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Kingfisher Red or White...Which do you think is better


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The white one. I think that may be a personal preference thing though.


But, I have to say, I personally think a book like a BJU History text would make a wonderful outlining tool if you purchased one that goes along with the history period you are teaching. Here is a sample of the 7th grade one (scroll to the bottom): http://www.bjupress.com/product/222125?path=2152&samplePage=18#lookInside


I personally like the way the BJU pages are set up. They seem very helpful in teaching & learning outlining. ;) You can also find them used for a great price.


I have the white Kingfisher, and though it's a great book, I personally don't think it gives enough history. Were I to drop TOG and decide to do history the WTM way, I would not use an encyclopedia for my main text. I would use a text book (BJU) and have my ds outline it, then round it all out with some historical fiction, and then an encyclopedia for pictures. That's just me though. :001_smile:

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I'm actually using SOTW as my spine for ancient history. I also have a 3rd grader. I'm adding in other reading, but I do want to start outlining, and I need to pick one of the books I already own. I'm also using Oxford First Ancient History. I'll look at that, too.

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If you have both, I would recommend the white one. You can read about a couple of topics in both and see what you think. I remember reading about Roman Society (the explanation of patricians was much better in the white), and Alexander the Great (I thought the red one tended to portray every action of every person as "good" after comparing the two).

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Which do you think is better for a 5th grader who hasn't done much outlining? I have both and am trying to decide which version to use for my 5th grade son to outline this year.




I have compared the texts in both, and often it is almost exactly the same. I think the difference is that in the red volume they will break up the text with the pictures, and with the white one the keep all the text together.



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I completely agree that 95% of the time, the text is almost exactly the same.


IMO what really makes the red one more difficult to use for outlining (especially if you're using outlining to teach writing structure) is that the information from the sidebar-timeline (in the white) is just sort of added pell-mell into the middle of the "essays" in the red book. So, if you (the proverbial "you", not "you" personally - LOL) want to use the red book for outlining, you can. But, to make it easier on your dc, you will want to be proactive in helping dc recognize which sentences mar the unity of the paragraphs - at least at first. It's been a couple of years, but I remember penciling out 2-3 sentences in a paragraph which read something like, "In 2500 bc, this happened. Then, in 2000 bc, that happenend. In 1000 bc, the other thing occurred." I got to a point that it was just easier to use the white book for outlining, and the red book for the "Key Dates" box (& better pictures!). But, I suppose as a curriculum recommendation that's rather absurd! LOL


as an aside: What I do find especially frustrating with the white book is that so many interesting things are mentioned *only* in the timeline, and the timeline often runs several pages ahead of the corresponding essay. So, if you're not already familiar with who Solon is, for instance, the reference in the timeline that he became the archon of Athens in a certain year just doesn't seem very significant. At least I know *my* 6th grader won't have any bells or whistles going off saying, "Oh, yeah, I see how the the big picture of the world is fitting together now," when he gets there - LOL!

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