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Kitchen Table

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After 13 years of marriage, I am finally getting to purchase a kitchen table. I know that this table is going to have to last for a long time. I am trying to make the most of my money. I have a few questions about my purchase. 1. Should my table match my cabinets? My cabinets are medium oak. Should I get a darker color? 2. I really like the pub tables. I have 2 year old, will it be hard for him to get into a tall chair? 3. What brand of table is the best quality? 4. Where did you purchase your kitchen table?

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I think you could go either way with matching your cabinets or choosing something that would contrast with them. There are lots of distressed, painted finishes now, as well as standard woodtones. I tend to shy away from things I see as trends that may not last, such as the pub style tables. But of course, that's completely up to you. I do think that they are more dangerous for small children. The higher the fall, the more likely there will be damage. I can't offer any advice on brands, as I've not bought furniture in years and never this type of furniture; most of my stuff is hand-me-downs.



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I just have a sec -


We bought a pub style table for our kitchen. I think they're really nice - kinda' less formal than our dining room. Anyway, ours is two toned - the top of the table matches the floor and the legs match our cabinets. That was not on purpose, but it looks really nice!


My dd2 has on occasion climbed on one of the chairs and tipped it over on herself. Luckily she wasn't hurt badly, but we do have to watch her very carefully with this set. We have a booster seat that buckles her in when we eat just so she doesn't fall.


Have fun choosing!!

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We do go through periods of time when we school at that table, and we've schooled at the dining room table, as well. I tend to scoot my chair beside them and sit to talk to them when we're doing that. I can see how the higher table would make it simpler for you to stand and look over their work.



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I've never had this kind of table, but I do like the way they look!


While I think safety is a very valid concern, your 2yo won't be 2 forever. If you're planning on keeping this set for a long time, I *might* consider thinking beyond this age.


Now, if you decide the height is a problem but you really prefer the pub-style, would you want to wait a couple of years?


You might see what you can find at a thrift store. We've got one in DFW that sells new things that were either clearanced out or have minor flaws. Of course, they also have plain-old used stuff. I got a French-country style solid wood table that seats about 12 with its leaf for only $100. No chairs, but I like to mix & match interesting designs.


Anyway, just a thought. Happy shopping!

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1. Matching could be nice, but not my first priority.

2. Darker would show fewer stains, right? Always a good thing with young children.

3. I personally wouldn't go for such a high table with a 2 yo, but I'm sure plenty would.

4. We purchased ours through Craig's List. No more new furniture purchases, other than mattresses, until our kids are older as per dh (and I agree). We had one who kept drawing in the strangest places for the longest time (she's very artistic and we did give consequences and lay down rules, but she sometimes likes to invent her own rules, although she's getting better!) We have a teak veneer table but it's covered with a floral "oil cloth" unless we have guests. That was dh's request, and I don't mind as it's easy to wipe clean. I should add that my youngest is 7--tablecloths were a fiasco when they were littler and we still used the freebie table from dh's bachelor days.

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This just reminded me, I do have an antique table in my kitchen area, but we got a quarter inch, rounded edge sheet of glass cut for the top of it. It's very heavy and doesn't budge. It makes clean-up a breeze with all guys in the house! So there are several ways you can modify your furniture to make it work for your household over time.



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