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Missing teen in the Dallas area....

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I've been trying to follow this story as it was posted to my local group to pray for the family.


The police actually do not expect foul play, so they are pretty much staying out of it. They think he's a runaway.


The odd thing is that the kid is 15, 6'2", and 190lbs. He would not be any easier to "abduct" than my husband.


It's a very strange story and I hate to say that I have a feeling he just took off.

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I personally don't understand why the police stay out of runaway situations. Is that not still a missing minor? And, while I think it is unlikely that a 200lb guy over 6 feet would be forcibly kidnapped, a 15 year old can be gullible and lacking in good judgment when approached by someone.

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I personally don't understand why the police stay out of runaway situations. Is that not still a missing minor? And, while I think it is unlikely that a 200lb guy over 6 feet would be forcibly kidnapped, a 15 year old can be gullible and lacking in good judgment when approached by someone.


Yes, he looks like a very young boy in that picture, six feet tall or not.

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That doesn't make sense, why would he take off from there? Wouldn't a runaway plan things so that they had some clothes or something? That just doesn't seem like an impulse decision to me.


Sometimes they have a bag, money and/or gear stashed at a friend's house. The thought that he may have got into a car or a bus could support the idea that he may have had an accomplice or at least pocket cash to get on the bus. Friends will often just give a kid what he needs to get going...clothes, pocket money, etc. Sometimes adults of other families, especially adults who don't support the parents views, will provide kids with resources.



My parents had an open door policy and each of us 5 kids had at least one run away or 'kicked out' friend live with us over the years. Some times there were multiple kids living with us at one time. My parents didn't interfere with the running away or going home, they simply provided safe shelter and food as kids worked out their problems. I think they all went back home.

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The odd thing is that the kid is 15, 6'2", and 190lbs. He would not be any easier to "abduct" than my husband.


It's a very strange story and I hate to say that I have a feeling he just took off.



I saw his height and weight and wondered the same thing. :confused: That's a mighty big kid for someone to randomly decide to cart off from a parking lot.


Poor kid, either way - and his poor family. That's certainly a parent's worst nightmare - whether he ran or someone took him...



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The odd thing is that the kid is 15, 6'2", and 190lbs.


At first that's what I thought too, but where I live there have been full grown adults abducted, both male and female. Also, if he lived a very sheltered life, he may have been a target and easily coerced into doing something or going somewhere he normally wouldn't.


You really just never know. Of course, I have no idea, it just makes me so sad. The poor parents. Whether he was abducted, ran off on his own, or whatever . . . I'm sure they are just really wishing he'd come home safe and sound.


I'll be sending the family lots of positive energy.

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Just kidding. You probably read more than I do:)


But anyway, Men are abducted too. Soldiers get abducted, police officers get abducted, bank executive are abducted. Big strong men get abducted. A guy (or preferably a couple of guys) with a gun can do it pretty easily if they knows what they are doing.


It doesn't seem as common (in the US) as abduction of women and children, and I would wonder what the motive would be, but if the police think that his height and weight make him immune from abduction ..... well, anyway. They couldn't possibly think that. They might think that he took off somewhere, though. You wouldn't really have to be a runaway to decide to ditch your Mom for a while. I understand why the police didn't take immediate action and issue an Amber Alert, but he's been miss since FRIDAY?

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