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What second language will be teaching your child?


Which second language chosen?  

  1. 1. Which second language chosen?

    • Spanish
    • Latin
    • French
    • German
    • American Sign Language
    • Chinese
    • None or not until high school
    • Other

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We dabbled in French & Spanish when they were little, but now that they're studying more seriously we're focusing on French & Latin. Latin for all the usual reasons, French because we hope to visit next summer. After that probably British sign language, which I've studied, albeit a long time ago; or perhaps German, due to the proximity.

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Well, I had hubby buy ME Rosetta Stone for Christmas one year because my own Spanish was slipping since I had moved from California, where I used it more frequently, to Pennsylvania. Since then I've had the kids work casually with it, doing 2 lessons once a week. They keep repeating the lesson until they score in the 80's and then move on. They are only using the 1st tier of the lesson where there is a picture and audio only, no written stuff -- I'm going for word (sound) recognition and mental image association only for now. My kids were 6 and 8 when we started.

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:D...and they all started Latin (Latin Primer, and now LfC) in 3rd gr (with the exception of the youngest who started it in 2nd b/c I could think of no good reason to leave him out of such a great learning opportunity).

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