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Introductions Please!! Newbies and Regulars!

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Hi, I'm Volty, 36, originally from Michigan, but have been living in China since 2001 and will be here for a long long time. One of the very few men here so far as I can tell.


Her in China, I had been teaching English as a second language mostly to elementary aged student, but to all levels. When my wife got pregnant last year with our first baby (now almost nine months old) I switched to teaching in a kindergarten to get a feel for early childhood education. I've been excited about homeschooling for a long while, not just before my daughter was concieved, but before I even met my wife.


Things are going really well for us. My wife had a job as a manager in a commercial real estate company for eight years that paid well but worked her insane hours for many many years. She hasn't worked for about a year and hopefully won't feeel the need to go back. I earn enough for our family on just my income and I don't even work so hard myself. Upper Middle Class (by Chinese standards) lifestlye, sufficient disposable income where I earn more than I spend each month, happy and low stress. Her parents also live with us to help with chores and taking care of the baby.


My wife is fantastic and my daughter is the joy of my life. We're really content. And we can't wait to tear into this homeschooling. :)

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Guest Cindy in SoCal

:confused: Wow! A completely new format for WTM!!


I am Cindy originally from Idaho but now living in Southern California, at least until my husband retires. I retired in 2005 for health reasons and to be able to homeschool my son full time. DH has eight more years of work and then it is tropical paradise, here we come!


We currently homeschool A, who is very bright and a joy to be with. I homeschooled my adult son, D, for the last 2 years of high school and look forward to helping him and his wife homeschool their infant son, Joshua, when the time comes.


Our family is busy with scouting, competitive swimming, singing, acting, traveling, baseball & soccer games, Guitar Hero (dh should have been a rock star) and fund-raising for medical research for Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy.


I am known for my over-use of exclamation points, my laid back nature, and my pecan chicken!

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Hi All,


My name is Tiffany and I live in sunny San Diego, CA. We've been homeschooling for 2 years now. I have 3 very active boys, ages 7, 4.5 & 2.5My oldest is almost finished with 1st grade. I'm already panicking thinking of adding a kindergartner into the mix in a few months!


I would call myself an eclectic homeschooler. I don't use a packaged curriculum; I prefer to pick and choose my own. I do use the WTM as a model whenever possible. We're big fans of SOTW, MUS, GWG and SWR (don't you love all the acronyms!)


I love books so I'm trying to instill that same passion in my boys. I have to admit though that my oldest is a bit of a reluctant reader. He's definitely getting better but he's not one to sit down and read a book all on his own. Oh well, I guess they all can't be perfect! My boys do enjoy surfing and skateboarding. My husband is already prepping me for when I'll have to work our school schedule around a big swell and do our work at the beach. I should probably change our name to "Not When the Surf's Up Academy" but that would probably prompt a visit by the state!


I do enjoy the boards and I love gleening from everyone's experiences and opinions.

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Hi! I'm Michelle. I just discovered these forums this week, so I'm brand-spankin' new here!


I'm homeschooling my ds7. We are using a combo of Sonlight and elements from WTM. I also have a ds4 who likes to tag along during school time. I've been married to dh for 14 years, and we are living in Illinois.


I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you on these forums!

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Hi everybody,


We have 4 boys ages 11, 8, 4, and 2. I have always wanted to homeschool and we started with our oldest. Now whenever I don't want to homeschool anymore (sometimes, I have those days), my husband tells me why I must. Thank goodness we are on the same page.


When we started preschool, a friend showed us TWTM and we were hooked. That friend and these boards were life savers. I think between babies and a major move I just lost track of the boards. Schooling was all I could manage. We were finishing up curriculum for this year and I had a few questions about what should come next. I had no idea when I returned that this format hadn't been going for a while. I think I got here about 1 or 2 weeks after it started. I love this new format. So much easier to follow a thread and the search is fantastic.


Once again, I am so impressed with the amount of knowledge and care here. So glad I can be a part again.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I've been homeschooling for nearly seven years now. This year we'll be finishing up SOTW and moving on to Learning Adventures: A World of Adventure in the fall. I'll be adding in the Guerber series as our spine, starting with, The Story of the Ancient World.


Just thought I'd say, "Hello!"



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I'm MumMum to a very independent 8 month old boy and Stepmom to a wonderfully sweet nearly 7yo boy. I played bass in local bands until I got pregnant (hence the name). We don't officially homeschool yet (we don't have custody of dss so he is in ps in another town), but my husband and I frequent these boards (yes, the old ones too) to learn. We both knew we'd homeschool before we even got married.


I hope I'm still welcome even though we're years away...:o

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I didn't know this thread existed until today -- I was late getting on board with the new format forum.


Hi everyone!! :D I'm Doran. I live in Maryland, on the Eastern Shore, with my husband of 17 years (I'm rounding up...our anniversary is a just a bump more than a week from today -- how's that for a convoluted sentence?). We have two lovely daughters, ages 13 and 11. We started out as unschoolers but in the six years since we began this homeschool journey, we have become much more structured. Early on, we discovered WTM and found it wonderfully engaging, full of great ideas, and completely overwhelming. After all, we were UNschooling! We found it to be a useful tool, though, as the years went on. We benefit from the recommendations of parents here, as well, and have chosen many of our materials based on other families' experiences.


I am a former organic/sustainable farmer (13 years) now writing for a local environmental organization. Dh is a fine furniture craftsman. Dd13 is a crew team member and an ultimate book hound. Dd11 is a drama queen and a budding gymnast. We girls have studied karate for six years. We all enjoy singing (even though dh..well...he really can't), laughing, and being together. We live pretty simply.



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We live in the frozen tundra, well, prairie of Minnesota. We have 3 dc: a 9 yr. old artist and entrepreneur, a 7 yr. engineer (like dad), and a 5 yr. old who will probably run an orphanage given all the babies she already has! We've homeschooled for four years a la WTM eclectic classical approach. I currently head up a 30 family co-op that meets twice monthly. Our favorite family subject is history and the subject most often neglected is science (which is ironic as dh and I are both science geeks: engineer and veterinarian). We also have no pets (another irony for a vet) as we tried goldfish but they died of Nilla wafer overdose, go figure.

My favorite pastime is broomball and researching controversial subjects and then tirelessly arguing them with others who have a "deer in the headlights" look about them. Oh, and I can't stand to be politically correct!:)

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I'm Mama to 11 and almost-7-year-old sons and an 8-year-old daughter. Sixth-grader has been hs since first grade and the littles always, except for a 2-day/half-day preschool stint when DD was 3/4. DH and I turn 40 and celebrate our 15th anniversary this year.


Last year, we lost my MIL to cancer and my older brother in a car wreck, and we are still grieving. We have felt extremely blessed to be able to draw our children in close and deal with our losses on our time and in our own way without the imposed schedule of traditional school.


We currently use Ambleside Online, Sonlight and R&S/A Beka math. As I mentioned on another thread, we plan to incorporate a large learning project (journalism) for our eldest beginning next year. We also participate in many service projects as a family.


DH is a corporate communications manager and I pick up occasional freelance writing projects. We have a house that suits us perfectly in a quiet subdivision on the outskirts of a Georgia town that boasts the oldest bookstore in the state, a hospital, a technical college and a state university.

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I think I introduced myself on the high school board, but not here.


I'm Begona. Yesterday I was elated because I finally mutated out of my larval stage. Yay! I'm not a frequent poster, and I'm also not very chatty in real life, but I read the boards regularly.


My husband and I have two daughters. Our older one is a sophomore at a Virginia university. She's studying computer science and plans to graduate with minors in linguistics and in ancient Greek. She has never been homeschooled. Younger daughter, aged 13, left private school two years ago and is thriving in our little homeschool. She is a budding writer and Rolling Stones fanatic. :rolleyes: Her curriculum includes mythology classes through the Lukeion Project, writing classes through EPGY, Latin with Scholars Online, CyberEd Science, Jacobs Algebra, and McDougal Littel's En Espanol series. She's also an amazing target shooter (junior olympian, national record holder). We love homeschooling-- no more tears at the end of an exhausting school day. :D

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I have five children ages 1-10, and we've always homeschooled, since dd's birth I guess you could say.


We live in Louisiana, and my dh is another one of those that listens to rightwingwackoradio all. day. long. I too am conservative but I can't take that yammering all day.


We have five acres of woods/yard to call our own, for our three boys and two girls to run wild.


We do a WTM/Charlotte Mason hybrid, using CM more as the years go by, though. I've had a copy of TWTM since the first one was published many moons ago.


I like to read, knit, blog, garden, sew, cook, and make weird stuff like sourdough, homemade buttermilk, kombucha, etc.


I'm not a frequent poster, but I am a frequent lurker. I'm still getting used to the new format for these boards, though.

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I've been here since 2000 and TWTM is the reason I started home schooling. I read it by the pool at the beginning of a summer and it changed my family's life. My kids are 14,12, and 8 and we are actually almost done home schooling and are sending everyone to school next year. It is sad and happy at the same time. I am in my junior year of college and take all my classes online through a local university. I am taking 15 hours this semester because evidently I don't have the sense God gave a goose and signed up for that many. I am so stressed out I have started grinding my teeth!:eek:

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I have been on the boards for about 2-3 years, not very actively. I check out the curriculum board a couple times a week, and try to offer info if I feel I have some useful input.


I have homeschooled my 2 ds ages 6 & 8(almost 9) from the beginning.

I used FIAR with my oldest for K, then switched to a more Classical style. I love the WTM principals, but have difficulty doing it all. I lean toward Charlotte Mason ideas as well. When I get to overwhelmed with schooling and daily life, we relax and do more Charlotte Mason.


My husband and I also own a Buisness which consumes a lot of our time.

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My name is really Christina and I am now Christina in Space Coast, that is I see the shuttle and rocket launches from my house if I don't go to the beach to get a better view. I am married to dh for 21 1/2 years and we have three children. DS/18 is in his third year at Hillsdale, dd/14 and dd/11 are still being homeschooled. We are still a military family though my dh is trying to decide whether to retire or not. I used to be Christina in Belgium and Christina in NM. That makes is at least 6 years that I have been here but I think it is more like 7.


We are in a great state of flux as to what I like right now since we are having major medical problems with my middle child. SHe is still having her non-stop headache of now over 2 1/2 months. She now also has joint pains and something that seems like carpal tunnel syndrome. We don't have a diagnose yet but we are probably going to have at least three doctor visits this week with one last week and one next week scheduled.


I have my 14 yo doing two-three classes online and another two with a co-op. She is getting behind but I am trying to just have her not get too far behind. Her younger sister is doing at least two lessons a day with an online Canadian program. I just want a diagnose and tratment started so that we can start getting back to more normal.


Christina in Space Coast

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Wow! I didn't have time to read all the posts in this thread, but I'll introduce myself anyway.


My name is Kristen. I live near in NC with my husband of almost 15 years. He is a high school chemistry teacher. This is our 5th "official" year of homeschooling. We have 4 children: a 4th grade son, a 2nd grade daughter, a Kind. son, and a 16 month old daughter who is into everything :D


I used to post some and read a lot on the old WTM board, but I hadn't visited much this school year. We are using SOTW-4 this year. I've used Singapore and Miquon math for everyone so far. We're using Latin for Children for oldest son, and Elementary Greek for oldest son and oldest daughter. We use Rod and Staff for English grammar. We've used various science curricula including God's Design, Elementary Apologia, and RS4K Chemistry.


I decided to spend some time on these boards because we're getting closer to the Logic stage.


My hobbies are????? Who has time for hobbies? but I am trying to do some digital scrapbooking and I enjoy reading and baking. Some day I'm hoping to take up knitting again. I also am blogging some.

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Wow! I miss visiting for a couple of months and come back to this. I've only been visiting periodically this school year, though, since we started using MFW (Charlotte Mason classical). I started visiting this board right after I first read the WTM book, in December 2004, before dd began kindergarten. Thus, not counting a couple years total in preschool, she hasn't been to school. WTM was the book that turned on the light bulb and convinced me "I can do this."


DD, 8, is 2nd grade this year, still plugging away at homeschooling bilingually. Next year, we start Latin! Her English reading skill is growing and I'm sure by then she'll do just fine. This year we use:


Bible: MFW, although we do the readings in Spanish

History: MFW Adventures- Intro to American History

Math: Mundo Matematico (going out of print :()

Grammar/Spelling: Spanish stuff from Fernandez Editores and Arco Iris

Science: Kinda sorta follow the MFW schedule, but take lots of rabbit trails, done in English and Spanish

Art/Music: MFW, although she hasn't liked the art much. I'm going back to How to Do Art with Children by Evan Moor

English: phonics from MFW 1, and Hooked on Phonics for review and fluency

Foreign language: a bit of Japanese and German...periodically


Next year, we do a year of geography before going into the 4-year cycle.


She takes tap, modern, and ballet classes this year. Her teacher (who just performed this past Saturday and was awesome - over 40 years old) seems to think she is talented and gave her a merit scholarship for the modern class. I think she is still too young to hyper focus on one area, but I'm open to being wrong.


Me? Last year, I worked fulltime in a preschool while taking classes fulltime and homeschooling. Glad that's over. During that time, I also learned scrapbooking, and how to crochet. This past summer, I met up with my grandmother for the first time in 15 years, and she taught me how to sew. Now, all I need to do is organize my time so I can do those things. This year, I work part time from home, and am still busy. One thing I have this year that I didn't last year is a social life (outside my computer friends).



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Hello, this is my first post! My name is Marcia, and I live in Georgia with my husband of almost 15 years and our six children, ages 13 to 7 months -- Evan, Hayden, Elliana, Pierce, Henry, and Cecilia.


For a myriad of reasons, I will be homeschooling Hayden next year, and, if all goes well, for four years, at which time he would enter high school at a local classical Christian school my oldest will attend next year. We may be adding others (who are currently at the public school) on later, if this goes reasonably well. Right now, it's just a big experiment for me, and I'm terrified! I've been inspired by TWTM and I will be incorporating much of what is suggested there.


I look forward to learning from this community! Now, I'm off to ask a question about a French curriculum! ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone, I'm Paula and I'm new over here.:rolleyes: I have been homeschooling my ds who is 12 yo for the past 4 years using mainly sonlight. I will be using core 6 next year which inlcudes the Story of the World books so I thought I'd come over here and check out this forum and see what kinds of things you all add for a classical education.


I must confess up front I'm bad about adding things.:cool: I add extra books, extra activities, I even add extra science projects that go along with what we are learning in history. It's ok though because it usually works out pretty good and we have had alot of fun with school.:D I'm wondering though, if now that he's junior high age, maybe I should get more serious.

My ds is more of a math/science sort of guy and I'm afraid he may balk if I make him do latin or greek. He hates writing, although he can do a wonderful job of it if he puts his mind to it. Anyway, guess I'm just looking for ideas and trying to reassure myself I'm not ruining his education.:cool:


I look forward to meeting all of you, although I'm sure I know some of you from other boards.




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Hi all!


I used to frequent these boards a lot (the old boards) several years ago. I went through an unschooly period but now I'm heading back to a little more structure. I've been lurking here for a bit. Anyway, I'm Faith and I have 5 kids, ages 17 to 6. We've been at this homeschooling thing for 11 years now. I really like the new board format and I have to tell you all that you are a wealth of information! I've been enjoying lurking but I figured it was time to introduce myself.

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Hi all!


I used to frequent these boards a lot (the old boards) several years ago. I went through an unschooly period but now I'm heading back to a little more structure. I've been lurking here for a bit. Anyway, I'm Faith and I have 5 kids, ages 17 to 6. We've been at this homeschooling thing for 11 years now. I really like the new board format and I have to tell you all that you are a wealth of information! I've been enjoying lurking but I figured it was time to introduce myself.



Welcome. Or, rather...welcome back! :D



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Here I go!


We have been hsing for four years now.


Dd is 8 yrs. With her we use Horizon Math, Math u see, Easy grammar, Rod and Staff 3rd grade, SoTW, Zaner Bloser, SWR, 4-H, piano, Wed. night at our church, Gymnastics and maybe restarting Art classes out of the house. She is intense and loves her youngest brother whole heartedly. She has loved almost every cirr for the first week but quickly loses interest after that.


Ds is 5 yrs. With hime we use Msth u see, Horizon, SoTW, any science stuff we can get our hands on , Zaner Bloser, piano reluctantly, Wed night at our church, Gymnastics, Art class and soon soccer (when it finally melts here in the north) He has loved My Body from TCR and Apologia Astronomy.


The baby is walking not always talking and generally making it hard for us all to concentrate.


My hubby and I have been married for 14 years and friends for 24 yrs. We are expats living in the States from Canada. Always looking for good Canadian cirriculums. He is 110 percent supportive which makes me really lucky because I need it on the harder days.


We are very relaxed but try to get in the three r's everyday the variety of cirriculums are for the fact that my dd forgets almost everything 16,000 times before it is in her head. We school lightly all year long with a big break around Christmas. My kids *love* to play and I love to see them have a great childhood.


My computer skills are spartan but I manage. I love this new board as it seems easier to navigate and post on. I am one that will not notice that a thread has been close and post anyway. I lurk alot and use what I can. I am the worst speller in the world and I love to bake quick breads.



Thanks to all of you that so faithfully share your wisdom and humor. The journey is easier because you have set a path.


Once (was my name because I thought I would only post once)

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I'm Kim, I have 5 dc. Two girls, ages 13 and 10, and three boys, 8, 6, 3. I started homeschooling with my oldest when she was 5. We started out using a little bit CM and a little bit unschooling. It is not work, that is when I found TWTM. I have been using Veritas materials, but using WTM's way of implementing everything. I am also using Ambleside online. I still love CM ideas, and tend to combine them with classical.


My children swim (all but the 3 year old). My oldest plays piano, and the next three violin.


We keep very busy in our little rural town.



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I have visited on and off over the years. I realized last year that I mostly visit the board when my husband is out of town - during those times you provide the much needed adult conversation! I have previously posted as either Ann or Ann of whatever state I lived in at the time.


I have been married for 18+ years. My dh's job has allowed us the opportunity to live in many states and homeschooling has allowed us to accompany him when he travels to desirable locations (we declined his invitation to accompany him to Iraq;). Dd is currently attending cc classes and this has put a real cramp in our usual travel plans.


We have 3 children dd (17), ds (15), and after many years of secondary infertility ds (1). We have always hsed our dc. We are eclectic/classical hsers. We do not know any other classical hsers in our community so I turn to this site for recommendations.


We live in the country with our horses, cats, guinea pigs, and a bearded dragon. Since we have cats, we run a wild life rescue by default. My dc are always bringing in some animal they have rescued from the jaws of death. My dd says the cats are well fed so they are only hunting for sport which disgusts her. She has a very high success rate in healing the animals she rescues.


I was raised Presbyterian, my dh was raised Catholic. We've annoyed both sets of parents (which contrary to their opinion was not our goal!) by attending an EV Free Church but often take our children to visit the Churches of our youth.

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I'm a newbie here. Hi! I'm Shellie and I have 1 great husband and 7 great kids!

I've been homeschooling since 1992 and have graduated my 2 oldest. I've used a number of different curricula and have finally found a home with Tapestry of Grace. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all (some I already recognize!) :)

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My name is Rita and I live in FL. I have been married to my dh for 19 years and we have one daughter who is 8 years old. I have homeschooled her since -well, I guess since birth.:)


We are pretty eclectic and use mostly traditional materials and have done a couple of unit studies. For next school year, I may be doing a complete different approach and going to a Charlotte Mason/Ruth Beechick sort of homeschooling.


I lurked a good bit on the old board, but decided to jump in here on the new board and post when I can.



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I don't have time to read through all the intros (Sorry!), but I scan through the posts and read a few when I can. I've learned alot here over the years.


I am Chris; I live in NY with my dh of 23 yrs and 5 of my 6 dc. This is our 17th year homeschooling.


Ds21 is at Teen Missions Bible School in FL. He graduated in 2006.


Ds17 graduates this year if he finishes the odds and ends he has left from 11th grade. He's taking his senior year at CC and plans to attend a 2yr state school (where he's been accepted) for Dairy Science in the fall.


Dd16 is a junior; she's a very busy girl who doesn't know yet what she wants to major in at college. Her favorite subjects are Geometry and Chemistry.


Dd13 is in 7th grade.

Dd10 is in 5th grade.

Ds8 is in 3rd grade.


I work part-time as a church secretary, and am not keeping up very well with all the things I should be doing.



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FYI, in spite of what my screen name suggests, I don't live anywhere near the mountains...I just wish I did! :)


DH and I have been married almost 12 years and have two children, DS7 and DD5. This is our second year of homeschooling. If you had talked to me a couple of years ago I would have been one of the last people to consider homeschooling, mostly because I didn't know enough about it and I didn't think I could do it! One of my sisters was thinking about it and gave me some resources so I could make a more informed decision. And, after much prayer, much research, much discussion, and DH's encouragement, we took the plunge. And I'm so glad we did!


Before becoming a SAHM when DS7 was born, I worked at a community college as a counselor/academic advisor for students with disabilities. Now I do some academic advising on a seasonal basis, as well as teach a class every once in a while, as time allows (which isn't much, lately). DH is a high school teacher and freelance animator. He's on his last semester of his master's program, so our schedule has been really crazy lately (well, more than usual).


As far as our home curriculum, last year was kind of "freestyle", but we have a little bit more structure to things this year. Here's what we're using:


Scripture and Catechism lessons. We are Lutheran and our faith and church are an integral part of our lives.


Sonlight Core C for History/Geography, Read-Alouds, some of DS's reading, and Science


Horizon Math K and 1, plus additional math games, etc.


Handwriting Without Tears


Spelling Workout


First Language Lessons


Lots of playing, Legos, puzzles, drawing, imagination, music, singing, dancing, building forts, "home" skills (i.e. chores), etc...and various and sundry other items of interest, as well as a COOP now and then.


...I will add that I've been a lurker on this site for quite some time, and have learned a lot! I must give kudos to Peek-a-Boo for telling me about it. Thanks, Peek! :D

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...a good reminder of what I want to see & have w/my dc on a daily basis. My goal is to see them engaged (wide eyes) and share lots of laughter! It helps me to be "in the moment" since I'm a planner:D


Dh and I knew we wanted to homeschool our dc before our first was conceived, for a lot of reasons. The greatest overall reward is enjoying their individuality!


Ds9, dd7, dd5: SWR, copy work, GWG, RightStart Math, Apologia Science (occasionally taught by dh), art journals (dh, again) Bible, fun read alouds is all we do for school currently. It is enough.


Nice to meet you!


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I've been a lurker for a while and decided to finally join in the activities. I actually know a few posters here but I wanted to formally intro myself. I am a wife and hs mom of five dc from tots to teens. We are going into our 4th hs year. I love the information and support that is available on this forum. I'm looking forward to borrowing your wisdom and using it for my own. I'm looking forward to sharing more about our family as I learn of yours also. Due to a short amount of time, I must keep this post short. :)

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Welcome! Now, tell us more about yourself! where kind of busy that way, I guess. My stuff in in my signature... I'm in So. Ca, homeschooling 4 and doing it a kind of classical/Cm sort of way. I find such great book/curriculum ideas over on these boards, and lots of extra advice too.

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I posted last night and because it generated a huge thread and I didn't reply until tonight, some thought I might be a troll. No, just a busy mom who enjoys reading -but seldom enters in. I do think often "I should ask this or that", then a child or issue comes up and I don't. :o

I have been sick alot lately-bad sinus infections!!

I posted on the other board as Lorie in TX. I have three dc 13dd, 3ds and 1dd

we dealt with infertility for over 10 years, we had a miscarriage a few months ago.

I love the Lord-we are reformed in our beliefs. My dh is an OPC pastor and we may be about to change churches.

I do have red hair (really bright orange:p), I am 38, need to lose weight, love having my little children, but sometimes miss my "old" quiet, calm life with an only. Dh is 47 and we wonder if we'll have more kids. My ds is three and is very spirited-I mean he could take up all of me and still want more!!

I want to blog-someday!

I am tired of being hot one moment and cold the next here in NorthEast Texas.


This is just an introduction, I will try to come out of lurkingdom and join in.

I tell everyone all the time about things I find out about here. I really need to go to bed:D

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