S yahoo group, but thought I would check here for advise as well.


This is for 2nd Grade...

I have a reluctant reader, and after reviewing the reading program that I have purchased I'm a little concerned about the difficulty level. The phonics program looks ultra simple for my ds, but the reading portion doesn't seem to match the phonics. It seems more intense... MUCH more intense. Do any of you have an suggestions for me as I tackle this program? I do not want to push him to the point of tears, but I do want to challenge him. Don't get me wrong... I'm excited about using R&S I'm just wondering if I've blown it by not starting him with this program from the start. Also, if you have a reluctant reader, do you help them by telling them the words when they get to the difficult ones that they haven't learned the phonics tools for yet?





Just an FYI... our previous reading program was Ordinary Parents Guide to

Teaching Reading (similar to 100 easy lessons).

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I asked this in the R&S yahoo group, but thought I would check here for advise as well.


Don't get me wrong... I'm excited about using R&S I'm just wondering if I've blown it by not starting him with this program from the start. TIA,





Hey, Beth...I answered you on the yahoo group, but I wanted to add that I did not use this program at all prior to Reading 2 and it worked out fine. Just take is slow. He may surprise you. My dd did!!

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Do you also have the TM? They really do help.


Yes. It just still seems so off from the phonics program. They are quite different in difficulty level. One of the posters in my yahoo group just suggested that I do one phonics lesson one day and a reading lesson the next. Taking my time with my reluctant reader might be the best thing for him. Definitely worth a try!

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When my DD started this program, she was still a reluctant reader. Her biggest problem seemed to be confidence. We took this program very slowly. We broke down each lesson into two days. ON the first day, we would do the "Before You Read" section. On the second day, we would review the words at the top of the "Before you Read" section, read the phrases and then tackle the story. We would also switch off reading. She would read one paragraph and I would read one paragraph. I think it really helped her from becoming overwhelmed. Then when we were done with all that, she would finish the workbook pages.


We have now worked up to doing the whole lesson in one day. She also reads most, if not all, of the story by herself now.


Good luck :)

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Yes. It just still seems so off from the phonics program. They are quite different in difficulty level. One of the posters in my yahoo group just suggested that I do one phonics lesson one day and a reading lesson the next. Taking my time with my reluctant reader might be the best thing for him. Definitely worth a try!


I'm wondering if the reason it seems so "off" to you is that you are jumping into the 2nd grade book, without having done the 1st. We have been using the 1st grade series and have found the phonics and reading to correlate extremely well. On the surface, the phonics may seem easier than the reading, but I found there was actually a lot covered, between the workbook and the TM. I don't know what age your son is, but when we were in a similar boat to yours, having used OPGTR before starting Rod and Staff, we went ahead and started with the 1st grade book, even though a lot was review. I'm so glad I did! I love the foundation it has given my son and the way he has become such a better reader and an "excited" reader. If your son is a reluctant reader, perhaps starting with the 1st grade book would give him the boost and confidence he needs and then, by the time he's in the 2nd grade book, he might find the reading more at his level. Another possibility is to simply have your son go through the 1st grade readers this summer, starting at the beginning, thus teaching him the sight words, key words and sound words that were taught during the 1st grade. That alone might give him the foundation he needs to tackle the 2nd grade books.


I'll also add that we, too, sometimes do a reading lesson one day and a phonics the next, if I feel my son needs the extra time.

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