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? re: SOTW 3 planning for multiple ages.

Frontier Mom

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I am using SOTW 3 with my three youngest. They will be 4th, 6th & 7th grade this year. Here's my question:


I am planning on using SOTW guide for youngest, reading Chapter of SOTW 3 as indicated. For my older two I am using the plan ala TWTM with outlining, etc. I have the Kingfisher History Encyclopedia but I know it is not listed in the newest version of TWTM. From my understanding, that is because the book went out of print.


For the older two, would you use the KHE pages listed on the top of the SOTW 3 workbook and try to keep them somewhat together or have the older two start at the beginning of the period and do one to two sections and outline them?


I'm thinking it might be more interesting to start out listening to the Audio SOTW 3 chapter, then have the older two do the corresponding pages of the KHE and outline, time line, etc.


Suggestions or advice?

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I'm not exactly sure what you mean, by starting at the beginning? I'd do a chapter a week (with a few exceptions so that I could fit it all in in a year) with everyone. Read aloud SOTW, and have olders do the corresponding sections of Kingfisher, as in the AG, notebooking and outlining as in WTM.

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I'm not exactly sure what you mean, by starting at the beginning? I'd do a chapter a week (with a few exceptions so that I could fit it all in in a year) with everyone. Read aloud SOTW, and have olders do the corresponding sections of Kingfisher, as in the AG, notebooking and outlining as in WTM.


The pages in the AG for Kingfisher aren't always sequential. In TWTM she gives the pages for the period and they would be done sequentially. However, when following the AG for SOTW 3, Kingfisher or Usborne are not sequentially laid out. That's what I was referring to.


I assume it won't really matter in the long run to just follow the sequence in the AG since we will be reading a chapter of SOTW 3 together.

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I have always had my older ones do the encyclopedia page that corresponded to the chapters in SOTW. It just seemed easier that way. We do the chapter reading, then the map, and I introduce library books all together. The children pick the library books they are interested in. Then the older one would go do the encyclopedia work and read the book of her choice, and I would read the library books the younger ones chose.



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When I did SOTW-3 mine were 4th and 7th. We used SOTW as our spine, but we started the week having 4th grader read the Usborne IL World History (now a 5th grade recommendation) and the 7th grader outlined from KIHW (because I had it here - you could easily use the KHE and just list facts per the new recs). I always did SOTW in order, and used the Activity Guide for the encyclopedia page numbers (and maps!).


Then, we used SOTW for the "extra" reading and reports - reading one story a day. (You can also outline sections of SOTW - sometimes we did that as well.) And if we had time, we read additional books from the library. Some weeks, I doubled up the SOTW so that we could cover it all without going through the summer, and those weeks we just read the encyclopedias without doing any written work, other than narrations or outlines of SOTW.


I liked doing it this way because the encyclopedias do not contain nearly the detail that SOTW does (and SOTW is more enjoyable), and it was easier to do the outlining and such first, and save the best for last.


Have a great year!


ps - my 4th grader might have had a written assignment to go along with the Usborne, I just don't remember, though I'm sure I've even posted it before LOL!

Edited by Rhondabee
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